The information of the deceased, according to all the records of the deceased, is extremely strange

"Now the residence of the Smiley Murderer has been discovered, the murderer has been hit, and the situation has reached the extreme." Lin Chen frowned

Before, Li Tian led the special police to search the whole city. Among them, he encountered a smiling murderer in an illegal building. At that time, he shot the vital point of his left arm, but was escaped by the criminal suspect.

The murderer of the smiling face murder case was arrested, but escaped after being hit in the arm. Now the development of the case has entered the main line

The murderer's arm was injured in the smiling face murder case. According to the blood on the ground, his identity and personal information, as well as the DNA library source, are compared to the present.

What is the situation. "Lin Chen frowned.

Smiley Murder is the second most serious crime, and the nature of the crime is also extremely serious

Now that the case has developed, the perpetrator of the smiling face murder case must be apprehended. There are various places for treatment in major hospitals. Anyone who deals with gunshot wounds will be arrested immediately. "Lin Chendao

Li Tian and Zhang Tiannuan have already notified the major police, and the major police have now carried out major investigations in Modu, among which the whereabouts of the criminal suspects are various.

Magic City Criminal Police Brigade Major Crime Team, Conference Room

White walls with five-star red flags hanging

The neat desktop, everyone looked at the case and frowned, the suppressed breath made everyone couldn't help but have some headaches

"What's wrong with the case now, we need to solve the problem." Lin Chen frowned.

The trace of the murderer, this is in the northern suburbs, and the police Zhou Youpian conducted an investigation into the rental of illegally built houses

Among them, there are questions about ID cards, various household registration information, various registration forms, and why you came to Modu, all of which must be investigated.

This is the most detailed registration of stolen materials in the rental housing review. One of them has a problem in the review, but he can't speak clearly. When a police officer asked him why he came to Longdu, he couldn't say it.

Of course, in the northern suburbs, there are many illegal rental houses under construction. There are many renters living there. First of all, the houses are very cheap, so there are many people who come to rent. We have investigated three places before. It's the last place, only to find the oddity at the end. "Li Tian frowned and smiled bitterly.

Lin Chen flipped through the case and found all the information on the smiling murderer after the bloodstain detection.

Age 28 years old Han nationality male height 167 weight 60kg

The name is Zhao Tian, ​​and the place of household registration is Wancheng.

Wancheng, this familiar city, reminded Lin Chen instantly. In his memory, it was a very familiar city. In his deep memory, he remembered the location of that city.

It was the previous case of the deceased's sister's rubble. It was also one of the most brutal and tyrannical cases since its establishment. It is recorded in the records.

Wancheng is the location of the criminal suspect's household registration, but what I want to ask is the criminal suspect's motive for committing the crime, as well as going to the location of his household registration to investigate through his relatives, friends, and parents and siblings, and then investigate the criminal suspect. Character, and his perverted criminal motive, Lin Chen frowned.

Looking at the case, Li Tian smiled and said: "After the bloodstain test, we have investigated all the information about the bloodstain test and its comparison, Zhao Tian.

The Wancheng Criminal Police Brigade has fully cooperated with us, because this is a smiling murder case that is about to cause a sensation in the whole country and even shock detectives all over the world. The development of this case and the conflict are very big, so the Wancheng Police Brigade is very cooperative.

Among them, they found evidence of the crime in the location of the suspect's household registration, but now it would be a big problem if we take action, and the case is now developing very problematically.Let me tell you in detail

Talking about the impression of the masses, dialectical with the relatives of the criminal suspect

At this time, Li Tian smiled bitterly as he watched everyone read his case records.

Zhao Tian is 28 years old. According to the description of people around him, Zhao Tian has a very strange personality. When he was ten years old, his father had a car accident. Then his parents remarried and married a well-known local businessman. Then things went wrong.

After marrying a wealthy businessman, Zhao Tian was sent to an orphanage. At that time, he was just eight years old. After that, Zhao Tian grew up in the orphanage. According to the director of the orphanage, this child has been with him since childhood. 12 after graduating from college, and his personality is described by people around him as extremely withdrawn. When Zhao Tian was a child, his mother loved him the most. Later, when he went to the orphanage, Zhao Tian gave his mother three heads. Since then, he has never said a word and is reluctant to speak.

"So Professor Chen is a criminal psychologist, and he should have guessed Zhao Tian's criminal motive." Li Tiandao

In an orphanage in Wancheng, a child watched his father get into a car accident since he was a child. His mother, who has always loved him very much, married a wealthy businessman for a good future.

At that time, the blow to Gan Li Tian was very big. He watched his mother's behavior with his own eyes, and he was helpless in despair.

Lin Chen frowned, things are not that simple, the motive of the smiling murderer must be an explosion in the endless accumulation, and then a complete explosion


049 Endless Forbearance

Death is a record, and the process of dying is very simple

Inside the Metropolitan Police Department, the coroner's office

The body is placed on the autopsy table and covered with a white cloth

It's lonely, the corpse is cold

No one can feel the cold of the deceased, it is completely, until that little sign that the heart is gradually drying up

This is death, when it is dead, it is very simple, there is no sorrow

But Zhao Tian is different, there is no language to justify, just a [-]-year-old child whispering in despair

Those rich people are all going to die

Zhao Tian murmured that the child spent ten years in an orphanage.

Orphanage, bullying and bullying since childhood

In the real orphanage, even at the age of the children, it is common to form gangs, fight and bully the weak.

At least at this time, Zhao Tian couldn't help frowning and his eyes were cold.

This is all of Zhao Tian's records. After that, the child was completely raised in an orphanage. All the suspects were elders who were not relatives, and all of them were recorded.

"Zhao Tian has a lonely personality and is taciturn, but in the orphanage and the school, 15 has never been bullied. This child is calm and tyrannical. When bullied, he directly uses a knife and smashes bricks and stones, so many people don't have a good impression of him.

"But according to the inspection of all the corpses, the corpses were all strangled to death, which means that the suspect and Wang Duan, who was violent in the tyranny, were cruel." Lin Chen frowned and said.

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