Looking at the records of the case, some people have a headache, and the records of the case, all the things in the records, some people laughed bitterly, sighed helplessly, at least at this time, there were people who frowned.

Professor Chen frowned deeply, she couldn't help but smile before.

She successfully entered the third mental hospital with Lin Chen, and knew all the records inside.

All the situation in that neurological hospital

Lin Chen is clear, he knows all the records

"Yesterday, Lin Chen and I went to the third mental hospital. We investigated all the mentally ill patients and read all the case investigations. Among the neurological patients, we found a total of neurological patients with problems in the three soil positions. , as we have to investigate

We were in a neurological hospital, and we conducted an investigation on these twenty people. During the investigation, we found that the classroom of the neurological hospital was interrogated. During the interrogation, we found something wrong.

First of all, what's wrong is the development of the situation. During Lin Chenxian's investigation, he even used language to reflect these neurotic patients, but there was no fluctuation without those thirty people. "Professor Chen's face is ashen.

new news just now

That is, every once in a while in the imperial capital, hundreds of neurological patients are dispatched from the hospital to the third psychiatric hospital in the magical capital. This is every two months, in which they are treated in the third psychiatric hospital in the magical capital. When the neurological patients recover well After that, it would be repatriated to the imperial capital and then transferred to a foreign country for special psychiatric treatment.

But Lin Chen frowned, his face was ashen

At this moment, a new neurological patient suddenly appeared, so Lin Chen couldn't help frowning. The situation has developed to this point, and for Wang Linchen, the situation has become chaotic

Li Tian, ​​inform Team Liu that the murderer of the smiling face murder case has appeared, so now you can close the Internet and go to the neurological hospital for investigation with Professor Chen in the afternoon. The police officer in charge of the film has only been missing for three hours.

"Things need to be handled one by one!

Lin Chen sneered and said, the situation is thorny and even worsening, but it is developing after all

Well, now that the whole city is being searched, Zhao Tian will definitely be arrested. "Li Tianjian laughed.

Looking at Zhao Tian's case records, Lin Chen couldn't help frowning. Zhao Tian, ​​who was a criminal suspect and how to do anti-reconnaissance, grew up in isolation and indifference from childhood to adulthood, and then grew up in an orphanage. Started to grow up, didn't go to school until high school graduation, and then worked hard in society

But these records are very detailed

First of all, Zhao Tianduo grew up in isolation and was never noticed. Second, in social work, Zhao Tian’s work was mostly odd jobs and short-term workers, and even no ID record

So after the society, no one knows what happened to Zhao Tianjiuzhang

The smiling face murder case, the investigation of the case is extremely terrifying, so for Zhao Tian, ​​it is extremely angry

developments, even to the last critical

In the city of Modu, Zhao Tian's whereabouts were exposed, and the tenth smiling face murder case also shocked the media. "In the previous investigation by the Wancheng Police Brigade, the work of the criminal suspect Zhao Tian was among them. , and then according to the work investigation, this guy has a big problem. In the society, her work is all very violent, such as a thug, such as a social debt collector, and then four years ago, this guy disappeared mysteriously After a year, he even called the police when he was the director of the orphanage.

At that time, the Wancheng Police Brigade accepted the case, and the situation was like this in the later development. However, the case was a detailed investigation and information, and it was very strange.

In the year of Zhao Tian's disappearance, the Criminal Police Brigade recorded the case and searched for a period of time. Zhao Tian was missing in his rental house, and there was no trace during the two-month search and investigation, so he was listed on the National Missing Persons Investigation Form.

"But a year later, Zhao Tian appeared. According to the words of the police officer who went to investigate at that time, this guy was very strange and wrong, because Zhao Tian was tricked into saying that he had smuggled into Vietnam.

"Then Zhao Tian has been working in Vietnam. During the subsequent work, Zhao Tian found an opportunity to run out, and he didn't have much time to work, so the police handling the case at that time did not have much investigation materials, and the matter was over.

Li Tiandao, Li Tian is holding a yellow case case watch bag in his hand. This is the data of the previous record of Zhao Tian's disappearance. Among them are all the records of the data.

That's the latest information from the Wancheng Kai Police Brigade, and it's also the data record that the Wancheng Police Brigade recently found by looking at the data sheet.At least at this time, Lin Chen frowned.

There is only one real doubt about the case, and that is what happened to Zhu Zhang in the year that Zhao Tian disappeared. This is also what Lin Chen is most curious about. During the year of disappearance, what happened to Zhu Zhang.

The progress of the case, what happened to Zhu Zhang During the year when Zhao Tian disappeared, what happened to Zhu Zhang Chen frowned.

Zhao Tian dropped out of high school and then made his way in the society. This Zhao Tian's life experience, and then in order to survive, Zhao Tian began to work with some violence

He began to go to the bar to see the scene, kt and various entertainment clubs, among which there are various dangers

"What do you think, what happened after that year?" Lin Chen couldn't help frowning.

Years later, Zhao Tian

That is, the suspect in the smiling face murder case reappeared, and after that, the smiling face murder case was carried out, which shocked the whole country.

"The foreign mercenary group (Zhao Zhaohao) was organized. This guy was common sense by some people and then entered the organization. If I guessed correctly, the result is this." Professor Chen frowned.


Mercenary organizations, as long as they are located in Southeast Asia, Europe, and African countries, as long as they have been in direct contact with them, they will know very well about the Wang Mercenary Organization. Summoning power

At least at this time, Lin Chen also thought of the development of the situation, and the actions of those people, Zhao Tian is likely to be absorbed into some kind of perverted mercenary organization, and then the perverted thinking from childhood to adulthood appeared, and then proceeded. this matter

In short, the whole city will be searched in the afternoon, and the situation must be under control to prevent Zhao Tiangou from jumping off the wall and endangering the masses. I will take a wave of criminal police brigade to the third psychiatric hospital in Modu to investigate.

Lin Chen arranged it, and everyone split up.


051 Third Mental Hospital

Neuropathic patients are mostly confused in their thinking and consciousness, followed by a complete collapse, and then they are extremely terrifying in the thinking records.This is the mind of the neurotic, among which is the mind of the madman

Lin Chen in the car at this time, looking at this kind of record is extremely helpless

For the mentally ill patients sent from the imperial capital, Lin Chen checked all the records of the public security bureau before, and the records of these mentally ill patients were completely fine.

Whether it is the delivery time, the route and the pressure from the upper layer, it is in line with the normal situation

In other words, this is the normal time, when President Zhang and the Metropolitan Psychiatric Hospital have been in touch, and those neurological patients came during this time period.

The time is right, the neurotic patients are right, the number of people is right, but President Zhang is gone, and now we have half an hour to go to the third mental hospital in Modu, what do you think is the situation?" Lin Chen couldn't help sneering. , eyes with cold killing intent

There is no problem with the situation, and the development of things has a star, so Lin Chen is extremely indifferent

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