The third mental hospital is located in the north of the suburbs, and the police from the north have already gone to investigate. Although President Zhang has only been missing for four hours, Lin Chen can't help frowning.

During this time period, the mental hospital and its dangerous time period, Dean Zhang could hardly guess whether he still existed 86

"Death does not mean death." Lin Chen whispered, his voice was so subtle, as if he was speaking to himself.

It is true that death is just a kind of silence, not the death of consciousness, the straight death is the complete disappearance of consciousness

The film police had been notified before, and according to the phone call of the photo police, Captain Zhang said something was wrong, because the director of the mental hospital had disappeared completely, and now there is no record of his whereabouts.

"Disappearance is not scary, it's an unconscious death." Lin Chen said with a wry smile

Professor Chen is saying that it was the previous investigation by the police, and the investigation was the information on the disappearance of President Zhang.

Dean Zhang disappeared, disappeared completely, and then there was no record at all. At this time, Lin Chen couldn't help but frown with a wry smile.

Third mental hospital

A white plaque was hung on the door. After the police investigation, the police increased the number of police officers. A total of [-] special police officers completely surrounded the area. Lin Chen got off the car. Professor Chen and Brother Leng were on the left and right.

Professor Chen is good at crime scene analysis to Brother Leng, but he has good combat power and protects Lin Chen's safety by the way.

At this time (bfdb) Lin Chen couldn't help frowning and smiling bitterly. The number of film policemen already knew the development of the situation. The current situation is very serious, and even the severity is uncontrollable.

Who is the captain of the film police of the third mental hospital, how to deal with the situation now, and what is the situation of the investigation. "Lin Chen stood at the gate of the hospital and asked

The increase in film police is obviously after Zhang Tiannuan knew about the situation before, and then arranged for someone to investigate

Now that things have developed to such a situation, at least Chen has an ominous premonition

There is something wrong with the situation, I hope Dr. Zhang is safe and sound. "Professor Chen sighed.

They have come to investigate many times before, and they are very familiar with President Wang Zhang.

In less than ten minutes, a tall, middle-aged man in a black police uniform came from the dormitory of the neurological hospital. When he saw Lin Chen moving towards Lin Chen, he saluted.

Hello Officer Lin, I'm Lin Bao, the police captain in charge of this area. Now the neurological hospital has been completely closed by us, and the missing persons are under investigation. "Lin Bao salutes

Lin Chen saluted with a smile, nodded, he could naturally see that this man spoke and did things in a military style, very neat and decisive, and Lin Chen was very happy.

Officer Lin did a good job. What's going on now? Let me tell you in detail. Lin Chen smiled and looked at the white building with three small buildings. It was the residence of the mentally ill and their dormitory.

At this time, looking at the wall with warm graffiti printed on it, Lin Chen's face turned pale.

The dormitory building of the mental hospital has a total of five small buildings, each with four floors.

But the walls of the dormitory building were covered with all kinds of graffiti. Originally, Lin Chen came here for the first time and knew the buildings here.

When I see the situation here now, my face is ashen.

Professor Chen, when we first visited the neurological hospital, you were wondering how the dormitory painted chicken style, which is a Germanic style, can be so weird now. "Lin Chen's face was ashen, and he couldn't help being shocked.


All the dormitories of the neurological hospital have graffiti. Lin Chen felt that something was wrong before, but now he feels even more wrong.

Dean Zhang said before that all the fans of the Graffiti Association proposed that he wanted to do graffiti on the walls of the dormitory of the neurological hospital.

"Because this style is not harmful to Wang's neurotic patient, and the Graffiti Association has donated [-] yuan, so President Zhang agreed to this style of graffiti." Professor Chen frowned.

The dormitory building, this is an ordinary dormitory residential building, and in the third mental hospital in the northern suburbs, the buildings here are many old buildings, so President Zhang agreed to graffiti

Guan Wangri's Moroccan style, Lin Chen checked the style on Facebook and ins. This style is very strange. It is an alternative animal-essential style, because the style is changeable and expressed with positive energy. , so it's very popular with people

This stylistic change is very welcome, and I asked a professor of psychiatry before, who is very famous in the North American psychiatric field. According to his words, this kind of graffiti will not cause psychological stress to the neurotic. "Professor Chen frowned.

There are five small buildings, the first one is a monkey lying on the edge of the dry water, looking funny and desperate. Obviously, because of the extreme water shortage, the monkey is on the verge of death

The second building is an elephant whose two tusks were sawed and then beat the poachers with their trunks. This painting process is completely different from that at home and abroad. The stripes are described as very strange and extraordinary.

The third building is an angry tiger, chasing a black man in Jiuzhou. Obviously, this is the African savannah, and the black man in the running has a tiger cub on his body.

The fourth building is a group of small birds, without Lu Yu, hands huddled together and shivering, the graffiti is snowing all over the sky, and the birds are shivering. The fifth building is a wilderness pile with scattered ivory and the bones of various animals , and even five graffiti of weathered corpses, the lines and styles are funny and cute.


052 Weird Graffiti

Five graffiti buildings, wacky graffiti style

What Dean Zhang said before, there are all mentally ill people living here, and they have no problem looking at this kind of graffiti for a long time. "Lin Chen couldn't help frowning.

是 的

Lin Chen has a feeling of heart palpitations, that is, looking at this graffiti style has a kind of spiritual fear

This style is so uncomfortable that Lin Chen couldn't help frowning~

I took pictures of these graffiti and passed them to Zhang Tiannuan, and then asked them in the deployment of the global criminal police. This style is too weird. It’s really okay to focus on this kind of picture for a long time because of the mentality of Wang’s neurotic patients.” Lin Chen couldn't help frowning.

After reading the dormitory building, I walked towards the scene. The scene was the office of the former dean of the mental hospital. There was no one here, and three special police officers with guns were guarding the door.

The first criminal case in the Magic City, this case was dealt a lot in the past, so the development has become particularly serious now, at least at this time Lin Chen is all livid.

Therefore, Zhang Tiannuan described the case to the dry film police and entered a state of first-level alert.

The first major case, the top homicide case, Chu Yuan, what is the situation of President Zhang? "Lin Chen frowned.

Lin Bao was standing beside him, wearing a black police uniform, standing straight, looking at Lin Chen, he saluted

According to the case records, Dean Zhang disappeared for five hours. During the camera investigation, the office camera was abducted and damaged, and then the camera in the corridor was also damaged. According to the camera at the gate, Dean Zhang led a man out of the mentally ill patient. The doorman didn't investigate, so I don't know what the situation is, and this is the basic situation now.

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