"After we arrived, it was three hours later, and after those three hours we investigated the entire whereabouts of the mental hospital, and later found in the investigation that six hours ago

Among them, Dean Zhang left with a man in black and went to the forest outside. After the mental hospital, there was a deserted jungle. "Lin Bao said, his face and iron check.

"The situation has developed to this point. I probably know what the situation is. Did you fucking choose to do it?" Lin Chen couldn't help but scolded angrily.

That's right, that was Chu Yuan's whereabouts. Only Chu Yuan would choose to shoot, so Lin Chen's face was ashen.

This perverted guy, Lin Chen felt the terrifying existence

Chu Yuan's reappearance also confirmed what Lin Chen said, all of Chu Yuan's shots now seem to be completely terrifying, and now Lin Chen's face is ashen

Chu Yuan did it, we have completely confirmed it before, but how did this guy threaten President Zhang? "Lin Chen-colored Tie Qing Dao threatens

Lin Chen has read the profile of Dean Zhang before. It doesn't mean that he is a man, but Dean Zhang's temperament and person are very upright. There is a record of studying abroad before. Before, there were gangsters who took Dean Zhang hostage and risked his death. Grabbing the gun, now Lin Chen's face is ashen again, with a shocking color

If it is a threat, for example! "Professor Chen's face suddenly turned ashen

All the personnel were evacuated, and Zhang Tiannuan sent people to come to deal with it now is the hostage problem, that is, whether there is a bomb in the mental patient, the bomb discharge team will go immediately, and the special police will search the dense forest, and now we will all go ahead, damn the situation It's getting scarier. "Lin Chen's face was ashen

Chu Yuan

At this time, Lin Chen's face was ashen. Facing this top-level tricky guy, the Demon City Criminal Police Brigade felt embarrassed for the first time.

"Team Lin, now the special police and special police officers have arrived, but there is one case you have to go back to, that is, the murderer of the smiling face murder case has been caught." Professor Chen frowned, his originally tight brows stretched. many.

smiling face murderer

This is the news that has been scary in the rich circle in recent years

Among them, the smiling murderer was extremely perverted in the master bedroom of the villa, then threatened the deceased to lie on the chair, and finally killed them hard, and finally left a perverted red spray-painted smiling face on the wall.

At this time, Lin Chen's face stretched a little, and he completed the handover work with the police captain Lin Baopian, and then hurriedly drove to the criminal police brigade in the city. At this time, Lin Chen's face was frowning. what he wants to do

For Gan Chuyuan, in Lin Chen's approval, this is the ultimate top-level perverted killer. He has top-level thinking, all kinds of thinking processing. This guy is proficient in all kinds of thinking processing and can even be called perverted to the limit.

ask for flowers

That's why Lin Chen frowned, because what this guy wants to do

According to the previous psychological analysis of the suspect by Professor Chen and the judgment of the top team in ffe Europe, the main target of the suspect is a woman familiar to the suspect.

Among them, in the previous investigation, at the age of 17, Chu Yuan received the information

This girl is called Sun Chen. During the investigation, after Chu Yuan returned home at the age of 17, this kind of thing happened and then it was developing. Sun Chen and Chu Yuan became boyfriend and girlfriend. What happened after that? people know

"However, after a year, Chu Yuan went abroad to attend a foreign university and never had any contact with the girl. Now Sun Chen is in the Criminal Police Brigade of the Magic Capital, and Zhang Tiannuan has already been investigated." Professor Chen said


This is the record of the case, and it is also the record of the case that everyone has obtained. Among the records of the case, the development of events is here.

At least at this time, Lin Chen's brows are stretched

Chu Yuan's perverted personality changed when he was ten years old, and now Lin Chen is curious, that is what happened to Zhang Zhang during that year.

You Gan wanted to see the woman in a hurry, so Lin Chen controlled the speed within a limited range

Sun Chen was not hurt in any way. "Lin Chen frowned and asked.

According to the general speculation, it should be Chu Yuan and Sun Chen together, but because of the emotional injury and then separated, so Chu Yuan's behavior is so perverted

But what makes Lin Chen really frown, that is why this guy, Jiuzhang, didn't take action, the terrible killing method, according to Chu Yuan's abnormal thinking, why didn't he take action against Sun Chen?

When I came to the Metropolitan Police Brigade, Lin Chen met Sun Chen in the conference room.

The figure is not tall, the appearance is extremely bald, the eyes are watery, and the facial features are very good, which makes Lin Chen wink.Among the five corpses before, those girls are all like this Sun Chen, but those girls are upright and five-yi, and their temperament is completely incomparable with Sun Chen.

Hello, Sun Chen, right, please take a seat. "In the meeting room, Lin Chen motioned for Sun Chen to take a seat.


053 Madness

Sun Chen's face was not very good-looking, without makeup, with tears in his eyes, he looked at Lin Chen and nodded and sat down.

Chu Yuan, a perverted murderer, among them, killed ten recipients, and the method was extremely cruel. You should know the case of fleeing in the magic capital now. "Lin Chen frowned.

Chu Yuan

In the major TV stations in the capital, the police hang often, this perverted murderer has ranked first in the country in recent years, and it is also an extremely perverted existence.

I know Chu Yuan, he is my ex-boyfriend, but he can't kill anyone, what do you want to ask? "Sun Chen seems to have heard this kind of rhetoric many times, and responded lightly and nodded with an expressionless face.

In the year before Chu Yuan went abroad, that is, the year you dated, did Chu Yuan suffer any mental blow? "Lin Chen frowned and asked. During the ninety-three year, Professor Chen had already speculated when he came. She guessed that Chu Yuan must have been hit by the extreme during that year, but what kind of hit was Zhang Zhang?" People can't guess

I broke up with him because he was going to go abroad and my family was not good enough to follow me, so that's it, but Chu Yuan can't kill people, he promised me before that he wants to live a good life, how could it be possible to kill people. "Sun Chen looked a little silly, with tears dripping from the corners of his eyes, the red and swollen eye fish shivered.

Poor girl, or at least an infatuated girl

Lin Chen smiled bitterly, Lin Chen had a hunch that the development of the situation must be strange, and it can even be said that there must be something wrong.

Death is a kind of new life, but also a kind of laundering

But killing is a kind of tyranny, the source of infatuation with soldiers

Sun Chen sat there without saying a word, his face was expressionless, and he was a little silent. He wanted to tell it, but he didn't know where to say it, so he kept silently talking about Chu Yuanba, his character and personality. You read the case records before. Now, among the five female deceased above in the record, all of them were similar in appearance to you. "Lin Chen smiled bitterly.

In front of him is an infatuated person who is extremely infatuated and unknown.

But her lover, even the former lover, is now wanted by the whole city, and it is extremely pitiful.

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