Lin Chen wanted to frown, but the mourning of the deceased was still in Lin Chen's ears. It was because the first five women of the deceased all looked the same as Sun Chen, and the pair of taxi drivers were killed because of conflicts.

Chu Yuan, in our class, he is the smartest. He is proficient in all kinds of methods. Among you, Chu Yuan is the most lively. He likes to help people when he was in the magic capital. He does all the cleaning and helping stray dogs.

Later, because of his father, his father asked him to study abroad, and finally there was a dispute. His father became ill and Chu Yuan went abroad without a word, and we cut off contact. "Sun Chen said

Chu Yuan's father, what's the situation now. "Looking at Zhang Tiannuan holding the case record form before learning the character of top criminal suspects


Chu Yuan's father is now in the third psychiatric hospital in the magic capital. After his father got sick, he was in a state of senile pain, but then he became seriously ill and had mental problems, so he could only be sent to the psychiatric hospital. "Zhang Tiannuan said

What was his father's name, and the dead neurological patients in the neurological hospital told me their room number and dormitory number. "Lin Chen's face is ashen, he seems to know something, which is why the neurotic patients have been dying continuously for so many years.

The investigation of the case was very fast, and Zhang Tiannuan quickly turned out the record forms of those who died of neurological diseases.

The deceased were all in one dormitory, and Chu Yuan's father shared the same room with the deceased.


only himself

Lin Chen frowned, the mentally ill deceased were not so dead. Before the meeting, everyone suspected that Chu Yuan bewitched them to commit suicide, and then attacked the police.

But now it seems that Jingfei so many people's previous speculation can be completely overturned, then the progress of the matter is

If these neurotic patients had bullied Chu Yuan's father before, they were confused and fighting was a common occurrence. Let Lin Bao go to the neurological hospital to collect evidence and ask the ten guards if there was any sign of Chu Yuan's father being beaten in that room. "Going to Chen Shu's instructions and looking at the cases of the deceased, Lin Chen is more and more sure of his thoughts.

Lin Bao soon came to the news that in the neurological ward, mental patients are confused, so people often carry fights, and fighting here is also a matter of their hearing.

At least at this time, everyone's face is ashen, with a shocking color.

"Sure enough, the reason why those neurotic patients attacked the police car with machetes was all arranged by Chu Yuan, because these dead neurotic patients bullied his father before his death." Lin Chen said coldly, and suddenly patted the table

This guy

Chu Yuan

Clear thinking, revenge Wang Duan is also straightforward, and even killing is very purposeful

First of all, aside from the five similar-looking women, the most suspicious of them is that the pair of taxi drivers only polluted Chu Yuan because of their language, and then Chu Yuan used the primary school student to directly take the opportunity to kill

In the third mental hospital in Gandu, in the hospital bed of Chu Yuan's father, it was because Chu Yuan's father was beaten by those mental patients, so Chu Yuan planned to kill those mental patients.

"But those people are all neurotic, their thinking is confused, and fighting is common." Zhang Tiannuan frowned, some couldn't understand Chu Yuan's approach

Although his father was beaten, on that occasion, among the crowd of neurotic patients, this kind of thing was extremely common, and there was no need to harass so many neurotic patients, or even kill them all.

Lin Chen smiled

kill off

Chu Yuan never considered the means, but how to let them die. 2

Even in Chu Yuan's heart, no one can bully his father. This is a stubborn idea. Chu Yuan can understand and even guess this kind of king.

But the killing is just the beginning, and even the death is just going on

What are you talking about, are those neurotic problems, how is that possible. "Sun Chen frowned.

She was still suspicious, and even believed that Chu Yuan didn't do anything.

"It's always the case with infatuated people. What happened to you before? Chu Yuan must love you very much, but he also hates you, so he kills those women who look like you to vent his anger, so please tell me, what happened to Zhang Zhang? , Chu Yuan will hate you." Lin Chen sneered and said that affection and love are two different things, adults have a clear mind and know the consequences even in the most affectionate love


054 Lovers

With an expressionless face, Sun Chen sat silently in the meeting room of the Criminal Police Brigade.

Her body didn't tremble, her eyes didn't look around, her limbs were shaking unconsciously every day

At least at this time, at all times, all the problems are like this, at least Sun Chen's face is ashen.

This woman, not afraid, just angry

Lin Chen is guessing her anger, why is Sun Chen angry?

For those five girls who had a similar appearance, Sun Chen should have a tyrannical expression instead of such an angry gesture, which was extremely ridiculous.

Why are you angry? Chu Yuan's instigation of the neurotic can be understood temporarily because his father was bullied, but what about those women who look like you. "Like Lin Chen, he stared straight at Sun Chen with expressionless eyes and asked.

What is the source of anger

Anger is the outburst of a person's emotions under external force, such as being insulted, being ridiculed by anger, and then bursting out of anger at a certain moment and losing his mind.

There is also a lifeless anger, without any voice, he is extremely silent, he does not speak much, and he does not want to speak, silent like a dwarf

Before Lin Chen 15 years ago, he looked at a case before the Demon City. In that case, Lin Chen looked through all the records, and all the data records.

It was a murder case, and the murderer was a middle-aged woman

Lin Chen looked at the previous case, it was the most sensational criminal case in the country ten years ago

Location of the case: No. 407 Anju Garden in the urban village of Pudong, the magic capital. A massacre occurred in the 2003 houses of the three buildings. Two of the deceased died. The son went to the police with two black plastic bags. At that time, he said that his father and uncle had died and the two heads were in the black plastic bags.

In the records at that time, it was the real bombing of the police station, because this criminal case was very clever and terrible, and the son of the deceased was disputed by everyone.

Xiao Le was alone and walked one kilometer to the village police station in the city, carrying two black plastic bags to the police. After the police opened the bags, the police were extremely frightened.

That is, inside the bag, there are two bloody heads.

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