Those were the heads of two men, which were cut directly from the neck. The white bones looked pale at the police officers.

He was a minor and called the police with the heads of his uncle and father, which caused a sensation in the media at the time. Among them, Lin Chen was recorded in the case.

Holding the heads of two men, Lin Chen didn't know, he didn't know how brave the kid was.

Caller: Chu Yuan

Seeing the last person calling the police, Lin Chen's face was completely blue.

Terrifying, yet terrifying

Chu Yuan, when he saw this name, Lin Chen just knew that death was just the beginning.

Captain Zhang Tiannuan, I want to know all the information about this case ten years ago. "Lin Chen looked at the records of the case, and couldn't help but look ashen in the records of the case, there are too many materials in the records.

After reading too much information, at least at this time, Lin Chen's face was ashen.

There are too many data records, in the records are the cases before the earth

Case records, let me speak. "Liu team took a thick stack of case files, then walked over, looked at Lin Chen and smiled.

The case file has all the records in the case file

The person who called the police, Chu Yuan, but the place of calling the police was not in Modu, but the deceased was from Modu. It was in a community in Wanyu where such a terrible case happened.

So this is the case file we got from the Wanyu Criminal Police Brigade's archives. Ten years ago, the person who called the police, Chu Yuan, was still a little boy, and then one person chose to call the police. At that time, he was carrying two black plastic bags, and no one knew. Inside the plastic bag are two heads.Team Liu couldn't help but smile bitterly and said that these are simply terrible records. Who could have imagined that at that time, the two heads were placed in a horrifying and bitter smile.

That kid, how scary the bag with the head slipped, no one knows, and no one dares to guess

The reason for the death, the process of death, and the description of the perpetrator are just the description of the crime in the Modu archives, and the case still ignores the facts of the case, and only describes the courage of the person who called the police. "At this time, Lin Chen couldn't help frowning.

The description of the crime, this is a complete proof of the information, and it is also the existence that everyone is extremely curious about

All information on the death wide record records the criminal process record certificate

"Hey, let me briefly describe the death." The team smiled bitterly.

The case has progressed to such an extent that Team Liu is already very troubled, because the handling of the case is now extremely complicated

The policeman, Chu Yuan, brought the heads of his father and his uncle to the police. The police confessed that his mother killed them, cut off their heads with a kitchen knife, and then cut off their heads. Team Liu frowned.

As for the previous Chu Yuan data, according to the previous Chu Yuan data records, his parents are still alive, and he is worth a lot in Modu. "Lin Chen frowned, frowning deeply.

Those were Chu Yuan's adoptive parents, but they had changed the information form of the adoptive parents, so they did not confirm their approval. "Zhang Tiannuan said with a wry smile.

This is known to the public after a census in the later period. Among them, these are Chu Yuan's adoptive parents in the records of the case.

It hurt his heart that he changed his adoption certificate privately, but spent money on a birth certificate and a paternity test.

Then a series of behaviors such as variable account level and so on, in which all cases were like this, at least at this time, everyone was looking ashen and the account was changed, so everyone was looking for information, but all these information were not recorded, the development of this is this The situation, at this time, everyone is blue-eyed

Now Chu Yuan's parents are not his biological parents. He experienced this kind of blow when he was a child, and his personality will become strange and extreme, and he can almost match the number. "Lin Chen frowned.

In addition, the case from ten years ago has been involved in the present, so the record of the case now makes people unable to help but have a headache. At least at this time, Team Liu couldn't help but smile bitterly.

The records of the case, all the records of the case, and all the information of the deceased, are now described in the criminal certificate, so the situation is like this, let me briefly explain it. "Zhang Tiannuan said

A criminal certificate or a criminal record description, in which it is a frowning record for everyone in Wang.

Because according to the criminal certificate, the information here and so on are all strange records.


055 What do you think

Professor Chen, what do you think? "Lin Chen looked at Professor Chen. Anything about the current situation, Lin Chen asked Professor Chen, because according to the data records and comparisons, he directly asked him.

Because this is a retrospective case record, in the case records of etc., the development of the situation is unknown.

When he was a child, Chu Yuanpu met his biological father who was killed, and then watched his mother cut off the heads of his father and uncle step by step. When he grew up, then there was love. His love collapsed completely.

Lin Chen wanted to smile bitterly, wanted helplessness, wanted to collapse completely, even helpless and desperate

At this time, Lin Chen couldn't help but smile bitterly, and the situation has developed to this point.

Professor Chen is a top expert in the study of the psychology of criminal suspects. She has read most of the case records and knows too many stolen materials, and is also familiar with the records and descriptions of various troublesome materials.

"In the heart of the criminal suspect, in the records in his heart, the criminal suspect is an extremely perverted existence. These perverted thinking and various ideas are all from Gan Chu Yuan himself, and even Chu Yuan knows all these records.

All the mental descriptions of the criminal suspect. According to the records, his thinking had collapsed when he was a teenager, and even reached the extreme of despair, and then his thinking became more perverted. These are all attacked by various things in the day after tomorrow.

It is very simple to deal with this matter now, so just find a way to deal with it. This matter is very simple to deal with, but it is also very troublesome because all you have to pay is the same.

Lin Chen frowned. In the past, because of Chu Yuan's adoptive parents, he destroyed the adoption certificate later. Now, it is like this according to the records of all the stolen materials.

At this time, Lin Chen couldn't help frowning and smiling bitterly, even with helplessness, the situation has developed to such a point that Lin Chen is even a desperate existence

Do you know the definition of thinking? Professor Chen smiled wryly and frowned.

Lin Chen and Liu team shook their heads, concerned with criminal psychology. Although Lin knew about it, he didn't know all the information now.

But in relation to criminal psychology, this is defined in the depths and involves various definitions of thinking

The definition of thinking is divided into innate and acquired. Innate is when a child is stereotyped when he is six to eight years old, and then his character is completely stereotyped. This is criminal psychology, and it is also the mind in it. To acquired criminal psychology, then it is a change in thinking.

Among them, acquired psychology wants to change, it is to experience the blow of something, or to change in the extreme blow of something, this is the acquired criminal psychology.

Psychology also has all kinds of thinking. Once they are completely attacked, then they want to encounter, or even encounter existences, and even later thinking transformations, thinking transformations, which are divided into several types.

Professor Chen finished speaking, and then it looked like the case from ten years ago, in which she showed the picture record in her mind.

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