At this time, Zhao Tian made everyone silent, and even immediately became silent, with a calm look in his eyes

Zhao Tian's state is very indifferent, watching this change and handling it indifferently

He didn't have any state, even in the eye records, he was extremely indifferent

This is the most indifferent state at this time, and it is extremely terrifying in the ancient records.

Death is a new life, this new attitude, and even Ho's record of changing the deceased, that is a record, from the situation of my new life, when I was young, to when I was blinded by money, this is how things are now.Zhao Tian was expressionless, watching the crowd smiling.At this time, Zhao Tian looked at the crowd and said all the records with a chuckle.

Death is just a kind of new life, even a new life of extreme display, and then the material continues to show, even after death, Zhao Tian sat there, neither sad nor happy, not saying a word, and then kept silent, with a smile in the corner of his eyes

he is still alive

Or rather dead

boyhood in that dark corner

Even in the tragic era of his childhood, he had already died working in the orphanage.

Some people kill because of motives. This is accumulated after the outbreak of anger, and even the existence of extreme outbreaks.

The fusion of power, even traced back to the record of the sky, and then exploded to the extreme

When Zhao Tian was a child, he couldn't help but smile and sigh when he looked at that time.

Seven people, from a good family background, were killed by you in the master bedroom of the villa, and they were all killed by you. After the death, the situation was extremely serious, and there was great panic in society. "Lin Chen frowned and smiled bitterly.

does it worth

bffe) For adults, their thinking and how things are handled are thoughtful

For Wang Weicheng, death is just the beginning, even a complete rebirth

The tyranny is accumulated later, that is, the tyranny after accumulation and then suddenly erupts, instantly making people collapse and despair.

Just like Zhao Tian, ​​Zhao Tian watched his parents quarrel when he was a child, and the arrogance of the rich old man.

The top blow, even the ultimate blow, can't help but despair

Because of money, after a certain gap, and then burst out in an instant, people can't help but smile bitterly and helplessly

Death is a kind of new life, even a record

For what reason, comrade police, I suggest you to check the identities of those deceased. Their perverted hobbies are extremely perverted. For them, death is just the beginning. The real joy is the process of death. Do you know what the process of death is? .

At this time, Zhao Tian looked mad, stood up but was tied by Wang cuffs, but still waved another king with a smile.

"That's the torture before death. Do you know what torture is? It's a straight and naked death that tortures all people to die, not just those perverts, hahahaha." Zhao Tian seemed to be crazy, laughing loudly. sat down with a contented face

Lin Chen was silent, because Zhao Tian's eyes had the color of death in them

A very straightforward death, Ji Zhi is already dead.

Death is just a new cattle method

Guan Wang died, many people are afraid

They are afraid of death, the terrible process of death, the whole record

But Zhao Tian is different, he knows death, even he watched the death process, even Zhao Tian felt the death, the ultimate death, there is no new life and no process

Zhao Tian is completely desperate, and even Zhao Tian is helpless to the extreme

This is the despair of the spirit, and it even involves most of the records

At this time, Zhao Tian was so desperate and chuckled.

It's been that way since I was a kid, and it's always been that way.

Take out all the information on the deceased, and call out any suspicious land plans for me. "Lin Chen arranged for the police officers of the file team, frowning at Zhao Tian.

Lin Chen had a hunch, it was a hunch of death, and even Lin Chen couldn't help frowning.

Lin Chen was thinking about whether Zhao Tian and Chu Yuan Zhuzhang were involved, and how Zhao Tian learned how to kill people. This was learned only after the day after tomorrow. Either Zhao Tian's top special forces retired from the army, or he didn't. can't be that scary

Zhao Tian, ​​what's wrong with your hand? "Lin Chen frowned, looking at Zhao Tian.


057 Countdown to Death

Zhao Tian's skills are terrifying, and even once he uses his skills, it is extremely terrifying.

At least at this time, Lin Chen's face was ashen.

Death is a new birth, a process, and even a record of involvement

What is death, despair from new life

Zhao Tian's killing methods, his terrifying body king, and even the ultimate anti-reconnaissance method

"My method of killing, I learned it when I was a child." Zhao Tian's face was expressionless, his eyes did not fluctuate, and he looked straight at Lin Chen and said

"Where did you learn how to kill!" Lin Chen also said blankly

This is a boiled eagle, which requires a lot of energy

This is to boil the prisoner, and finally see the limit of the criminal suspect's heart

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