Killing? I learned it slowly. Killing is actually difficult. You know, it requires a lot of techniques, and then kills you with one strike. Watching the newcomer talk about the brilliance of the bull, his eyes are shining, this is his glory

Little by little, there was no killing by Si Ting's nostalgia, and then abruptly and directly assassinated, the terrifying murderer Wang Duan was also an instant tyrannical Wang Fa.

This is the ultimate murder

At least for Zhao Tian, ​​he likes this feeling

Captain Lin, take a look at the case record, this is the record, something is wrong." The police officer from the file room came over and handed Lin Chen a thick file bag.

That is the dead man of the smiling face murder case, and this is also the existence of the dead man without a doubt.

Lin Chen opened it expressionlessly, Zhao Tian looked at the portfolio with a smile, his eyes were even more tyrannical.

That's right, Lin Chen is very curious about the existence of what is recorded in the archives, what can make this guy so mad and tyrannical

Lin Chen is curious, very curious

Open the portfolio

Specially marked in red font: The criminal suspect Ma Gang raped three high school girls in 2006, and was subsequently arrested and imprisoned. After the case was dealt with, the victim's parents withdrew the right to sue. Ma Gang was released from prison ahead of schedule.

second portfolio

same red font

The criminal suspect Zhao Mouyuan entered the house and violated a mother and daughter, causing the victim's mother to be in a trance and sentenced to a term of Shishi years. Then the victim revoked his right to sue, and the criminal suspect was released from prison ahead of schedule.

Lin Chen's face was ashen, and the back of the portfolio was torn open by him, mainly looking at the red marks

At the end, Lin Chen's face was ashen with a tyrannical look

earth dead, earth dead

All have a criminal record, all of them are suspected of forced pregnancy and indecent assault, but in the end, all the victims have withdrawn their right to sue

Why cancel it!

The suspect's family throws wads of money to tell the victims that this is not rape, this is a physical transaction, the right to sue is revoked, and the money is yours

Or a warning, threatening, coercing the safety of life, or even their very existence, on the brink of the law

This is to experience the pleasure of some dealers, or even be arrested and jailed, and then watch the victim wipe away tears and withdraw the right to appeal

They like the perverted thrill of ten identical case records, all of which are cancelled

Seeing Lin Chen's face ashen, Zhao Tian stopped smiling, but looked at Lin Chen with a strange light in his eyes, as if he was looking at the same kind of light, but at this time it appeared in Zhao Tian's eyes. , clearly appeared

You are not like those people, you are angry, you have a conscience, you are a good cop, or you are both, but some are not. "Zhao Tiansiping was very tangled, clenching his fists and frowning.

Do you know the final fate of those victims? Some were threatened and taken into custody, and some families suddenly owed money and then just fell asleep with those perverts.

"There are still many unyielding people who died completely and died in various car accidents or accidents. Hahahaha is very interesting." Zhao Tian laughed suddenly and seemed to be mocking the world.

It's very interesting, Lin Chen doesn't know this question, he doesn't know how to answer it

The top ranking of the smiling murderer in front of him is also the ultimate abnormality in the media, and even the media commented that his motive for crime was hatred for the rich.

but not

Lin Chen knew, very clearly

At least looking at these records of wealth, Lin Chen knows that this guy is not a hater of wealth, nor is he a pervert, but because of the situation in his youth, he watched his mother get into a rich man's car because of money, and watched the old man abuse him. with his mother

ask for flowers

After growing up, it is the repression that inspires

Lin Chen frowned, lit a cigarette and put it in Zhao Tian's mouth, Zhao Tianye held a cigarette ring and smiled gratefully towards Lin Chen

"Is it worth it, they?" Lin Chen said, his mouth stuck, Xiping wanted to say it, but he didn't want to. Xiping wanted to be silent, but Xiping was just stuck here

"They are innocent, right? There are some things you don't know and no one knows, and no one knows the desperation of the victims, but I know, I want to kill those bastards

In the media, those guys are ridiculous, do you know their death, it is very simple and easy to directly hold the rope and strangle them twice, save them in the end, and finally strangle them alive


"They experienced three deaths, all of which were suffocated. You know, you can't imagine that during their deaths, their breathing and state were extremely perverted, and they even asked to look at me with a big mouth, and some regretted it. Then tell the evidence of previous crimes.

"But it didn't work. I killed them. I know that the media is very curious about the smiling face murder case, so I will tell you that smiling face murder is my interest. I like smiling faces, because smiling faces always mean something." Zhao Tian finished, tell the truth

The surrounding police officers frowned, not happy because they caught a perverted murderer

It's very complex thinking that keeps colliding in my head

Zhao Tian didn't say the real meaning of the smiling face, but Lin Chen knew

That's sarcasm, sarcasm to all ignorant people

No one knows the limit of the plot, so Zhao Tian is a mockery, extremely mocking

go well

Lin Chen whispered and left

Yeah go well, at least go well

"Thank you, Chu Yuan likes that woman, if that woman is in danger, hahahaha.

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