This woman has big problems

But Chu Yuan's criminal motive, Professor Chen did not talk about the exhibition from the previous investigation, and now it has progressed to no limit

Criminal motive, Chu Yuan's criminal motive makes people frown and wonder

The motive for the crime is to break out for some reason

The special police are investigating, and they are now surrounding the national forest. The National Forest in Longdu 5a Scenic Spot is temporarily closed. Because of the case, the special police have completely used the national forest park.

The national park is temporarily closed. Tourists are guided by the police to investigate their ID cards, and then the investigation materials are gradually released one by one. This is the most rigorous investigation and inspection, and at least everyone can't help but feel extremely frightened.

ID card registration, face detection and face comparison, even a height of [-] meters is a special inspection

However, the Modu troops and special police were dispatched directly, and now the situation has reached an uncontrollable level.

At the entrance of the national park at this time, Lin Chen was looking at the people who came out of Wei Xu, and Professor Chen was looking at the case and frowning at the people around him.At this time, everyone couldn't help frowning. Inside the national park, everyone had a headache when they looked at the case. Now the record of the case has reached the point where it is extremely difficult to control.

How is the test now. "Looking at the commander of the SWAT, a strong man with a strong body, Lin Chen frowned and said.

ask for flowers

This is the suburb of Modu, the largest national forest park. Even if it is not a holiday, there are a lot of people playing in it. Now everyone is controlling

control is and its difficulties

Because this is the control of the case, which is the development of the situation

At this time, everyone couldn't help frowning and looking at the record of this case was a headache.

In the huge forest, I want to search for a criminal suspect. The criminal suspect is cruel and proficient in various criminal methods. At least at this time, everyone's face is ashen because it is extremely difficult to control the situation.

Now at least we can prove that the suspect is in the forest park. Now Li Tian just called and asked us to go to the Ninth Anjuyuan, which is the place where the massacre happened before. According to him, he found Zhao Tianzhi's trace. "Zhang Tiannuan has already arrived, driving a police car to pick up Lin Chen back to Dili'anjuyuan, and then go to check the previous case records.


"What traces of Zhao Tian!

Lin Chen's face was ashen, Zhao Tian's traces, this is an existence that cannot be traced. First of all, Zhao Tian has been arrested, and now there is a complete problem. The development of the situation has now reached the point of uncontrollable.

"Zhao Tian died, and he died in our sight. Then his family was buried. What the hell is Li Tian doing? Professor Chen, please stay here to check the identity of the tourist, notify the investigation team to arrange a dark post, and shoot directly if something is wrong. "Lin Chen frowned.

Now the development of the situation has reached the point where it cannot be controlled, so Lin Chen is the face of the development of the situation, the last ninth of the case.

This is the previous massacre, in which the victims were a couple who were dismembered and died. The process of death was so tragic that people couldn't help frowning.

At least at this time, everyone's face is ashen

Because Zhao Hei was the police officer at the gate of the community, and the army reconnaissance pong was discharged from the army, waiting for everyone, and next to him was Li Tian with a blue face.

Li Tian

Seeing the color of Li Tian's eyelids, Lin Chen frowned deeply. This guy is a top detective sent by the capital and is famous at home and abroad, but now his face is frozen.


063 Crash!

The massacre of the door, the location is a high-end community, the case is extremely tragic!

When the media arrived, the victim's parents cried and slaughtered the child to the limit.

Death is a kind of new life. The case has reached this point, it is no longer controllable. Death is a new life, and it is also some kind of reincarnation. It was written on the bedside table of the victim's bedroom. and breed despair

Check the font, this is written by the deceased man, dated one year ago l

Killing cases.

This is the most horrific case in modern times, so the criminal nature of the case and its cruelty

The victim male Zhang, aged [-] and [-] years old, died of hemorrhage according to the forensic examination. Zhang lived in a wealthy family. The house was a rented one-piece house, and his life was very prosperous. It is said that the victim's personality is "Nine Four Seven", generous, and occasionally irritable, but the three views are very positive, and there will be no bullying.

The victim's female, Ma, from the West Sea, took up a job as a clothing director in Modu, and died of hemorrhage in a forensic test. Ma's well-off family looked adrift, but Mu was able to do things. She met Zhang a year ago and then lived together.

The two deceased, lovers, were brutally tortured, but there was no trace of a third party at the scene

Li Tian, ​​what do you mean by calling that there are traces of Zhao Tian at the crime scene. "Lin Chen couldn't help frowning.

Zhao Tian, ​​the murderer of the smiling face murder case, has long since been buried in the tenth place.

Look at the dead man's pillow. Li Tian smiled wryly and took out the pillow wrapped in the case bag. It was a white silk pillow with a terrifying smiley face on it.

On top of two pillows, two scary smiling faces are blood paintings, which are horrible to see

"Is the suspect's painting love murder?" Lin Chen's face was ashen, looking at the two smiling faces

Zhao Tian, ​​the smiling face murderer, used various means to attack the upstarts because of certain attacks when he was a child, especially now.

According to the case records, Zhao Tian's traces and methods, after the outbreak, are even more frightening and terrifying

But after the arrest, after the details of the case were learned, everyone knew the general description of the case and the state of affairs.

Case records, state of affairs descriptions, but why did you decide that love was murdered all at once? "Li Tian frowned.

Lin Chen and Li Tian went to this case of killing the family together. After a simple investigation, Lin Chen handed it over to Li Tian to deal with it. Now Li Tian is frowning.

Criminal cases need to talk about all kinds of evidence, witnesses, criminal motives, criminal events, case records, confessions, etc. Even the police and detectives cannot make a conclusion, because there must be evidence and assistance. What you say is true

This is the investigation of the case, the basic process

So Li Tiantian opened his mouth to ask, and felt arbitrary about Wang Linchen's inference, because Lin Chen just relied on the blood and grimace on the pillow, and then began to infer

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