Case judgment requires attention to the process and reasoning evidence.

Lin Chen said nothing, picked up the pillow and smiled

The dead can't speak, but the dead have the last sight of death

Lin Chen couldn't help but trace it back. It was last night in the police brigade of Modu City, on the autopsy table of the autopsy hall. Two corpses, a man and a woman, were lying on it, expressionless and sad.

Looking at it makes people smile bitterly, helpless and even extremely sad

What is death, whether death is a kind of new life or a kind of sadness, so everyone can't help but smile bitterly when they see it, even a very sad existence.

This is death after a wry smile

Lin Chen walked to the corpse and looked at the pupils that had already turned white.

Tell me what you saw, what sight you saw, the struggle of the dead. "Lin Chen chuckled lightly, feeling the extreme sadness.

The pupils of the deceased were white, and the traces of torture all over the body were so terrible that people couldn't help but smile and frown.

This is death, the ultimate death in the records

It was a warm one-bedroom. On the soft Nordic sofa, a girl in white cartoon pajamas was watching a TV series. The TV series played forensic doctor Taiming. The police had just received a call from the police and went to the inspection site.

This is the sight of the victim man, this is also his last sight, and the realization of solidification is gradually pushing

After death, the nerves die, but the last line of sight in the mind is completely impossible to investigate at the level of contemporary forensic investigation, because all means cannot be taken out.

In various proofs, even in the world of detective science, forensic detectives still have various death proofs, all of which are appalling existences.

At least in the death certificate, this kind of death is a horrible existence in the certificate

Is that woman here! "The man asked, the voice was so strong that it suppressed the violent tiger, which made people feel chills.

If you don't come, that stinky bitch is still infatuated with you. She has been chasing you for two years, and the child has not been killed. "On the sofa, a woman in a white cartoon pajamas said with a yin and yang voice.

I gave her money for riding the horse, the child must be abandoned, let her stay away from me, Ao girl in a small mountain village thought that I had fallen in love with her and I just wanted to play with her, this stinky girl didn't think "man's voice" After speaking, he smiled coldly.

Lin Chen is feeling, feeling the last sight of the victim man, where their last sight is stuck, this is Lin Chen's feeling.

Line-of-sight positioning, positioning all kinds of dead wide perception

The man was beside the toilet door, Lin Chen deduced according to the victim's woman looking at the area, suddenly Lin Chen's face was ashen because on the balcony, the yellow curtain was shaking.

The balcony has a large floor-to-ceiling 2.4-inch window. The door curtain has been drawn at night. This is a yellow door curtain. The sewing structure is very similar to that of the South American country style. not easy to find

The door curtain just shook for a moment, and after a moment of shaking, the face was expressionless, and then people couldn't help being terrified.

So here it is, is it worth it? "Lin Chen whispered, his last sight was like watching a famous painting in a European museum - the Last Supper

In the picture, death is hidden behind the smile of the eating gesture. This is the power of the picture scroll. In it, there are many sources of death and hatred. At least when Lin Chen was looking at the case, the relatives and friends of the victim were male. , in order to maintain the final dignity of the deceased and insist on that ridiculous kind language, this post-mortem investigation is based on righteousness


064 Love

The picture goes on, death is just the beginning

On the sofa, the woman in white pajamas is lying on the sofa, watching the suspense detective deduction TV series, becoming more and more obsessed

obsessed with a state is also obsessed with a gesture

Forensic doctor Qin Ming, the TV series is in the forensic examination of the body, the lines are displayed, and the plot is pressing step by step

"The body was examined, waxed for 7-8 years, the deceased was in the abandoned parking lot, the main reason for his death was a fatal wound on his back, and the two people fainted without warning.

The victim's couple, it was a man who fainted on the ground, lying on the ground, expressionless and fainting, the woman was leaning on the sofa backwards, and the two of them were motionless.

Syncope, poisoning or a new type of drug, or some kind of drug mixed with gas, Lin Chen doesn't want to guess now, he wants to see who the criminal suspect is.

The curtains trembled again, then fell completely silent

The suspect is waiting, and Lin Chen is also waiting

Soil Minutes Safely Uncovered

15 and a half hours of quiet

Lin Chen didn't say anything, in the silence and closed his eyes, the pain in the corner of his eyes at least Lin Chen could endure

Forty minutes, things finally began to change. The curtains were shaken and opened. A young woman in a fan dress came out. The woman is very pure and beautiful, but she is very attractive.

She is holding a child, a child who is blue all over

Lin Chen's eyelids were blue, this child had been dead for a long time, according to the characteristics of death, this should be a disease and death, and finally died without timely treatment.

This is the magic capital, the top big city in China, medical conditions, tourism resources, population area and various constructions are at the top level even in the world

Lin Chen frowned, why didn't this woman treat the disease, why didn't she treat the child less than one year old

He died of a disease, his eyes were sunken, his face was blue, he was not cured in time, he was infected with an infectious disease from an external disease, and then the small infectious disease was delayed again and again until he died of a disease.

Lin Chen doesn't need to speak anymore, because the girl in the pink long skirt gently put down the child and placed it on the carpet, her eyes still wet, looking at the victim's couple.

The girl was carrying a small black backpack, opened the backpack and went to two bundles of ropes, dragged the couple over step by step, then tied her hands and feet, and stuffed her mouth with the towel

The well shoulders are placed, the couple is still in a coma, the two are lying on the wooden floor on the ground, eyes closed

Lin Chen frowned. This new type of drug hypnosis is simply terrible. According to the simple analysis of the victim man, this woman is from a mountain village, with average education and ordinary vision.

How did she know the drug hypnotized and developed the method of killing

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