I'm here, I won't bother you in the future. When the child dies, it's your child. He died of illness in the rented house in the abandoned building. It rained that day, and the child died of the cold.

I have no way, no way, no way to work with the child, I can't lose him, the child is my life, the child dies so I die you are his father and you are also going to die

That person said that it should be neat and tidy. The family of three should die neatly, and it is also neat for our deaths, so let's die, and is that woman really innocent? "

"You asked that woman to give us hundreds of dollars in alimony every month, but did you really give it?

All die, the child is dead, and you are all guilty. "

If the benefactor is dead, then our whole family will die. We will be buried together neatly and completely.

The girl was laughing and woke up the victim with water. The two looked at the desperation in their eyes and couldn't help laughing, crazy laughter, and the corners of their eyes were tickling.

The victim wants to speak, the pupils keep shrinking, this is because of fear and fear


A knife was inserted into it, the flesh was pierced and it was fat and then penetrated again, it was muscle tissue, the pain was extreme, the faces of the two were distorted, and the whole body was shaking.

The knife just started as neatly as the girl, and then 317 knives. It wasn't that the knife couldn't be inserted, but the body was not inserted except for the heart to the gold, and the rest was full of blood.

The girl kept silent, took out the white handkerchief and wiped it, then went to the kitchen to get the salt

Lin Chen's pupils could not help shrinking, how desperate is this woman?

The two victims had blood holes all over their bodies, and they were not dead yet, and their intentions were still clear, but their pupils and facial features had been distorted to the extreme, and then they looked at the girl begging.

Sprinkle salt on the wound, I'm afraid this is a straight interpretation


A big bag of salt, like salting jerky, the girl skillfully smeared it, smearing it in the blood hole.

The two blood-drenched bodies twisted to the extreme, and the handkerchief in their mouths was dyed red. This was because the teeth were biting the flesh to the extreme, and the pain was extreme.

dead, girl expressionless, then step by step

Carrying that child on his back, the child who is ashen

The camera was all cut off by the victim before, so the picture did not capture any girl's soles covered with blood, and the stones in the road community were stained with blood in the middle of the night.

It was quiet, the screen was instantly dark, Lin Chen's face was pale, he retracted his gaze, Lin Chen sat on the ground with a forehead of 430

Taking back his memory, in front of him is a puzzled Li Tian, ​​and the person who is thinking about the case, that is Sun Chen

Investigate the male deceased, all the information about his ex-girlfriend, and his location. Lin Chen was expressionless, patted Li Tianxuan on the arm, and said with a wry smile: "Women are the most terrifying, because when they lose everything, and you are right, there are traces of Zhao Tian left.

Zhao Tian

The smiling face of the murderer who died originally, at least for Wang, Lin Chen did not feel the existence of the ultimate murderer, at least this deceased person felt a very strange idea to Lin Chen

At least Zhao Tian's thinking is normal. Even if he kills, he is killing someone who kills himself.

The smiling face on the top of Zhigan's pillow kills. This is more like a kind of homage to honor a kind of heroic death. The value of sacrifice to honor a kind of death has been searched for all the victim's information. The southerner, the household registration information is that the villagers came to work and knew Zhang, and then the relationship warmed up and lived together, but then they split up. According to the landlord, Zhang beat his ex-girlfriend many times during the cohabitation. "Zhang Tiannuan said

Zhang Tiannuan, who solved dozens of criminal homicide cases, even when he sees the records of such cases, his face is stern.


065 neat

The family should be neat and tidy, even in death.

This sentence was said by the girl, so Lin Chen couldn't help but smile bitterly, even a little heartache

The family is neat, dead

"Where is that woman working now, Su Nuan and Lin Chen asked that Su Nuan's face was a little pale, but she smiled bitterly Su Nuan, a very sunny and pleasant name, but this girl is not like her name, but with half a lifetime of despair , and then died with a face of despair, muttering neatly

Su Nuan is now back home with her children. "Zhang Tiannuan said that when he opened his ipad, that was the picture he left after buying a ticket at the train station.

A girl in a pink long dress is holding the child. The shooting is very clear. The child is lying in Sun Su Nuan's arms, and then he closes his eyes and falls asleep. The body is not ashen, but a little sickly white, and the little eyelashes are curved, very cute.

Lin Chen's face was ashen, this child

Dead, in the sight of the dead wide, the child is completely dead. Among them, the body is ashen, and the body is so scary that the child's body is ashen, he has been dead for at least two days, the weather in the magic capital is cold, but the corpse scattered by the corpse Color can't hide

How can the dead child live, still sleeping on Su Nuan's body

With a long pink dress, Lin Chen recognized at a glance that this woman was a criminal suspect

"Invite Su Nuan to the bureau" Lin Chen was expressionless, he didn't arrest him, no one could point to others because there was no one person until the despair in his heart

"Su Nuan is now in the Wancheng Criminal Police Brigade. We notified the Wancheng Criminal Police Brigade just now that this woman went to see Zhao Tian's grave and presented flowers, but according to the descriptions of Zhao Tian's relatives and friends, they did not know this woman, nor did they know her. I haven't heard Zhao Tian mention it." Zhang Tiannuan couldn't help frowning.

Zhang Tiannuan felt that something was wrong when he just got the news that the ex-girlfriend of the victim of the massacre had gone to Wanyu. Now after notifying the Wancheng Criminal Police Brigade for investigation, he found that something was wrong.

It has been arranged, and the Wancheng Criminal Police Brigade has received news that it is now on the way to escort "" Zhang Tiannuan said Li Tian with a wry smile, patted Lin Chen's Qi Lang and said that he did a good job

"Where's that kid?" Li Tian frowned.

died. "Zhang Tiannuan smiled wryly.

How did you die? "Li Tian frowned.

He died early, it had been almost five days since he died, but Yu Wang Wenwen was cold and the body had not rotted. "Zhang Tiannuan's smile is a bit bleak. As a woman, when she heard the news, she was helpless and angry.

What about the photos taken at the train station before? "Zhao Chen frowned, he was a police officer and a retired scout.

The child's face was smeared with thick makeup powder, with eyelashes on and in his arms all the time. In the reflection of the shooting, he looked just a little sickly pale. "Zhang Tiannuan said with a wry smile.

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