Everyone gasped. A girl took the train to the graves in the suburb of Wancheng with a baby who had been dead for five days, and went to Zhao Tian's tomb to lay flowers. Li Tian was speechless. At a certain moment, Li Tian saw Chu Yuan's shadow on this woman. It was also carrying the heads of his father and uncle and then going to the police alone

Southern Metropolis Magazine Police Brigade, the police car that escorted Su Nuan has arrived at the Sheng Police Brigade. In the simple investigation of the Wancheng Criminal Police Brigade, everyone has already obtained part of the information

The interrogation investigation records, various investigations and confessions are all infiltrating case records and case descriptions. Among them, Su Nuan was holding the long-dead child without any excuse or explanation, and simply admitted her criminal confession.

The handover of the suspect is very easy, and the suspect does not have any language during the handover process

This is the second time that Lin Chen has seen the girl. The first is in the sight of the deceased, but after all, it is not clear that she has a clear face, not those famous Internet celebrity faces on the Internet. She looks bald and pleasant. The person looked very comfortable, but at this time Su Nuan's face was pale, holding the baby in his arms tightly, the dead child murmured expressionlessly

These are the ten words of some remote mountain villages in the south. Lin Chen can tell the meaning of a little bit with his knowledge

Child, child, and mother-in-law Ting is sleeping

Ballads, ballads, swaying far away

sleep, sleep, sleep my child

A few lines of songs, Su Nuan has been murmuring, then sings over and over, whispering, the voice is cold and has no emotion, just humming the song

trial room.

With Zhao Tian's lessons learned, during the interrogation and investigation this time, the doctor first tested Su Nuan's body, conducted oral investigations, and investigated all aspects of his body. In the end, he only found that Su Nuan's body was weak, and he did not hide drugs or carry sharp weapons.

In the interrogation room, the family members of the victims sitting on the iron chairs cried and demanded to see the suspects.

It was the father of the deceased victim and various relatives. There were a few people in total. When they saw the criminal sitting on the iron chair, they suddenly rushed up from the chair and wanted to go in and beat the woman.

Lin Chen stood up abruptly, and in front of him was a middle-aged man with a sturdy body and a vicious face, scolding the stinky bitch and waving his fists to hit Su Nuan.

Lin Chen turned around and blocked in front of Su Nuan, pushed his right hand on the man's face, and then suddenly kicked straight on the man's lower abdomen, and instantly the man clutched his stomach and was in pain.

What are you doing, this is the police station, this is the criminal police brigade, we are reviewing it, and it is already charitable to allow you to be next to you. I suggest that you listen to the case and the description of the criminal suspect, and then act impulsively. "As soon as Lin Chen shot the man down, (Good Li's) shocked everyone, and all of them instantly turned ashen and fearful.

Riding the horse, said this stinky bitch. ' a man roared, staring at the woman.

Lin Chen couldn't help sneering, the woman was under control, and he was crazy when he showed off his power. From the detailed descriptions of the people around the deceased, the deceased were all just words, and no one would consider a woman's despair

Lin Chen knows the cause and effect, so he is the face and cruel

Is it wrong to die, then it's not death, it's just the beginning

If the deceased is innocent, then what about the child who died of illness?

Lin Chen is not hypocritical, but simply because he only stands on the side of the victim, no one dares to conclude that the deceased is innocent, and neither can

Additional police officers were dispatched to control the family of the deceased, and the interrogation room officially began to interrogate Su Nuan


066 The dead are innocent?

Su Nuan, at 12:17 pm on December 101th, in a one-bedroom house rented by Mr. Zhang, Building [-], Ninth Anyuan, what did you do at that time? "Li Tian shouted angrily.

I killed both of them, tortured to death, three hundred

Knife. "Su Nuan said lightly, without raising his eyelids.

Li Tian turned off the fire, and the anger that he had suppressed in his heart instantly disappeared. What kind of hatred tortured those two people to death, this is what everyone is extremely curious about

"The motive for the crime, you are Zhang's ex-girlfriend, why did you break up?" Li Tian interrogated.

Domestic violence and beating, the child almost miscarried. "When he said these words, Su Nuan didn't have any emotions, as if he was explaining something that had nothing to do with him.

As for the motive for the crime, the two deceased were stabbed 31 times each, how demented you are to this point! "Li Tian roared at the first scene, Li Tian personally witnessed how terrible the death was, and now he is extremely angry.

Officer, how ignorant and ridiculous you are. "Su Nuan raised his head with a smile and looked at Li Tian and asked rhetorically.

"Do you know how the child died? My ex-boyfriend sent me to a small village in Thailand to be imprisoned. The child was ill and there was no way to treat it. He knew it clearly. He carefully watched the child die, died in my arms, and then I escaped

The child died of illness. I coughed and cried every day for 133 hours. I was helpless, even desperate, but there was no way. When the child died, I called my mother, hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha, looking at Li Tian, ​​Su Nuan looked like a madman.

The family members of the victims sat on the chairs, some expressionless, others extremely sad, and some deeply frowning

"Stinky bitch, don't talk nonsense, my own nephew, I don't know myself.

"You killed the child yourself, blame my child, and tortured to death by you, and now you are slapped.

Yes, how did that girl offend you, you inhuman bastard. "The victim's family roared in anger, with extreme tyranny in their eyes.

You really know that after the victim's death, the investigators were all blunt, so why did the victim study the investigation at university? Do you know their evaluation? They are paranoid and arrogant, the family has money and can do it for themselves, and even women are indifferent to money. , you tell me what the truth is. "Lin Chen stood up and looked at the victim's family and asked

These people, these family members, during the investigation were full of all kinds of good words, in short, all kinds of good words, praising the victims of good people and good deeds whose lives were not real.

What do you say, are you a policeman, you speak for the criminal suspect, what is your attitude!

The victim's family, standing up, it was the victim's male Zhang Mou, among them his biological parents

Lin Chen was expressionless and looked at the old woman

"I'm not convinced, there is a problem, go and sue me, go to the top to complain." Looking at the relatives of the criminal suspect, Lin Chen said coldly

These guys always think of the problem very simply and don't care about the motives of the suspects

They don't have anything to do with the suspect's motives, but Lin Chen can go to peace

Of course they're arrogant enough not to pacify the ridiculous motives of their criminal suspects

Even what they are on is the final trial of the suspect

When he told Lin Chen, Lin Chen couldn't help laughing. Several developed countries in the world sent invitations to Lin Chen, and the country was even named a top detective. Lin Chen didn't stop insisting

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