This is the era of ability. When Lin Chen's ability is praised by the world and even attracted to each other, those so-called bribery accusers are ridiculous, and no one even dares to take over his officials.

Li Tian is also laughing. The victim's family has not figured out Lin Chen's identity. This is a well-known detective in the country. If he wants to sue the detective, unless his buttocks are clean, he will easily break in.

Lin Chen didn't care what the suspect thought, now what Lin Chen is curious about is what this matter has to do with Zhao (bfea) Tian Jiuzhang "Su Nuan, can you tell me how you and Zhao Tian got on the line, that drug Zhao Tian helped you to get dizzy." Lin Chen asked Su Nuan with a frown

Su Nuan was a little surprised, looked at Lin Chen and nodded, because the policeman's previous behavior was different from those around him, and he even respected himself.

It was a month ago. I fainted in the suburbs with my child and was rescued by him. He knew the whole process, knew my revenge, and then gave me a drug drop without any smell. , and made a plan for me, so I was able to implement it smoothly. "Su Nuan said

Sure enough, I said it has something to do with Zhao Tian. "Li Tian couldn't help but smile bitterly.

What about the smiling face on the pillow? " Li Tian asked

I did it to pay homage to Zhao Tian. He was shot for helping me. I went back to see him and committed suicide by the way. "Su Nuan said with an expressionless face," The last question, why the camera was destroyed by the victim, Mr. Zhang. "Li Tian couldn't help frowning.

The victim took the initiative to destroy the camera, which is completely unpredictable to Wang Zhongren

This is also what Zhao Tian taught me. He learned about Zhang's wealth and said he was a criminal gang of thieves.I want to go to that building to steal, but I will never steal Zhang's house, it's just a simple destruction neglect. "

After Zhang agreed, he held the tools sent by Zhao Tian and cut off all the cameras. "Su Nuan said

Lin Chen couldn't help but smile bitterly. The deceased Zhang Mou was himself. With his help, he went down a road of suicide.

If the community cameras were intact in Dili'an Residence, it would be difficult for Zhang to be tortured to death or even killed, but in the end, he did not resist the temptation of money, thinking that it was a criminal gang organization.

"How's the case record going?" Lin Chen asked, looking at Zhang Tiannuan's case record


Hand it over to the court, she is already very happy. "Lin Chen said at the end, his voice was a little quieter.

In the middle of the night, in the suburbs of Modu, the police are still besieging the 5a-level National Forest Park in the suburbs of Modu. Because this is a national forest park, the area of ​​dense forest and trees is very vast. If you want to find a criminal who is good at anti-reconnaissance techniques, it is undoubtedly And its difficult existence is blowing

Blowing the cool wind and feeling the slightest chill, Lin Chen smiled...


067 Go all the way

Su Nuan.

It's like the name of a female movie star, elegant and unsullied, with a wisp of fragrance

This girl also looks like this, sitting on the iron chair in the interrogation room, her face is pale, looking at the victim's family, her eyes are looking straight at the dare to love, dare to hate, this woman makes Lin Chen unable to be irritable

What is a criminal, what is a heinous

Straight criminals are contempt for the law and extremely arrogant. All behaviors are selfish. They have double thoughts in their hearts, perverted thoughts, and are immersed in desires. They are criminals. They are extremely vicious and have become slaves to desires.

There is also extreme thinking. Because of certain things, coupled with family doting, thinking of all kinds of extremes, it is to do irreversible things under impulse.

To the last one, it is despair.

Su Nuan sat on the iron chair in the interrogation room, holding the child who had been dead for many days. The child's face was heavily makeup and covered with thick foundation.

At this time, Su Nuan's eyes were clear, this woman did not collapse, but her thinking was completely clear, and she was not desperate. She just followed the plan before Zhao Tian met this girl before he was arrested. met this girl and then set a plan for the girl

The victim's family was silent, a little angry but wanted to find a reason and force the outbreak, but now it has disappeared completely

"Let's get out of here first, it will take three days to go to the Magic Capital National Forest Park." Lin Chen's face was ashen, and he came to the Forest Park with the police car parked next to it. Now the National Forest Park is completely blocked, and [-] special police officers Completely surrounded the forest park

"What's the situation now?" Lin Chen walked over, and when he came over, he was the captain of the Armed Police Brigade, Zhan Bo.

The general team has now carried out a carpet search, and found traces of blood in the northern area of ​​the park. Now we are advancing the national forest park. Because of vegetation and geographical confusion, the deduction is slow. "Zhan Bo said with a wry smile.

This is the top ten forest parks in Tongdu and even in China. Among them, there are ore clusters, dense forest piles, and sand and gravel dark rivers. There are too many places to hide people, so the progress is very slow.

Has the blood stains been tested? Chu Yuan is still President Zhang. "Lin Chen frowned.

The only confirmation now is that during the population survey of the National Forest Park yesterday, no strange situation was found in the departure of the population, and it is normal for everyone now.

The current development is that the tourists went out to the park for inspection before this situation, and the inspection situation was very careful, in order to prevent Chu Yuan from going out.

The forest park is very big, but the SWAT officers who came to search are all top anti-reconnaissance personnel

Hey, what, in what area, ok. "Zhan Bo was patrolling behind Lin Chen, and suddenly received a walkie-talkie message.

The corps found the suspect in District 2. The suspect had passed out and there was a deceased beside him. "Professor Chen, Li Tian, ​​Zhang Tiannuan, and Lin Chen rushed to Zhan Bodao, this is the most serious crime in the world, and now everyone has to take care of it.

The nature of the case and the fact that the case itself is well-known in the magic capital has caused huge repercussions across the country. Now everyone hears the news and is naturally overjoyed.

The suspect and the deceased have been put on a stretcher. At the place where the evidence was taken, in the file bag was a clown mask with blood sticking to the entrance of the National Forest Park. Lin Chen walked over. This is Chu Yuan. The face, Lin Chen is all too familiar with it, and even more familiar with the face of the clown who had clearly seen it in the file bag in the late-night bookstore before.

Li Tian couldn't help laughing bitterly. From the time he came into contact with this case to the end of the investigation, it can be said that this is the biggest case in modern times. Chu Yuan was lying on a white stretcher with a pale face. The upper body was a white striped shirt, and the lower body was a blue raw material. Jeans, but they're so dirty

The deceased was President Zhang, the director of a mental hospital. He died in a fight with the deceased, and was finally strangled and suffocated to death.

There is a problem, the forensic examines the process of the deceased" Lin Chen frowned

Although Lin Chen has studied forensic testing, but it is not a top-level forensic testing, so when encountering such a thing, a forensic doctor is still required to go for testing, and even deal with various certificates

This is forensic testing and testing of various materials and certificates

At this time, Lin Chen's eyes are blue, and some members of the top forensic team have gone to the discovery site, and then the current members of the survey site are conducting physical examinations to restore the fighting situation.

Lin Chen's face was ashen, he looked at everyone with a wry smile and said, "Do you remember the reasoning about the death of neurotic patients before? In our reasoning at the time, it was Chu Yuan who was good at some kind of mental bewitching, and used the thinking defined by the dead to bewitched. Now it seems that we are wrong.

Lin Chen's eyelids are blue, yes, the team's previous proposal was wrong, and now it's even more serious for everyone.

The death argument, the dialectics of the dead, the various death treatments, and so on are causing everyone a headache.

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