Therefore, the reasoning behind the death of neurological patients is that in ancient Rome and even ancient India, there was a drug that could paralyze the nerves.

That's why Lin Chen is suspicious, because Chu Yuantang was abroad in the first year of the year, so he was able to get this kind of coffee material through various channels, "We can temporarily define a neurological patient, this is being bewitched by others, but the definition is that the deceased is a coffee victim. Matter numbs the nerves, and the mental patient's own mind is chaotic after being numb and thin, and then the mind collapses completely, and then the criminal suspect can use his thinking to guide or even designate a certain plan in his mind to produce a murderous thinking change. "Lin Chen frowned.

This is the simplest speculation. In the previous neurological hospital, Professor Chen used this kind of thinking to infer. In the inference, it is obvious that this kind of thinking proves to be very effective and accurate. Now it is even more difficult to handle cases.

The development of events, and even the follow-up reasoning, is even more frowned upon now.

"The case has entered some kind of deadlock. What Lin Chen means is that the mental patient is not Chu Yuan's king, but someone else!" Li Tian frowned, looking at the corpse of Dean Zhang on the ground without saying a word

Li Tian's thinking in solving the case is very good. Naturally, he knows his thinking changes, various thinking adjustments and investigations. It is necessary to know that the Qiye Bookstore was injured before, and it was Chu Yuan who took action, so Li Tian's impression of Wang Chuyuan's skills deep


068 The hider

Body detection, the top forensic team has completed the survey of the scene, and is comparing with the wounds on the deceased

The deceased, Zhang Tian, ​​was 28 years old, 180 in height, and 75g in weight. During the process of death, he died of suffocation in his neck. This was after being severely strangled, and then suffocated to death within five minutes.

The time of death is 6-7 hours, the blood of the deceased is still flowing, which proves that the deceased died not long ago

On-site detection

The deceased was killed in a dense forest and flat land, with weeds and birch trees growing, and the fighting area was ten square meters. Then the deceased was killed and died. The death process is as follows

The suspect, Chu Yuan, suffered a fatal knee blow to the chest, which resulted in a fracture of the third rib on the upper left of Chu Yuan's chest.

Up to the deceased Zhang Tian, ​​"[-]" had no major scars on his body. Most of his flesh was scratched and scratched in the grass. The main deadly wound was that his neck was controlled and then strangled to death.

After the forensic examination finished the report, Lin Chen's face became more and more iron.

This is the proof, Lin Chen had suspected Dean Zhang before

However, Zhang Tiannuan conducted a test. Dean Zhang can only be regarded as a suspect, but there is no motive or evidence, and according to Dean Zhang’s family background, and even his future future, there are no signs of suspicious motives.

Chu Yuan was temporarily sent to the hospital, and ten special police officers were guarding him, because this was the top dangerous person in the magic capital, and he was also a dangerous criminal suspect with a national reward and a top-ranked criminal suspect in the world.

As for Qian Zhangtian, the autopsy mound was temporarily performed in the Criminal Police Brigade of the Devil City. The corpse examination is still in progress. Now the corpse examination has come to an end. The corpse examination is also as follows.

The death certificate and death test are all related to Zhang Tian.

Li Tian couldn't help frowning, the meeting room was smoking, and Zhang Tian, ​​Li Tian did not imagine that the director of the mental hospital was actually related to this matter

Lin Chen sat in the main seat to watch the support case. Lin Chen had a hunch that the development of the situation was bound to be terrifying, and even at the end of the situation, Lin Chen felt that all the previous arguments would be overturned.

Chu Yuan was only in a coma, and his body was traumatized. He could wake up in three hours. Now in the meeting room of the Criminal Police Brigade, what everyone wants to discuss is the development of the case, and the director of Zhang Tian Mental Hospital. How far has he participated in this case? Professor Chen has been investigating Li Tian since he was a child. His entire personal investigation record form is even more pale now. The investigation of the case has entered some kind of deadlock.

"Zhang Tian, ​​the director of the mental hospital, so young and promising, why did he choose this path." As a searcher, Zhan Bo naturally sat on the seat of the conference room and participated in the final handling of the case.

Interpol brigade, interrogation room, Chu Yuan is lying on the hospital bed, staring at the crowd

After Chu Yuan woke up, everyone came to the interrogation room. Because they knew Chu Yuan and his dangerous identity, they did not arrange treatment in the hospital.


Just ask what you want to ask. "Chu Yuannujiu got up, leaned on it and looked at Lin Chen expressionlessly and smiled.

Why do it! "Li Tian shouted angrily.

Killing needs a reason, but killing a vicious criminal, "Chu Yuan didn't answer directly, but looked at Lin Chen with a cold face, Chao teased.

what is none

"You tell me what's useless, who you killed, you wicked bastard, eight lives, aren't those girls innocent!" Is there still a taxi driver worth killing, just taunting you, what about the passenger? , also die?

Those girls, young girls, why did you kill them, you told me what evil is. "Li Tian roared, if he hadn't been trapped by Lin Chen, he would have directly lifted Chu Yuan's clothes, completely disregarding whether this bastard was a criminal suspect or not, and beat Chu Yuan to death without expression, leaning against the wall with eyes blurred

"Who told you that he was killed by me." Chu Yuan sneered, looking at Li Tian with a strange look, it seemed that Ping was pitiful, or a kind of indifference. I need to know everything, and I will let you see Sun Chen. once. "Lin Chen was expressionless, looked at Chu Yuan and frowned.

This is not a deal, but an argument against Wang who is not sure he is dead.

Sun Chenl

At the mention of this name, Chu Yuan was stunned for a moment.

I killed none of those people, I know you don't believe it, but let me finish

"After I went abroad, I went to a war-torn country and became a local reporter, and then I met Zhang Tian, ​​the director of the neurological hospital, who came to travel. We became good friends, but then I discovered Zhang Tian. There is a problem, that is, there is a connection with some foreign mercenaries

After the war broke out, in order to survive, Zhang Tian and I joined the mercenary collection organization, and then the organization took a fancy to and trained us. Zhang Tian has a perverted personality and likes to manipulate his mind. "

Later, when I returned to the country, Zhang Tian met Sun Chen. At that time, I didn't tell anyone about my return. Zhang Tian liked Sun Chen. "Isn't it unbelievable, but this girl is very obsessed with people who are paranoid like us." Chu Yuan smiled bitterly and asked Lin Chen for a cigarette

ignited, filled with smoke, surrounded by crowds

Sun Chen refused, Zhang Tian chose to force, that is to kill those girls who looked alike, and then give Sun Chen photos. "Chu Yuan said, smoking a cigarette.

Why didn't Sun Chen call the police? "Lin Chen frowned with a strange face.

"Because Sun Chen's family was threatened and completely controlled, Sun Chen could only watch Zhang Tian's behavior in desperation, but there was nothing he could do.

Zhang Tian's family is very normal, but there are always some people who are extremely perverted. Any thinking and three views, any 35 thinking in the display is perverted to a certain limit, which means that there is no scientific judgment that makes people smile and helpless. "Chu Yuan said expressionlessly.

Death certificates, judgments of the deceased, and even any definition of thinking are now extremely headaches.

What about those neurotic patients, why are they dying so widely, and there are means of bewitching them. Neurotic patients are confused, but even trying to guide them is very difficult, because they think for a moment, which means they only stay for a few minutes or a few hours.

What did the neurotic patients pick for before, they had a complete plan and thinking to show. "Lin Chen frowned and said, this is what everyone in the police station has been investigating for a long time. In the case of reviewing the case, the existence of extreme curiosity is the manifestation of some kind of means, making the neurotic feel like a puppet.


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