I saw the photo of the case, the same as the person who was investigated by the police three years ago.

Find a quiet place. "Lin Chendao

Fatty obviously saw that Lin Chen was the first to speak in the crowd.

The third floor is a small attic, and it is also the place where the boss of Wangbao has been staying.

Sitting on the sofa, Zhang Tiannuan showed Fatty the proof of the police officers, and gave it to Fatty Zong without saying anything.

Three years ago, you had a camera here, but according to the police investigation at that time, it was said that the camera was damaged, but we contacted the skilled worker who repaired the camera three years ago. The suspect came to the Internet cafe to surf the Internet in March, and your camera was only scratched in April. , what happened in the middle month.

Lin Chen frowned deeply and said, please don't doubt a detective's ability, a detective's thinking transformation, this is a very terrible thinking concept The information was collected. At that time, it was ordinary police who came to investigate, and the investigation was based on missing persons. Therefore, the owner of the Internet cafe was passed by Jesse on the excuse that he did not ask too much.

But for Gan Linchen at that time, the situation was very wrong, so he went to investigate deeply. Three years ago, the company in charge of network monitoring had access to repair the camera record form, and then found something wrong during the investigation.

Fatty's face was sluggish for a while, watching everyone grit their teeth, and didn't say anything more.

This is a murder case. Three years ago, the investigation was about missing persons. It doesn't matter if you couldn't answer the question just now. The suspected machine is machine No. 27. The suspect used a camera to open a video before. "

"The network engineer will have a video recording source on the computer hard disk, because it can be found in the network supervision bureau, but there is no evidence. The computer hard disk has been replaced, and the graphics card has also been quietly moved. There is no camera to record it. Who did it? !" Lin Chen also asked lightly, as if explaining facts that had nothing to do with him

That's right, irrelevant fact, Lin Chen couldn't help but look solemn, his eyes fixed on the owner of the Internet cafe

All the people present were Professor Chen, Zhang Tiannuan, and three special people. Except for Li Tian44, who was already used to Lin Chen's demon, the rest were shocked and speechless. The attention paid to New Festival by this kind of thinking conversion made them unbelievable. astonished

Li Tian, ​​are you so silent? "Lin Chen smiled and looked at Li Tian.

Lin Chen knows that Li Tian is by no means a dry eater. He is a person who can enter the detective rankings. Li Tian has no less evidence than him. I have a problem. After the police investigation in March three years ago, you announced that you would close your business for a month for rectification. , and then your family travels abroad but there is an extra amount of money in the foreign account. Don’t underestimate us. If there is more money in the foreign account, we can still find eight million yuan to explain. "Li Tian smiled and patted the owner of the Internet cafe on the shoulder.

Lin Chen is good at dealing with details, and reasoning about the process of the case from the evolution of the new knot, while Li Tian is pressing to the point!


074 The Power of Teaming Up

Don't underestimate the detective, let alone doubt the detective's alliance.

This is the scandal on the first page of the world detective school, and it is also the challenge of the detective school to the mystery of Wang Shizuo

At this time, under Lin Chen's investigation and Li Tian's coercion, the owner of the Internet cafe, a middle-aged fat man completely collapsed, leaning on the sofa and panting.

You guys won, I've been hiding for a long time, I can't stand it anymore.

"Don't blame me, someone persecuted me.

"I" finished speaking, the owner of the Internet cafe looked at everyone with a livid face, clenching his fists and wanting to do it.

Lin Chen chuckled, this is some kind of unconscious behavior of human nature. For example, when someone is harming their relatives, or even friends, if they give up one day, they must want to kill them directly and completely, and there is absolutely no way to survive.

This is some kind of tyrannical act of gratitude, which belongs to the classification of human nature. In the eyes of some people, this kind of picture is unbelievable, but it does exist and needs to be shaken.

The controversy and discussion of human nature, Lin Chen is reluctant to mention more

You want to make a move, look around, try to find a weapon to move the king, and then kill everyone, this is your thinking and idea, but 15 can you really achieve it. "Lin Chen is tempting, his face is expressionless with some kind of blurred color.

After the suspect of Guan Gan went mad, the manifestations and manifestations of various deaths are all extremely terrifying existences.

pox-crazy thinking, and then suddenly show

Thinking, thinking, fully displayed at a certain moment, and then its thinking is completely abnormal, and the horror reaches a certain limit

This is some kind of record, and it is extremely perverted in the manifestation of thinking.

Pox-crazy thinking, in some records, this is the nature of the thinking of a king. Now, for the owner of an Internet cafe, it is extremely scary and dismantled again and again. There is a limit to a person's thinking, and a sudden outbreak is complete. sinking eyes despair

This is a very normal thing, and there is no need to speculate at all. The owner of the Internet cafe looked at Lin Chen's tone of voice, and immediately broke into a cold sweat. He leaned on the sofa, took out a cigarette from his pocket with trembling fingers, and wiped his sweat after lighting it.

"The owner of the Internet cafe, the middle-aged fat man, is completely awake now, with a look of despair and despair on his face.

In the light and fluttering sentence just now, he already knew that his own sect was completely over.

Some money is not so easy to make. Let me remind you that these are three SWAT police officers who were directly killed when they resisted. "Lin Chen still looked at the owner of the Internet cafe with a blank face and smiled, with a soft smile on his face.

Some money cannot be touched, this is a taboo, a big taboo⊥

I am not guilty. "The owner of the Internet cafe looked ashen, frowning as he watched the crowd.

"You know, during the avalanche, every snowflake thinks it's innocent, and during the flood, every drop of water thinks it's innocent." You are not guilty, but you are the middleman in the case. As the middleman in the case, what you should have done is Call the police, cooperate with all police investigations and actively give evidence, this is your way, but you did not do this, but chose your way according to your thinking. "You chose property bribery, you are shrewd and calculating, so now you need to cooperate with the investigation, okay?" Lin Chen looked at the owner of the Internet cafe with a cold face, the middle-aged fat man said lightly.

Case investigation, human nature is always like this

After getting property bribes, the owner of the Internet cafe chose another way, that is, he chose to destroy the material, destroy the evidence, choose to take the money to travel abroad, and then face it safely, and continue to work after returning.

Demon City Criminal Police Brigade, in the interrogation room, on a black iron chair, a middle-aged man with a tall stature sat there with a pale face

Internet cafe owners dare not guess how serious such consequences will be

The criminal suspect Liu Yang, you are [-] years old this year. Let’s go into the three-year affairs. Now it’s a case record. What you said is all the testimony in court. Deception is directly a crime plus a first class. "Lin Chen was expressionless, looked at Liu Yang and reminded kindly.

If you want to pretend to be asleep, of course you can, then you are ready to pay the price. If you want to pretend to be in the past, it will require a huge price. Now this is the case for Qian Linchen.

"On March 0, 3z, a pretty girl came to me and said that she was using a machine to surf the Internet. At that time, many people who came to the Internet did not have their ID cards, so we all found the ID cards, and the ID cards were all from It was collected in sacks of sacks in the country.

"At that time, she was playing a video with a boy, and the boy was very handsome, but I was just a young couple and didn't care about the situation at all. Who knows when I continued, the girl gave me ten thousand yuan, said it was a deposit, and asked me to delete the memory of the video tape. And replacing the target destroys the computer hard drive."

At that time, I knew that something was wrong, because she gave me a plan to delete the camera and the hard drive. I asked the girl at the time and only said that as long as I opened an overseas account, I could get [-] yuan, or [-] yuan in a short period of time. ,I agreed. "Liu Yang was pale with a beer belly, looking at everyone's decadence and smiled bitterly.

The development of the situation, to this point, really made everyone's face turn blue.

The evolution of homicide cases, to the purchase of homicide and intentional homicide, the nature of criminal homicide has risen again

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