Where did that girl go, you have a backup of the data. "Lin Chen said with an expressionless face.

Data backup, 427 Lin Chen is betting, this guy will definitely choose backup

Please don't doubt a greedy person. They can do anything for money. This is a very normal thinking, so the reasoning is also normal and can be evaluated.

This is the manifestation of thinking, some kind of metamorphosis of thinking.

I don't have it anymore. I directly destroyed the camera data and completely deleted the damaged hard disk. It was three years ago and then I threw it into the garbage heap. Now it has been incinerated. "Liu Yang smiled bitterly, looked straight at the crowd, patted his chest and said excitedly.

The evidence was turned into a dream, Liu Yang smiled wryly and even patted his chest to assure.

In the folk, plausible words can be called a chest-beating guarantee, which is also a helpless way to prove one's innocence


Is innocence provable by so-called behavior!


Behavior is subconscious behavior, behavior can be manipulated later, thinking control, the ultimate behavior, what is innocence, under dozens of evidence, can not be denied

"Of course you patted your chest, thinking that the nature of your case is ordinary, and you can stay in it for a few years at most, or that someone is looking for you now, and the price is worth the price." Lin Chen chuckled lightly, dipping his fingers on the screen


075 The so-called evidence

"I don't know, I honestly don't know." Liu Yang's face was ashen, he wanted to shake his head violently, and the color of dreams in his eyes was worth the price of your jail time. "Lin Chen still smiled faintly, looking at Liu Yang with no expression on his face.

Yes, how much is the price that can make a person think clearly and refuse to answer, and then go to jail?

Then this price can make Liu Yang's bottom line of defense completely collapse, and then accept this price

"You are thinking about the nature of the case, what charges will the case give you, and how much will it cost you to go to jail willingly:" Lin Chen Yiri asked repeatedly

I don't, the evidence is not my fault." Liu Yang calmed down a little, looked at Lin Chen and said lightly.

Let me tell you the case, you are the direct person who committed the crime, you are guided by the crime and destroy evidence, deceive the police, and receive bribes. Maybe you will never get out in your life. "Lin Chen patted Liu Yang's shoulder and said softly.

In an instant, Liu Yang's face turned ugly, and he watched Lin Chen's lips move.

Why didn't the suspect kill him directly? "Zhang Tiannuan looked at the support case and raised his doubts. This is a very simple question. Why didn't the suspect choose to take action? This is everyone's problem.

"Do you know the second thinking? This is the thinking of a criminal suspect. She doesn't want things to be too big, and she has already gone out in the name of Detective Li Tian in the magic capital. The dead are actually more troublesome than the living sometimes, because the dead are only will make things go downhill step by step

"The criminal suspect is gambling now, betting on Liu Yang's patience and life imprisonment. This guy still insists on gritting his teeth. It seems that he has a lot of chips." Li Tian smiled.

I really destroyed the evidence three years ago, and threw it in the trash can of our community. You must have a video if you go and see. "Liu Yang's eyes were red and confused, and then he looked at everyone and said.

The money is not in your hands, and I have paid you a sum of money. I checked the foreign account just now and it was not there. I went to investigate Liu Yang's relatives and friends. As long as the mobile phone number and various contact methods, as long as it is an investigation account that has a private meeting and contact, as long as there is A large amount of access money will be temporarily closed. "Investigate all Liu Yang's entry and exit records, and ask for various suspicious places," Lin Chen said, banging on the table, suddenly hurried from the original soothing, and then stopped abruptly

Just like Liu Yang's mood, he was completely desperate in an instant.

I said, I said it. "Liu Yang roared.

Inside my TV, there is a black package, black package, [-] million, I am short of this money, "Liu Yang yells at [-] million, is it worth it, life imprisonment?" Lin Chen got up curiously and faced this for the first time man

My daughter's leukemia, my daughter's leukemia, I need a lot of money, what do you want me to do, what should I do?

I don’t want to commit a crime. How much will the treatment cost in three years? Too many people in our Internet cafes want to take the opportunity to exchange it at a low price. "Liu Yang stood up. Although he was wearing handcuffs, it was the first time he straightened his back at the police station.

The money will be temporarily withheld, and I will be responsible for your daughter's follow-up treatment. "Lin Chen turned and left with no expression on his face.

There were bursts of kowtows from behind, and there was a roar of joy and tears.

"thanks, thanks!

Sand River Town

The police car arrived at Liu Yang's house, and after getting off the car, Li Tian's face was ashen, because a fire truck had just left and the one that Wang put out was Liu Yang's house and Liu Yang's house had completely turned into coke.

We are all from the Criminal Police Brigade, what's the situation with this family?" Lin Chen looked ashen, looked at the fireman and asked

Hey, someone reported the fire, saying that a family in Shahe Town was on fire. It was all ignited with gasoline. We couldn't put it out at all. We could only watch it burn completely. "The firefighter smiled wryly.

Resident casualties. "Li Tian frowned.

Fortunately, the owner went to the Metropolitan Hospital to see his daughter, so there were no casualties, and now it is completely in ruins. "The fireman said that the fire truck had left, and everyone walked in. The house completely collapsed, and the smell of gasoline lingered in the sky.

The TV series has already melted, and there is only a trace of iron that proves its existence

A step too late, the criminal suspect knew that Liu Yang was taken in, and suspected that Liu Yang could not stand the test, so even if he burned the deceased's house, he also guessed that the evidence of the crime was here. "Li Tian's face was ashen.

People didn't care about it at first, but now they see this situation and their faces are blue

The situation has developed to such a point that no one can take this terrible criminal suspect any further

Metropolitan Criminal Police Brigade, Liu Yang in the interrogation room

Lai Internet is a girl who is about [-] meters tall with a mask, speaks with a devilish accent, and the camera records it. Come and ask me if there is a big problem, "Liu Yangsi is very sensitive, and he has been asking questions since just now. I knew that something was wrong, your house was set on fire last night, and the evidence was completely burned." Li Tiandao.

Where's my wife! "Liu Yang roared.

"Accompany your daughter safely in the hospital." Lin Chen said, trying to appease Liu Yang's emotions

Hahahahaha, this is a warning, this is a blatant warning, I knew before that this criminal suspect was terrible, so I kept the evidence, just for fear of the unexpected, and now it's confirmed hahaha. "Liu Yang looked mad, waving his arms and yelling, there is no evidence, there is absolutely no evidence" Liu Yang said with a wry smile, pulling his arms.

He is just an ordinary person after all, and his self-protection thinking is not so clear.

meeting room, serious crime team

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