The ups and downs of the case made everyone a little unbelievable. They thought it was a case three years ago, but now it is discovered that the suspect's thinking and

It's so scary to make a move

What about the evidence. "Li Tian frowned.

Who told you that there is no evidence to find the suspect!The camera filmed the people who were in contact with Liu Yang, the contacts of the unidentified case, and all the investigations of the deceased. A girl around [-] meters tall was all investigated," Lin Chen arranged.

This is the most basic investigation, Lin Chen is waiting, waiting for an opportunity

The investigation of the deceased, the investigation of various materials, especially the investigation of Zhou people, is the target of Lin Chen's suspicion

Li Tian's thinking was right before. It was very likely that there were young women around the deceased, not necessarily young women, to investigate the relatives of the deceased. "Lin Chen arranged

Looking at the case of the deceased, the deceased was a divorced family. In Tu Sui, he chose to follow his father and his mother left in anger.

what if

Lin Chen was silent, looking at the late autumn night, what if


076 Family Card

Zong: Suspect

The nature of the case: tertiary serious case

The homicide was an intentional homicide. The suspect provoked the police and set fire to the house of the interrogator, who is the middleman of the case, in Shahe Town, in order to destroy the evidence and to shake the result of the middleman of the case, Ye’s case.

That's right, at least he succeeded temporarily in the case. The middleman, Liu Yang, had a look of despair after hearing about it. No matter any trial in Li Angel's country, he couldn't be forced to tell him where the hard drive and memory card were stored.

The suspected deceased Sun Hao, his father has contacted the media, and the media began to report on this kind of doubt. First of all, this is a disappearance case three years ago. In the world of missing persons, this issue is a big topic of controversy.

Therefore, the major media in the magic capital did not care about the pressure of the police at all, and they recorded the case with the edge ball and began to cause huge controversy in the society.

First is the case

As a police officer three years ago, Lin Chen read all the case files from the beginning to the end, and clearly understood the entire process of the case, as well as the various status data and evidence of the case handling.

"Case handling, various data investigations, evidence of the police's efficient handling of the case, written testimony, investigation, and the efforts of the Internet monitor. At that time, this was a missing person investigation, so the police did not have any 6 questions." Zhang Tiannuan watched the news and discussed, In the conference room, everyone frowned over the latest heated discussions.

Lin Chen chuckled. There are some blood-sucking magazine channels. They don't care about the police's actions. The criminal police brigade in a first-tier city has absolutely top-notch handling of murder cases.

I don't care about the media now, I have a hunch that once the criminal suspect is exposed, the media's face will be swollen. "Lin Chen looked at the crowd and said with a consolation smile.

This is not Lin Chen's comfort, but as a detective, the most basic intuition

This kind of intuition is very strange to investigate carefully, but it is even more terrifying to retrospect, because intuitive investigation requires all kinds of thinking solutions, which means that the detective has no intuition. Dialectics of the Dead

Now the case has reached a deadlock, Liu Yang is not saying anything now, all kinds of harmless hypnosis in the country are all attempts, this guy has seen anti-hypnosis methods before, and he always bites his tongue in a pinch to thin himself. "Li Tian frowned, his eyes were a little impatient.

Everyone can understand Liu Yang's original idea of ​​treating his daughter's illness, but now he feels disgusted

"Go to the interrogation room." Lin Chen looked at everyone expressionlessly and said

Case investigation, comparison of various data proofs

In the interrogation room, Liu Yang sat on the iron chair again, looking at everyone with a blank expression.

I don't have any information anymore, my wife is still outside, and my wife is still having sex outside." Liu Yang roared, looking at everyone's faces and looking fierce

Lin Chen got up, wearing a black police uniform, Lin Chen himself was handsome and tall, and he was very gentle at this time, watching Liu Yang open the interrogation

the door of the room, and walked in

Half squatting in front of Liu Yang's iron chair, Li Tian couldn't help but squinted his eyes and touched his chin and laughed.

It's been a long time, I haven't seen Lin Chen take action for a long time, this is the case for Lin Chen at this time

The investigation of certain details, the transformation of various thinking, and the momentary fragmentation unfolded.

Tell me, where is the evidence? Don't be nervous. We will protect your family and tell me everything. Where is the evidence? "Lin Chen smiled and looked at Liu Yang.

At this time, Liu Yang was terrified because Lin Chen's pupils changed from the original black to black in an instant. This was a terrible change. He looked at Liu Yang with a dull look on his face.

The power of the pupil can destroy everything in one eye

This is spiritual power. If it is in the global field, it can be called spiritual practice.

Spiritual practice, a unique practice and behavior in the global record

In sociology, there are many solutions to spiritual practice (bfac), and even some spiritual methods are involved.

At this time, if someone saw Lin Chen's pupils, those eyes seemed to have seen hell. These were terrifying black pupils, and they looked at Liu Yang with a certain evil spirit.

He has seen hell and flowers, and experienced blood mountains and seas. This is a pair of eyes with a story. Ordinary people can't bear it at all, because in the face of this extreme staring, it is extremely frightening.

You must know that when Chu Yuan was fighting with Dean Zhang before, the staring eyes made him tremble.

Liu Yang was sluggish for a moment, staring at the front with a foolish expression, his eyes had already lost their luster.

Three years ago, what happened to the female criminal suspect, tell me what happened. "Lin Chen's voice was soft, looking at Liu Yang and asking.

As long as Lin Chen is interrogating, the police officers in the interrogation room do not dare to stare at each other with curious little eyes, watching Lin Chen interrogate because everyone is trying to use this method and its difficulty. This is a method. Shi Zhan and his perverted thinking show. In any interrogation, the thinking is to carry out various interrogations, and even the thinking is showing more. Li Tian crossed Wang's arms and looked at Lin Chen with great interest.

After a long time, I finally saw the interrogation method again

Lin Chen's interrogation method was discussed by everyone before, because everyone was very curious about the method. This is a new type of hypnosis, and it even deepened to a certain depth.

This is a new type of hypnosis. Many top detectives are trying to study Lin Chen's hypnosis method, because once this method hypnotizes other people's methods, it is a real and very good method for detectives to interrogate some undecided criminal suspects.

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