Hypnosis means, black eye collision, no white eyes, looking at you and staring at you, this is the realm where everyone in the abyss exists is the abyss

That's right, they are all in the abyss, and they have a lot of stories, so at a certain moment, when the suspect's mind is about to collapse, the pupil will make them completely collapse in a short time.

Three years ago in March, a middle-aged woman came to the Internet in good shape. At that time, she was wearing a mask and said that her face was allergic. I didn't care because the Internet supervision was not strict at that time.

"Internet supervision is not strict, so at that time, I packed the ID cards from sacks in the countryside, and then used their ID cards to apply online.

"After processing, because there are very few girls going to the Internet cafe, and there are even fewer middle-aged women, I paid a little attention. When I inspected the Internet cafe, I found that the woman was playing a video with a boy, and then agreed to meet at the place." Liu Yang looked dull. , replied.


077 The so-called death

Lin Chen couldn't help frowning, the identity of a middle-aged woman was beyond everyone's expectations.

Three years ago, the suspect was opening a video with the deceased. This was similar to the previous case record, in which the police collected evidence. At that time, the deceased's father was on his QQ, and he also found a screenshot of the chat and the proof "Li Tian looked at his case by the side. , and then couldn't help frowning, so Li Tiantian was puzzled at this time, because now there is a comparison with the case.

In the follow-up, what did you see at that time, and what did the woman over there say. "Lin Chen said softly, Liu Yang was in a state of stupidity at this time, and he couldn't wake up with words. If it was serious, his thinking would collapse completely.

Therefore, at this time, the hypnotist is treated softly and softly. In an environment without any pressure, this is the simplest and most efficient hypnosis method.

The woman said the location, but she didn't say much about the exact location at the entrance of a supermarket in front of Shahe Town, but this is not a couple, more like a mother and son, because the boy in the video was very excited when he saw the middle-aged woman, wiping his tears all the time. Control your tears. "

But in the chat log, various words and deliberation seem to be ambiguous, but in fact, the woman made it deliberately. "Liu Yang said that he was a little excited here, and he brought in his own emotions, which was more like a kind of arrogance, and it was arrogant to see the development of the situation.

Lin Chen frowned, and looked at Liu Yang carefully. This guy is different from ordinary people. All kinds of thinking and various methods are different. At least now, it makes everyone look at it with admiration.

Why do you care about this. "Li Tian frowned and asked, after the incident of Chu Yuan and the dean of the neurological patient before Yougan, Li Tian is very sensitive to such incidents as Wang, and now he is frowning.

How could an Internet cafe owner pay attention to New Years and even a series of follow-up behaviors?

I have always liked watching detectives since I was a child, so I paid close attention to New Year's Day, but I didn't expect that there was something wrong with it. After the police found me, I already received a sum of money, and I backed up the video and data. , and then destroyed all the evidence as the woman said

When the police came to investigate, my way of speaking was also very indifferent, because all those things were taught to me by that woman. "Liu Yangdao

How to teach you, did you meet later? "Lin Chen frowned.

When I entered the plane, in the morning I found that there was a walkie-talkie at the counter and she left a letter asking me to go to a rooftop at what time. I saw that there was no conversation around, and the walkie-talkie had been turned off according to her special arrangement. "Liu Yangdao

Do you have backup data? "Speaking of this, Li Tian couldn't help but be a little nervous, because according to the previous reasoning, this woman is good at some anti-reconnaissance methods, but she does things without leaving traces and she is proficient in the fire of Liu Yang's house. I made a backup, because the woman told me on the walkie-talkie when I was traveling abroad that if I had backup data, my family would die abroad, and I didn’t dare to make a backup.” Liu Yangdao

After the trial, Liu Yang was sent to the detention room. Now the case is deadlocked. Before, Liu Yang was very frank about the case, and now he has confirmed the case after hypnosis.

Interesting, can file a case. "Lin Chen said with a smile in the conference room of the serious crime team.

Filing a case means the beginning of a case. The confirmation of a criminal suspect can also be called a case that can be filed. It is within the law. The police are not coordinating, but handling

But what Lin Chen said, everyone is clear, filing a case means that the case can be ended, but there is no trace of the crime yet. Such remarks made everyone's eyes widen in disbelief.

May I? "Everyone couldn't help but smile bitterly, looked at Lin Chen, and waited for his answer.

"Although the suspect intervened, she was wrong. That is, this time, she exposed some details of her." Lin Chen smiled and said that Liu Yang's house was on fire before, and when everyone came to Liu Yang's house, it was completely burnt out. , obviously the criminal suspects had various problems before, and the same is true now

At least at this time, everyone's faces were iron and blue, but when they heard Lin Chen, they cast curious eyes

The so-called filing, how exactly, where is the evidence, and what is the nature of the case?

The media is now paying attention to this mysterious case. First of all, this mysterious case has a lot to do with people's livelihood. For example, going to see netizens. In reality, this kind of situation is very common.

ask for flowers

It is this kind of suspicion, which was previously defined as the nature of the disappearance case, and it was not evaluated by a large number of people, but Lin Chen had seen the case records that there was no proof in the beginning of this kind of case, which can prove that it can be the cause of the criminal case.

But now the case has reached a deadlock, and the handling of the case is now in a deadlock, but Lin Chen's performance surprised everyone.

That woman really wanted to be caught by us. She was still in the country until three years later and was concerned about the case. Middle-aged women are like mothers and children.

The most important thing is that I have seen the mother of the deceased Sun Hao before. She graduated from the police academy, but instead of becoming a police officer, she started a company.The reason for the divorce is nothing more than the man's incompetence and the strength of Sun Hao. In the previous survey of relatives and friends, Sun Hao's mother liked Sun Hao very much, but she chose his father unexpectedly during the divorce, so his mother was desperate. "Lin Chendao

Zhang Tiannuan shook his head, couldn't help laughing bitterly, looked at Lin Chen and said, "Impossible, how can you kill your own son, you must know how people can be so bad, this is unacceptable

Zhang Tiannuan looked incredulous, his eyes widened and he couldn't help but smile bitterly

It is true that the case has developed to this point, it is indeed very unbelievable.

Killing his own son, as a biological parent, Zhang Tiannuan has seen too many cases, and there are records of this kind of information, but it was parental abuse, which is why this tragedy was caused

But the Sun Hao family, the police were investigating before, and now they have carefully investigated all the information. At least at this time, everyone's face is ashen, and they can't help but feel extremely bitter for this kind of case.

The development of the case, and now it has reached this point, has already caused everyone a headache.This involves most of the reasons. Any criminal case or homicide case has a criminal motive, and even abnormal murder is a criminal motive. That is to retaliate against the society.


078 You are wrong

"Tell me your opinion and combine it with the case." Seeing Zhang Tiannuan's tangled expression, Lin Chen understood very well

Because in the previous case investigation, it was Zhang Tiannuan who took the initiative to apply for the investigation, and now it is an unbelievable existence, because the case has developed to such a point that everyone can't help frowning.

"We visited relatives and friends before. The deceased had a good relationship with his mother, and there was no conflict. The deceased had a big conflict with his father, otherwise he would not go to school." Zhang Tiannuan frowned.

In the previous investigation, the relatives and friends of the deceased, even the class teacher Qian and classmates of the deceased, among the various identifications and evidence collection, this is the most detailed information form of the relationship between the deceased and the deceased obtained by Zhang Tiannuan

But what Lin Chen said, once confirmed, then Zhang Tiannuan's relationship record form for the deceased will be completely overturned

"It's very simple. That's why the deceased chose to follow his father. This is my insistence." Lin Chen smiled.

There is no dialectical for the deceased, there is no guess for the deceased, now the boxing champions are integrating the case and substituting their own various case motives guessing, but looking at the relationship table of the deceased recorded by Zhang Tiannuan before, everyone is more and more confused

Everyone smiled bitterly, curiously growing their eyes and looking at Lin Chen, trying to get a reasonable answer

If the deceased finds out that something is wrong with his mother, this Jaizong reminds me of a famous case where world detectives learned a well-known case, that is, a family of three who suddenly killed their most beloved child, and later found out during the investigation. , that's because one day the child discovered that his father was wrong, that his father was a perverted murderer who liked to put on night clothes in the middle of the night and raped passing women.

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