"So, any death is documented and recorded, what do you think?" Lin Chen smiled, looking at the crowd

Lin Chen was guessing, first of all, the deceased's mother was a graduate of the police academy, and she must be good at all kinds of anti-reconnaissance methods in the police academy, so she was decisive and directly set Liu Yang's house on fire.

Even in the eyes of the criminal suspect, she doesn't care about whether there is evidence or not, but only cares about her own behavior. At least in Lin Chen's eyes, this is the most correct way for the criminal suspect to be decisive, and then she can deter Liu Yang, the middle criminal suspect.

In addition, this is a kind of provocation by the criminal suspect to the police. This kind of thing is dealt with decisively, as well as the various handling of Wang Liuyang before. Obviously, the criminal suspect is a very good person who has been subjected to anti-reconnaissance. educate

Lin Chen had read the information about the mother of the deceased before, and after reading it, he thought of the previous case

This is Lin Chen's speculation, and it is also the speculation that is closest to the facts

"First of all, the description of the case is completely true at present, and even the case records are quite normal. I agree with this inference. Li Tian's chin is his habitual movement.

As a detective, in order to cover up his emotions and various means, this kind of subconscious behavior should not exist, but Li Tian has a good grasp of it, and he touches his chin at all times.

That is to say, the deceased found out that his mother was wrong when his parents were not divorced. Then, during the divorce, the deceased chose to follow his father. What is the behavior? You must know that the deceased loved his mother very much. "Zhang Tiannuan frowned. Three years ago, when the parents of the deceased were about to divorce, did something suspicious happen?" Lin Chen frowned.

Zhang Tiannuan is looking up the case. This kind of investigation is very simple, just find the date and time limit.

Three young boys went missing. All three boys went missing when they were [-] years old when they went to Tianxing Mountain in the Magic City to climb the mountain. The police then searched for them, but there was no news. "Zhang Tiannuan said.

Lin Chen suddenly turned ashen and pointed at the top of the case, the picture of the deceased's grandson's mother

Now the police are called and they are officially arrested. Once the suspect resists, they will shoot on the spot. "Lin Chen's face is ashen, everyone doesn't know why Lin Chen is so angry, and he did this on the premise of impulsiveness without evidence.

The police car screamed, and the police car returned within half an hour, escorting the woman into the interrogation room

A middle-aged woman, wearing a white cheongsam makeup to dress up as a lady, this is Sun Hao's mother, she owns a company in Duo, and her family is very rich

Give me an explanation, or else you will all have a lawsuit." The middle-aged woman sat gracefully on the chair in the interrogation room, watching everyone slowly say their names and ages. "Lin Chen was expressionless, his eyes were staring straight at him.

The so-called camouflage, do you really think it is the highest state?

"Why do you arrest me?" the middle-aged woman asked again

"Last time, name and age" Lin Chen was expressionless, stood up and looked at the woman

Criminals, murderers, rapists, all kinds of criminals, all kinds of cruel and terrible criminals, Lin Chen has seen too many, their predecessors are sales, nurses, doctors, various occupations

Even though Lin Chen graduated from the police academy, he has seen too much, and even seen criminals from veterans

These are very common, so Lin Chen felt a problem at first when he saw this woman

Zhang Mei, forty years old. "Zhang Mei frowned, looking at Lin Chen

Aren't you sad that your son died? "Lin Chen asked

I know, I've cried, I can't help it.Zhang Mei's eyes were a little red, she rubbed her eyes and retracted them.

Your son died. It was very miserable when he died. He was completely dead. Liu Yang's house was on fire. It was a big fire. But we have backup information. "Lin Chen asked with a smile.

I don't know what you are talking about, you don't have an arrest warrant, why arrest someone?" Zhang Mei frowned, stood up and looked at Lin Chen confidently, "Why didn't your son follow you when you divorced, why? "Lin Chen looked at Zhang Mei without blinking, and asked 5.2 why with a smile.

This is also suspected by everyone, because the child and his mother were very close to the previous investigation.

Lin Chen smiled, this woman is very refined, but she is too refined

"In the eyes of outsiders, you have always pretended to like your children, but all the flaws were exposed in the divorce, didn't you." Looking at Zhang Meilinchen, he smiled.

"He's my son, don't talk nonsense." Zhang Mei was a little angry, looking at Lin Chen and said angrily

"Well said, but what did your son, Zhang Zhang see, see something terrible, and actually stay far away from the mother he likes, has he watched the world detective school, what are you doing, how many people have you killed, I smell death breath.

Lin Chen tapped on the table, and as the rhythm of the voice got faster and faster, it finally stopped, then looked at the woman and said with a chuckle


079 Peking Opera Murder Case

Zhang Mei was expressionless, she originally stood up and now sits down slowly, and then watched Lin Chen listen to Lin Chen's raising case

Comrade police, I don't know anything, and everything must be presented with evidence. "Zhang Mei looked at Lin Chen and said calmly.

"Call Liu Yang over and confront him at the scene. During the case, Lin Chen was expressionless and looked at this interesting woman.

The so-called confrontation is just a confrontation between two criminal suspects. This is a confrontation when the police hold important evidence in the court.

Liu Yang sat in the interrogation room, looking at Zhang Mei

He remembers this woman, this is a very clear memory, even if he has not met, the feeling still exists

Liu Yang, are you waiting for an official, waiting for the murderer to leave, and your family being coerced? "Lin Chen said lightly.

Sometimes, you have to hit it soft and make it painful. This is the most basic ability of a detective.

It's her, it was her three years ago, and I can't forget that look in my eyes. "Liu Yang roared that he was completely broken, because Lin Chen broke his only line of defense

Guan Gan Liu Yang, Lin Chen thought he was pitiful at first, but now he feels very sad. 15

Because all his ways of doing things are relying on himself, this way is very good, but it is very tired, because it is enough to pay a big price, Zhang Mei Nutu, do you still want to hide? "Lin Chen smiled.

Li Tian had already gone out and went to Zhang Mei's residence to conduct an investigation. On-site investigation, Lin Chen was very confident and believed in Li Tian's thinking and judgment.

Zhang Mei was silent until the door of the interrogation room was opened, and Li Tian was holding a file bag and a video projection.

"I found the basement in the villa, and the hidden compartment in the study. This woman is not simple. She should have taught herself some secret agent methods.

The basement is a kind of iron whip and branding iron for interrogation. It is similar to the ancient torture prison. We made all wrong judgments before, and now the development of the situation is simply uncontrollable. "Li Tian couldn't help his face ashen, and looked at Zhang Mei with disgust.

This woman, Li Tian and Lin Chen had discussed before, for this reason, Zhang Tiannuan went to investigate her records, and now she frowns tightly, and she is very troubled by this development.

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