The development of the situation has developed to such a point that it has already caused everyone a headache.

Because this is not a simple murder case, but involves a larger serial murder case

Three years ago, not only the disappearance case was filed, but also the death of three high school boys from Modu No. [-] Middle School.This is the entire death record, in which most people died

"Three years ago, the case was called the dead boy. This was a sensational case at the time. If you calculate it carefully, it should be the Tuishi number in February two years ago. When the principal of Modu No. [-] Middle School called the police at that time, it was In the first class of senior three, three male students disappeared

At that time, there were also the parents of the missing person who came to the police. Three children were missing at once. The investigation of the case was very difficult at the time. Later, the police

The case was filed, but the information on Tianxingshan was completely broken.

At that time, it was also the Tianxing Mountain. That was the place where the three boys went to climb the mountain. They disappeared there. Now it seems that they are not missing, but killed. "Li Tian frowned.

The original Sun case changed from a disappearance to a criminal case, and then evolved into a homicide case, and now it is involved in a serial murder case.

Open the video tape and project it into a large screen on the screen

It was an empty white room without any windows, just like the ground where prisoners were interrogated in TV dramas. There were all kinds of erotic sm equipment on the ground. In the middle was a black iron frame, which was tightly welded to the ground and a boy was tied to it.

The boy was naked and had horrific scars on his body. The picture pulled into the picture was a woman in pajamas who suddenly slashed with an iron whip.

The boy roared in pain, the woman seemed to enjoy the perverted pleasure, and then whipped violently again, next to the burning iron stove, the red flaming iron block was caught by iron clips, and then stuck it in the boy's terrified and desperate eyes. chest

It was a sign of the tumbled skin and the roasted meat. This was the ultimate torture. The boy was in so much pain that the king's feet were tied to the pedestal, and he couldn't move.

The picture fast-forwards, and the boy is relieved for a breath, followed by another picture, which is also the boy who disappeared before.

Grab it! "

Team Liu didn't know when he was behind him, but he couldn't help roaring when he looked at the picture.

"If it wasn't for this police uniform, I would have given you a taste of being tortured. It's not as good as a beast." Team Liu looked at Zhang Mei and roared that a serial murder case was involved. The nature of the case was still so perverted. Clenching fists, with a tyrannical color

This kind of bastard woman, Liu team simply wanted to shoot this woman directly

Contact the media, all the events will be announced, the case will be collected, and this perverted murderer should be shot as soon as possible. "Lin Chen ordered and gave Liu Team a cigarette.

Liu Yang was also looking at the picture, his face was ashen and then completely pale, he was lucky, what kind of demon he had been dealing with in recent years, and now Liu Yang saw it, he couldn't help being terrified to the extreme, he couldn't help but smile bitterly.


Fortunately, this vicious and vicious woman was arrested, otherwise she would never have imagined what would happen to her daughter and her lover in the future. A press conference was held. This was conducted by Zhang Tiannuan. The intuition of Lin Chen and Li Tian as detectives is now here. do not want to show up in this situation

The development of the case finally reached such a point that Lin Chen couldn't help frowning tightly. It was extremely terrifying.

Driving home at night, Li Tian was sitting in the co-pilot, Masala was driving on the road, and many people took pictures. This is a customized model of Maserati. The value is only comparable to the top model of Ferrari

Walking to the front of the pedestrian street, this is a Shizi intersection. Li Tian suddenly saw three policemen running urgently ahead with explosion-proof shields.

Lin Chen also saw it. The car behind kept honking its horn. It was a red Ferrari 788. After honking a few times, Lin Chen's main driver's glass was slapped a few times.

Come down, what are you doing? Are you courting death? "Speaking is a young man, wearing white Adidas clothes, red Adidas trousers, tattooed on the upper body, and slapping the car window fiercely

Follow the police to see what's going on. "Li Tian didn't care at all, it's better to check what happened just now when the police were dispatched.


080 One tone, one tone

Lin Chen didn't care, the young man who was about to drive stood directly in front, sitting on the hood of the car, slapping the glass and cursing.

You are so special. "Lin Chen's face was ashen, he drove directly to work, the young guy was about to say something cruel, Lin Chen threw him on the ground with a back fall, and then put a heavy fist on the bridge of his nose.

Young man squatting in pain and turning his whole body into a big lobster

I drove and followed the police. This is a four-star hotel. At this time, the gate has been cordoned off. Li Tian and Lin Chen walked over and could not enter. "The special police stopped Lin Chen and stood in front of him.

Police card, we're going to investigate. "Li Tian showed his police card. The captain of the police who came to handle the case is a middle-aged fat man with a strong body. When he was dealing with the serial murder case, Dean Zhang, he went to Li Tian to search the entire Demon City before. Naturally, he knew it and hurriedly took it. Come in. Don't be polite, briefly describe the situation of the case. " Lin Chen frowned, looking at the police captain and said

This is the case. Just now, the hotel lobby manager called the police, and a couple died in the hotel room with their throats cut to death. Now we have just blocked the scene, and the forensic doctor has not arrived. "The police chief said

Lin Chen was silent, and when he arrived at the room where the deceased was committed, he frowned. The deceased's mobile phone was still playing looping music. It was a Peking Opera opera.

Did you move at the scene? Has Wangji Music always been like this? "Lin Chen frowned.

"No, we just arrived at the scene and just pulled up the peripheral alert. The deceased has been investigated for a short time, and he is completely dead." The police captain said.

The two deceased were lying on the bed with neat clothes and neatly lying on the bed. A long wound was cut deep on the neck. The throat was cut. Frowning tightly, the suspect is extremely perverted and tyrannical. This is after cutting his throat, and then he continues to slit his throat with a sharp weapon.

The criminal suspect's methods are brutal and cruel. This is the most brutal criminal suspect the police have seen so far.

"The methods are cruel and cruel, and the methods of condensing people of criminal suspects are extremely perverted.

The police captain's face was ashen, looking at the scene and frowning, Lin Chen smiled bitterly, and Li Tian also smiled bitterly. As top detectives, they have never seen such an extremely perverted scene, like this kind of death in some corpse cases It's pretty good inside

I once dealt with a case in country m. It was a case of dismembering a corpse. The suspect's methods were extremely terrible. The Japanese flesh was made into bacon, and then it was given to the black community for free. He was a very compassionate person in the local area. , but the guy making the meat is all black people with no social status, so the missing black people aren't a big investigation.

"But in the community, some people don't eat complete fingernails, and then they are exactly the same as human fingers, and then the police investigate, plus we have to cooperate to find evidence, in his grandfather's hut, he killed black people and made root , Wang Duan is like killing pigs and dogs, the kind of scene where all the dried corpses are hanging, come back." Li Tian patted the policeman on the shoulder, and then smiled.

No one has seen more cruel perverts than detectives, even unbelievable, incomprehensible, beyond the limits of a certain human civilization, but that's how it is, and that's why a top detective will have top hot spots in every country

After Li Tian finished speaking, the police officers present were all pale.

Forensic testing, the top forensic team came. Under the extreme request of Team Liu, this team is temporarily responsible for the detection of corpses in criminal cases in Modu.

"To put it simply, the process of death, the time of death." The forensic team naturally knew Lin Chen and Li Tian. It was natural that they had seen the two's methods of solving cases when dealing with first-level serious cases. In the current case investigation, the investigation of various criminal cases Because of the investigation of various cases, as well as the comparison of case data, the thinking and concept of the case-solving process are the forensic team can not help but amazed and amazed.

"The death time of the corpse is 6-8 hours, and there are still some vital signs. This is the characteristic of blood coagulation. The death process is caused by hemorrhage of the aorta. There was no resistance before death. drug

"The deceased male showed no signs of resistance, and no toxins were found on his lips, eyeballs, tongue coating, and abdomen. The specific toxins need to be investigated in detail. The deceased females are investigated. The corpse has no signs of aggression, and the clothes have not been moved. The specific death needs to be brought back. Post-mortem examination in detail" Forensic Path

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