The top forensic team, this is the forensic team for its detection, so they said to Lin Chen that because of the case detection, this is the process of solving the case, investigation and so on.

This is not one time. "Lin Chen looked at the mobile phone that was still playing, and in the music app, there was a piece of music that was looping back and forth. It was ancient near Kyoto, and some small tunes from near and flat, and even now, Lin Chen couldn't help frowning tightly. It has developed to this point, this is Lin Chen's unexpected on-site evidence

In the Metropolitan Police Brigade, Lin Chen squinted and looked at the various case records. This is the most detailed description of the case. The case records and various records are extremely problematic.

An case has developed to such a point that it is extremely difficult to deal with various situations now. Looking at the case, there are dozens of similar cases across the country.

"In the past ten years, the investigation of various criminal cases has reached as high as a few persons, and the death toll has reached nearly [-] people." Lin Chen's face was ashen, and he was also looking through the case and Li Tian.

Li Tian's face was pale, and these cases did not seem to be tied up, but in the investigation of the detective New Festival, there were countless implicated and nearly [-] people involved. The nature of the case is so terrifying that it has reached an unbearable level, because in the criminal nature of this kind of case, the results of the investigation are extremely terrifying.

Is it a serious case, let the archives come to investigate, all the case records are all investigated, this is a big problem. "Call the police station customer service number Lin Chen's eyelids ashen

This is not inferior to Si Hao and the existence of top-level serial murder cases, but it is limited by the process and region, so there are very few people who know to speculate or even confirm. This is because the case is involved, and there is the scene of the death. The investigation of evidence has simply reached a certain extreme.

Before, I watched a TV series, and the situation of the Republic of China was like this, everyone should die! "

"But now it can also be applied here, so many people died, no one found out, they should all die!" Lin Chen's face was ashen and he clenched the case tightly...


081 Top crime

Top-level serious cases, first-level serious cases

There are dozens of cases across the country. If the cases have reached this point, if they do not appear in Modu, they will even continue.

Whether they deserve to die or not, the case always needs to be investigated by now, and the case has gotten to the point where we have to intervene even if they deserve to die. "Li Tian smiled bitterly.

The text team called, it should be the previous first-level serious case. "Looking at the ringing of the phone, Lin Chen frowned and answered the phone.

Data investigation and comparison of various case data

Let me briefly say that the first-level serious case has already come down, and now the case needs to be investigated. The case is temporarily called the Peking Opera homicide case. "Liu team said on the phone, Lin Chen turned on the speakerphone, and Li Tian heard it clearly.

Peking Opera murder case, the two of them were shocked to the extreme in an instant

At least at this time, the faces of the two are ashen, because the case has reached such a point that everyone wants to control it and it is difficult

Liu team continued. "I already got confirmation in my heart, Lin Chen couldn't help but smile bitterly.

Everything has a cause and effect. Lin Chen had suspected this kind of case before, because a first-level case ranked among the top serious cases must be a criminal case that is extremely vicious and involves a lot of attention.

"Let's deal with it silently, right, and then some people can't be exposed." Lin Chen said to the phone with a cold voice

This is a first-level serious case. Why did Li Tian not want to get involved when he heard it before? Because of the records of this case, as well as other descriptions, the case is now under control

This is the description of the dry case, as well as the comparison of various data in the case records. Now that the case has reached this stage, it has already involved a lot of criminal cases.

There are too many serious cases involved, so not many people are willing to participate. This is a characteristic of the case, and it is extremely difficult in any investigation.

Li Tian's face was ashen, because some characters were involved, and this kind of case was handled.The most chilling thing is that even after the case is dealt with, the credits of Li Tian and Lin Chen will be erased lightly.

The top detectives of the fetish, they do not lack any money now, and rely on them to solve various mysterious cases to judge various case investigations, and then come to get their own reputation and status.

This is a (bfcb) case investigation and the result of being a top detective

According to Lin Chen, if you do this kind of thing, then the efforts of everyone will be written off.

Lin Chen is not afraid, Li Tian is also not afraid

For the ridiculous dignity of certain characters, and then they are fighting against the top and most vicious gangsters behind their backs, so in the investigation of various cases now, the data are organized by

We won't be behind, do you know the top detective, let the big man behind you, Mr. Su Shan, the boss of the Southern New Energy Company, right, well, well, I tell you that the top detective will not be coerced into anything.

Do you know how many developed countries in the world have invited us to immigrate?" Li Tian answered the phone and said to Su Shandao on the other end of the phone.

Before I was a top detective, I don’t know how many people came to find this kind of record, that is, to find a top detective, and then to deal with all kinds of supernatural events, because now the case is dealt with, and there are various kinds of investigations.

This is a case investigation, a case investigation of various thinking investigations and descriptions, as well as top detectives to solve cases

"Sorry everyone, I know this is very difficult." Su Shan's voice came from the phone with a wry smile

Now, Lin Chen's face is ashen

It's very difficult! ! !

So why does this old guy lick his face and say it⊥

There is nothing to be embarrassed about, it's just that this old guy's king is facing more terrible people. She has no ability to deal with this kind of thing, so she can only negotiate peacefully.

In foreign countries, no foreign detectives are willing to handle this case, and the number of deaths is still increasing. Lin Chenjiping does not need to guess clearly, he knows that once the case collapses, he does not know how many people will die. The most terrible thing is not death. , but what do you want to do with the last deceased, we will fully cooperate. "Su Shan said with a wry smile.

As the president of a new energy company, at least in terms of money, Su Shan believes that the detective can be tempted, but after Team Liu explained it, he smiled bitterly. Only when he really understood the detective's handling price

The first case, we can take it upright. Second, I need Chu Yuan's cooperation. Liu team should have told you, don't be very difficult with me, then we won't take this case.

You have to know that we are detectives to coordinate the case handling. There is another death case in Tokyo, and you don't want to explode. "Lin Chen sneered, his tone was very bad.

This old guy Su Shan, Ji Linchen can't help frowning now, this is related to the investigation of the death and wide time incident, which can be said to be a difficult case investigation.

But Lin Chen's curiosity is why this old guy is involved in this case, this is what Lin Chen is extremely curious about, because when it comes to this kind of case, according to his identity, he should stay away from this kind of case

If it is the victim, then there is absolutely no need to hide it, or even through the means of Team Liu

Immediately, Lin Chen looked at Li Tian, ​​their faces were ashen, so there was some implication in the Su Shan's direct relationship case, and this relative made Su Shan very concerned, and even the kind that could not be given up.

Mr. Su Shan, I need to know why you are so concerned about this case, I suggest you answer truthfully, because the handling of the case is terrible. "Lin Chen's face was ashen, and he said to the phone.

Nothing is spotless, nothing is clean, everything, everything that exists, is clear

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