A businessman with such a character has achieved a certain achievement, and it involves a criminal case that should be kept away, but this is still a top-level case, a serious case, and no one dares to intervene in such a case, which is what Lin Chen and Li Tian are curious about.

There is an Interpol investigation, this case has happened all over the world, and now in our country, my son is an unconvicted suspect

Su Shan's tone is very tangled, but in disbelief and panic

When they get to the point where they are in disrepute, it will not be revealed. Once they are involved in a national criminal case, they will end up.horrible.Global Cases, Interpol

Hearing that Lin Chen turned serious, Li Tian's face was shocked.

This is a major case that has shocked the whole world. The suspect is going slow and then his purpose is to have a super big explosion. This outbreak is not like some small wars in the Middle East countries, so Lin Chen really understands this kind of criminal case, as long as there is a Implicated, then its fate is not confirmed, it is terrible


082 Serious Cases

Zong Code: Peking Opera Murder Case

Address of the case: spread globally, mostly in Europe and Southeast Asia and Huatai in Asia, with nearly [-] deaths worldwide

The nature of the case: a top-level serious case and a first-level case

Case description: During the ten years from 2000 to 2010, Peking Opera homicides occurred in the global region, in which the criminal suspects played looping Peking Opera songs during the killing process. Now it has spread from Europe and Southeast Asia to China.

Doubtful points of the case: The nature of case investigations across the country is different, but the strange point is that the deceased’s mobile phones are all playing Peking opera songs in a loop. The victim’s throat was cut in the process of dying, and the method of death was all over the country, so it was implicated~ and its difficulties

Suspect [-], most of the deceased were couples, Suspect [-], all of the deceased died of bleeding due to cutting the large artery of the throat. The motive for the crime of the deceased [-] suspects could not be strictly investigated.

Closing the case record sheet, Lin Chen rubbed his eyes. The deceased had already been sent to the coroner's office. Now there is still a need for a body investigation and various kinds of evidence collection from the deceased. Data investigation and evidence collection from the deceased, as well as crime scene investigation. These have been professional forensic doctors. the team did

Sitting in the study at night, Li Tian temporarily returned to the hotel, knowing that he was still involved in the first-level serious case, Lin Chen believed that Li Tian could not sleep well tonight

Just now I went to the Criminal Police Brigade of the Devil City, and chatted with the old guy Su Shan, only to find out that Su Shan had already paid for Chu Yuan. With Chu Yuan's assistance, Lin Chen smiled bitterly and breathed a sigh of relief, at least his confidence increased. dozens of times

Chu Yuan's method, this is what everyone knows, all kinds of killing methods and ways of dealing with the situation have reached the ultimate horror. You must know that this is a trick to hide the sky and cross the sea, which really makes Lin Chen and Li Tian amazed. But no one knew that he was the director of a mental hospital who was the least likely to be a criminal suspect.

Close the case, rubbed his eyes and yawned Lin Chen lying on the bed to sleep

The Muting is extraordinarily bright tonight. In the white moonlight, no one knows that someone is killing someone in the middle of the night.

The next morning, I rubbed my eyes and woke up lazily. People are wonderful creatures. They always have to adapt to all kinds of things, and avoid letting too many things break their minds.

This is the death record, the ups and downs are dancing and dancing, and some people are killed in the middle of the night

Modu Police Brigade, Lin Chen came early at ten o'clock in the morning. Compared to a very responsible detective like Li Tian, ​​Lin Chen did come later.

At the entrance of the police station, there was a person squatting on the steps, drinking soy milk with a mouthful of steamed buns, when he saw Lin Chen smiling and waving

Chu Yuan

Seeing Chu Yuan, Lin Chen couldn't help but respond with a smile and patted Chu Yuan's shoulder.

That old guy from Su Shan has paid a fortune and gave you something so that you can participate in the first-level serious case. "Lin Chen smiled bitterly. Chu Yuan, in the former terrorist organization, was a figure who received top-level training, and was good at various intelligence planning, and all kinds of Wang Duan were shown to be extremely terrifying characters.

At least at this time, Chu Yuan definitely knew clearly what the first-level serious case ranking in the top-level serious case represented. The nature of the crime was definitely an existence that terrified everyone.

You must know that before, Li Tian learned that the first-level serious cases could not be arranged, because the ranking of the cases reached such a level, the nature of the various cases, the means of crime

This also makes everyone frown. The case has developed to such a point that it is difficult to control and develop.

I don't need money, because I don't need money, because of freedom: "Chu Yuan said with a wry smile.

Lin Chen was silent, remembering the ancient records before.

The development of the case, and various means to show

Chu Yuan's personal information, Lin Chen has read carefully before, Chu Yuan owns a large warehouse storage and transportation company in m, and it has been listed. Although it is not ranked in foreign markets, it has a large market in the western part of the village of m, and the value market It is estimated at [-] million US dollars, which is also discussed by everyone before, and that is the motive of Chu Yuan's crime

At that time, detectives using criminal methods, all of which were directed at Chu Yuan. This was also deliberately done by Chu Yuan at that time. On the one hand, it was to paralyze President Zhang, and on the other hand, he used himself to let President Zhang relax his vigilance.

ask for flowers

This is Chu Yuan, he is proficient in various means of disguise, and even shows his strength through various means

This is the terrible thing in Chu Yuan, and it is also the main reason why Lin Chen wants to find Chu Yuan

With the addition of Chu Yuan, Lin Chen is in charge of the situation investigation, and with the cooperation of everyone, the situation investigation is assured.

Because this is a global case, the branch of the case has developed to the whole, from European countries to those countries in Southeast Asia

The international magazine police have paid attention to formal cases, and now the case exhibition has reached the point where it is about to collapse completely

What do you think of the development of the case, "Lin Chen frowned, looking at Chu Yuandao

Wiping his mouth, eating and drinking, Chu Yuan flipped through the case file and wrinkled: "For freedom, it seems that I have taken on a terrible case." Chu Yuan couldn't help but smile bitterly, but whenever it involves a global case, the case Development, to this point, but all cases involving global cases, the nature of which is completely different

In the Peking Opera murder case, the criminal suspects condense and enjoy Peking Opera, and then experience the death process in their imagination. This murderous king is either a pervert or a pervert at the peak of his vicious methods.

"But according to the records of the global case, it is clear that this is a person who survived the global murder case. This is very scary, so it is difficult to deal with." Chu Yuan said bluntly, looking at the crowd with a wry smile.

I know what you said, and what you meant. The case has developed to this point, and the situation is completely out of control. Obviously, the motive for the crime has been unimaginable. "Lin Chen frowned.

A top-level criminal case is a first-level serious case. After receiving this case, everyone is already staring at the horror case, because the case has developed into this nature, and it is already an uncontrollable existence.

"Do you know the motive for the crime, do you know the paranoia, and have you seen Dean Zhang? They come from different backgrounds and have various lifestyles, all of which are different from the motive for the crime." Chu Yuan tapped the table, looked at Lin Chen and smiled.


083 The Outbreak

"Captain Lin, Deputy Captain Zhang Tiannuan asked you to take a look at this tape." Just after discussing with Chu Yuan, a police officer in the archives placed a black video tape on the table.

The conference room, entering the conference room, there are only Chu Yuan, Lin Chen, and Li Tian.

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