This kind of publication case and its big existence, as well as the investigation of the case, all kinds of control have become extremely difficult.

It was a live video, the three wore black ancient Indian masks, and then said in a cold and holy tone: "There is a leather boot shop in the northwest of Wancheng. The manager of the shop has abused his parents for a long time. We will let him die of despair tomorrow night.

The notice of murder, the means of murder, the combination of various means, is extremely scary

Lin Chen Lingsan "faced ashen, looking at the video footage.

Murder King section, live video

In an instant, Lin Chen thought of a movie. It was a movie. The various methods of the movie and the methods of joint killing were all extremely terrifying. Knowing that at this time, Lin Chen's face was ashen.

Live video recording, various means, this is a famous Japanese movie. The movie has developed to such a point that it has been banned by some people. This is because of the theme. Lin Chen has seen the trailer and knows this TV series very well. The progress of this case is all because of his understanding of "prediction of the crime, like that movie, is this real?" Li Tian couldn't help frowning, although Li Tian had not watched the TV series, but after consulting the general introduction of the movie, his face was stern.

Forewarning of murder, this is a challenge to the police

Captain Zhang, this is a case in the Royal Capital. "Li Tian frowned, Li Tian had never heard of such a case during his time in the magic capital.

No, this is a case in Wancheng. A suspect hacked the anchor's number, and then directly announced his method of crime. This is a perverted murder under a white flag, standing on pseudo-morality, so the impact is very large. "Zhang Tiannuan said with a wry smile.

The nature of this kind of case is completely blatantly challenging the police, because the atavism suspects have all kinds of methods and are perverted without any moral logic.

Can't find its ip address. "Lin Chen frowned, since Zhang Tiannuan gave the case to himself, he knew that if the case has been controlled by now, then there is no need for detectives to pay attention to these ordinary cases.

That's right, the ip address of the criminal suspect is completely wrong code, even we know the professional hackers to find it, but the wrong location is only displayed in the magic city, but the investigation of the major signal frequency lines in the magic city is still unable to check. various investigations. "

"The video just now is from the day before yesterday. This is the record and investigation of the case."

Video investigation, as well as various means of detection and control are very difficult. "Zhang Tiannuan couldn't help frowning.

The case has reached this point, not only a criminal case of murder, but a provocation to the society and the authoritative police

"P address and line are accurate, even if it is wrong, it should be possible to find it, how can it be impossible to find it!" Lin Chen frowned, the top hackers used by the police are not just academic masters who graduated from theoretical universities, but real with hacking

All errors are displayed in the magic capital. "Zhang Tiannuan smiled bitterly, looking at Lin Chen and said

Kill the social plan. "Li Tian frowned.

Provoking authority, the netizens who watched the live broadcast for the first time at that time must be very few. This is the picture and plot in the movie, so when the first live broadcast at that time, I didn't pay much attention to it.

This is the picture at the time. Now it is extremely difficult for everyone to record the development of events and various records.

The victim was beaten to death and died in the live broadcast. At that time, the live broadcast platform hurriedly closed the screen, but after the police asked to expand the screen, it was the terrible beating. "

"The victim runs a leather boot shop, which is located in the suburbs. The victim often beats his biological parents. This was reported to the police by a neighbor at the time. Although the victim has a high morality, the impact of the case is very bad." Zhang Tiannuan smiled bitterly.

Everyone is a policeman, a policeman who has a very clear distinction between good and evil, and the judgment of various cases is naturally clear, and now the case investigation naturally knows

Why are the criminal police brigade to do it. "Li Tian frowned. He had a preliminary understanding of the case. Li Tian didn't want to intervene in this case. Now that the case has developed to such a point, Li Tian doesn't want to intervene."

Li Tian intervenes in the case. Now he is no longer looking at money, but what the case can bring to him. This is Li Tian's thinking. First of all, he predicted the murder case. At this point, the case is very uncontrollable. development of all kinds

The nature of the case and the development of the case are very problematic. "Li Tian said with an expressionless face.

Lin Chen smiled wryly. No one knows Li Tian's existence better than him. It is very difficult to describe the development of various cases in various cases.

The development of the case has reached this point and it is very difficult, do you really want to intervene in this case record form? "Li Tian frowned.

Li Tian is not short of money. In contrast, he prefers fame. Only fame is the real temptation for detectives. The ranking of detectives requires various suspicious cases to improve his identity.

Even now the case is to be judged, the nature of the judgement of the case, to this point how to control and soften

How is the case fermenting! "Lin Chen frowned.

In this kind of case, only the criminal police brigade is the detective and the rivers and lakes, 10 are concerned about the reputation of various cases, and very few people will pick up those cases that go against their conscience for money

First of all, the criminal case is announced, and the criminal suspect stands on the commanding heights of morality.

The deceased beat his parents, why didn't anyone call the police? "Lin Chen frowned. One

Hang Ran found out that the jp address is in Modu, but this case has nothing to do with the police brigade. Now it is imminent to deal with the first-level serious case, so Lin Chen doesn't want to take this kind of case unless he has to.

Wait a moment. "

Zhang Tiannuan suddenly looked at the text messages on his mobile phone and hurriedly took out his notebook, then went online and entered the live broadcast website, where three masked men were watching

Watching the live broadcast, the live broadcast is broadcasting, this is a terrible broadcast, the voices of three men in black with black masks are FM


084 Live Murder

hey what do you want to watch live stream saw the trailer prisoner this movie is great so we're going to try it

Do you still remember the man in the boot shop before, hey hey he beat his parents, the police were coordinating inside, but there was no way to deal with it and no one came to handle the sin, then we are sins. "

This time, in the northern suburbs of Modu City, there was a factory owner, a fat man with a big head and big ears. This guy raped a girl and finally settled it with money and relationships. In the end, the girl's family withdrew the lawsuit, and the girl committed suicide by jumping off the building hahahaha.

"But there is no retribution for the straight, we are the retribution, we are the naked retribution, do we know the process of death, we will be the process of walking, death is just a new life, all of them have to die.

Are you ready to die, this is just the beginning.

The sound stopped abruptly, and the screen was instantly black. This was not the real estate management of the live broadcast app, because the police wanted to investigate p before 15, so the major live broadcast apps allowed them to continue playing.

Find the app and then find the location of the app. This is location positioning and location search. Location search requires a lot of investigation, including various data investigations, data investigations and data records.

In a total of ten minutes, Lin Chen watched his fingers tap on the table. The situation had developed to such a point that Lin Chen couldn't help but want to laugh. You know, the suspect's eyes no longer have any color, have you seen the trailer at the beginning? That was a group of poor people from a poor life, and now in this body, I see this kind of light again, the same is true, the same is true

Lin Chen couldn't help laughing bitterly. The development of the case and the live broadcast were clear, and the plot in the movie actually reappeared.

this!Can't pick up. "Li Tian's face was ashen after reading it. This IP investigation, Li Tian is very confident, but Li Tian cares that this is the final judgment of the case.

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