First of all, whether the suspect is right or wrong, at least everyone is wrong when they stand on the opposite side, and everyone is wrong in the case records. Tian Nuan smiled bitterly

Standing on the high end of morality, this is clearly known to everyone, but everyone knows more that there will be a guy who should die tomorrow, but this guy has used various means and has not been sentenced.

At this time on the Internet, various comments and micro-video forwarding, many netizens are guessing

The process of recording the case, as well as various investigations of the case, are already causing everyone a headache.

Come on, you are the best, just like an ancient knight. "

Come on.

Turning on the live comments, Li Tian motioned everyone to watch the comments. These comments also determine the reputation of a detective.

"It's not that I don't want to pick it up, it's that I don't stand above morality, wait for Pengtian, and send police officers to protect the fat man who was exposed." Li Tian smiled bitterly.

This is to a certain extent, netizens have been awakened to a certain kind of justice in their hearts, but this kind of justice does exist, but it should not break out by their own means

The first serious case, let's discuss it again. "Lin Chen patted Li Tianqiang, indicating to conquer the first case.

Chu Yuan is good at means of investigation. He always uses various means to obtain certain records, that is, data acquisition. This is a case description that no one has imagined. Various records of data are almost like this now. Let me explain in detail. . "Lin Chen frowned, with a chilling look in his eyes.

The first serious case, joining Chu Yuan, everyone is confident to deal with the case where even the national criminal police have no source of evidence

First of all, the most frightening thing about the Peking Opera murder case is the case record. Among the global cases, there are various proof records, as well as evidence of death, as well as traces of criminal suspects at the scene, even fingerprints, liquids, and video proofs, but none of these are available.

The original case was in Europe, which was called saitarweiva, an independent European country. At that time, a young North American woman was in the hotel with her husband, and her throat was cut to death on the bed. At that time, their mobile phone was still playing Twitter from The ancient oriental Peking Opera "Then the murder case of cut throat Peking Opera in Europe, and then it broke out completely. Now the case records, as well as the case rankings, all have various records, and the development is like this." Lin Chen frowned. road

After Europe, it spread to Southeast Asia. In Southeast Asia, there were legal issues, so the nature of the outbreak was not so terrible. In the case records at the time, the final death toll was 89.

In five poor countries in Southeast Asia, the death toll stands at 89. "Li Tian couldn't help frowning.

"Could it be the nature of a gang? The ups and downs of the case are too long." Li Tian frowned.

You must know that from Europe to Southeast Asia, and finally to China, the case span is very large

No, this is a person, an upright executioner, who should have been a mercenary or professional killer. "Chu Yuan frowned.

In Chu Yuan's mouth, Lin Chen learned that the killer is a straight character, not the so-called novel or the movie recorded by the village.

In Southeast Asia and South Africa, there are more hired pongs, and one level higher than mercenaries is abnormal killing.

This kind of perverted murderer does not need to look for 263 at all to find its motive. Now it is just to find its next purpose, and its whereabouts, and then just shoot it directly. "Chu Yuan smiled bitterly.

The old guy Su Shan said before that when the case is settled, Chu Yuan will restore his free status, and he will be free, because now in the country, Chu Yuan's status is still under temporary supervision.

For the huge temptation of freedom, Chu Yuan is the glue to enter the first-level serious case investigation. During the previous investigation, Chu Yuan knew the meaning of the first-level serious case.

Two major cases are in front of everyone, one is a perverted Peking Opera homicide case, and the other is a live broadcast homicide

"Is it so scary to kill a live broadcast? It's just tampering with myself." Li Tian couldn't help frowning. Now the investigation of the case and the investigation of the case record are extremely difficult.

Pay attention to their eyes, this is a group of paranoid, crazy people with all kinds of thinking, proficient in all kinds of ip methods, if they are the same as foreshadowing criminals, then it is extremely difficult to deal with

"Because of a group of desperate lunatics to handle the case, it is extremely difficult to handle the case with various means."

Something will happen tomorrow, and the northern suburbs of Mumodu are too big. The fat boss of the factory will investigate at night. I think the fat man has disappeared. "Lin Chen's face suddenly turned ashen, and then he couldn't help but smile bitterly.


085 Interesting

Lin Chen's guess was obviously confirmed. At eight o'clock in the morning the next day, the suspect started a live broadcast. The live broadcast showed that the factory owner, a fat man with a fat head and ears, was pushed directly from the rooftop.

In other words, this is not pushing down, but directly on the fat man, tied a rope, suspended in mid-air, the drone is shooting this kind of picture, and then the picture shows that it is the terrifying picture of death.

In the morning, Li Tian motioned to Lin Chen to watch the recording of the suspect before.

Various records of the criminal suspect, including the live broadcast of the criminal suspect's death

Hey, did you see it, this is the damn fat, yes it's time, what are you waiting for, this is the show of killing and the beginning of death, what did this fat guy do, let him speak Say it

The three wore black ancient Roman masks, and their eyes were full of madness without expression. These were truly terrifying pupils, and they were even more perverted and terrifying than Dean Zhang before.

Because they don't have any thinking, they don't fear any death, and they don't even care what death is. Death is more like a new life to those eyes without any expression.

This is the mask of black silk ancient Rome. In Roman times, it represented the judge, that is, the sanctioner around the king, who punished all the sins of the abyss.

The factory owner, a middle-aged fat man, was tied up by a rope with a frightened face, and then hung in the air. He was howling at first, but this is an abandoned floor in the suburbs, and there are no pedestrians at all.

The live broadcast time is six o'clock, and there are not many people watching it now, but there are more than [-] people online in the live broadcast of the forewarned criminals. At this time, Lin Chen couldn't help frowning, and finally knew why Zhang Tiannuan asked the detective to come to the show. span

The first is the nature of the case, as well as the influence of the situation on the society, because the criminal suspect stands at the high moral level of the society, and there will be many people in the moral high level who will arouse some resentment towards Wang society from childhood to adulthood.

So Zhang Tiannuan, that is, what the police brigade is afraid of is influencing Jiu

This is why, on the Internet, some cases discuss disputes, once standing at a high level of morality, even the power of netizens can make it change its development.

This is the power of netizens, so it is also a method that the Criminal Police Brigade is afraid of, and the Internet Supervision Bureau planned to strictly block it before, but the police need to investigate the ip. That is, the ip and the live address of the criminal suspect were investigated before.

Finding IP is now extremely difficult for everyone, because the suspect's method is the same as the movie trailer, in which various forms of outbreaks

Live video, this is a video in the form of live broadcast. There are various pictures in the video. In the picture, it makes people look ashen. The situation has developed to this point, and the criminal suspect is blatantly provocative.

This is the opposite of the public, but the suspect has a moral height, and the current form of the case is this state

Continue to watch video [-]" Lin Chen said expressionlessly

Live video recording, in the ghost image, the victim tells the crime in the frightened image

Do you want to know Shi, I say it all, I say it all. "The victim, the middle-aged fat man was pale and trembling all over and said about your previous crimes. There are only two ropes, and if you break it, you will die. The masked man, wearing a black mask, looked at the victim expressionlessly and then mocked him to the extreme. road

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