I said, there was a woman I did sorry for but I paid for it. I went to apologize. Her family accepted the money but it had nothing to do with me. They accepted the money, but the woman still jumped off the building. "The middle-aged fat man works hard to maintain his state, and his eyes are full of horror.

yes, come back

In the live broadcast, the masked man laughed and cut off a rope, and broke one in an instant. The middle-aged fat man's rope was swaying, and it felt like it was about to break.

Don't, don't, spare my life to draw and I will say everything. "The middle-aged fat man trembled all over, with the sound of crying

I said, I said, things are not like this, yes, you are right, things are not like this, I don't know, I was wrong. "The fat man was pale and said incoherently.

Yes, of course, you can disintegrate all the answers with a light-hearted sentence that you don't know. Well, this is correct. Of course, you can tell all the information for granted, it's just what you say. "

The masked man smiled, and the live broadcast was divided into two halves. One half was the picture taken by the drone, which was the desperate look of the middle-aged fat man of the victim, and the other half was the masked man cutting the rope.

The sound was not very loud. It was just that the corpse was under the impact, and there was some noise when it hit the ground. At other times, there was no sound at all.

Case records, as well as various case processes, are already beyond control

The rope is broken, the victim is dead, the live broadcast comment is blown up, and the suspect ends the live broadcast

Death notice, this is a live broadcast of death that is even more terrifying than death notice. Even criminal suspects are rampant and unscrupulously broadcast live broadcasts on major platforms. As for live broadcast accounts, ID card detection is required, so the criminal suspects directly stole the anchor's number, and the eyes There are a lot of fans

Now, it is no longer a contest between criminal suspects and the police, but the public and the whole society are looking forward to criminal suspects (what is the next step for Wang's people?

The suspect stands on a moral level, I was interrupted by Chu Yuan before Zhang Tiannuan finished speaking.

I need to declare that their pupils are not at the height of the Tao, but after experiencing the same desperation as the movie trailer, they chose this method of revenge society that does not conform to common sense thinking. "Chu Yuan smiled wryly.

Lin Chen said before that the suspects' various kings and motives all show that the criminal suspect's methods and behaviors, as well as the crime method and the person's perverted live broadcast concept

But what everyone has already understood is that the motive of the criminal suspects is despair, and it can even be called the loneliness of the bottom people. They are eager to be noticed, just like children left behind, so under a certain situation, they choose extreme methods.


086 Peking Opera Masks

Peking Opera tunes are made up of two major tunes, "Xipi" and "Erhuang", which are commonly known as "Pihuang tunes".

After the Peking Opera murder case, Li Tian listened to the suspect's play during the killing process to feel the murder method of the criminal suspect.

Death Guang is composed of various means, but Peking Opera homicide is the only difference. The criminal suspect is among the victims of the murder, and then handles the murder in a calm and organized manner.

There is a miniature video all over the world, which was shot by a camera abandoned in Europe. The suspect first whispered in the victim's ear, then raised his head and slowly cut the aorta in his throat. The victim did not struggle, but his whole body Powerless, looking at death in despair. "In a hotel in the northern suburbs, a couple died again, and they died in the suite with their throats cut. Now I'm going to investigate. Zhang Tiannuan hurriedly went to knock on the door. hard to control

At this time, everyone watched the development of this case, various cases, and death records in criminal cases.

Police car roaring, northern suburbs

At this time, in the northern suburbs of Modu City, in this suburb, there are mostly social workers and 563 outsiders.

Due to the nature of the situation, the criminal investigation

Beijiao - Tianshan Hotel

A black cordon surrounds the entrance of the hotel. The residents of the area have already controlled the area. After seeing the car of the Criminal Police Brigade, they hurriedly dispersed the crowd, and then went to file various investigation reports.

"Simple introduction." Lin Chen said.

The police in the northern suburbs have already maintained the security of the scene and the situation of the criminal suspects in advance, as well as the handling of various problems. It is not easy to deal with the current situation.

Due to public security issues, the northern suburbs are very difficult to investigate because of the complex migrant population in the society. Because it is a public security investigation, the police in Dupian have been placed on a three-level alert state.

Level [-] alert, this is a state of alert in which criminal suspects are circulating and have not been arrested

In other words, in the Modu area, there are criminal suspects who have not been arrested in circulation, and the nature of the criminal suspects is Wang's top-level serious crime level [-] alert state.

Once the three-level alert is reported in the police offices of the major areas, it means that there are criminal suspects who have not been arrested, and there is still the possibility of committing crimes again during the escape process.

Beijiao Film Police, the sheriff's name is Li Fei, [-] years old, he has solved major criminal cases before, so he was promoted by exception.Li Fei looked tough, and was standing in front of Lin Chen and saluting, looking at the case and reporting the case with a pale face

As the captain of the film police, this case happened in the area under his control, which was the most unbearable for Li Fei, because the case developed to this point, no matter how it affected the security.

Describe the case. "Lin Chen didn't look at Li Fei's entangled expression, but frowned.

The nature of criminal suspects and their cruelty

At least at this time, Lin Chen's face was ashen. The Peking Opera murder case that was ignored by the public reappeared again, and the murder case was discussed by the public and the media.

Is there any connection between the forewarning criminal case and the murderer of the Peking Opera murder case? "Li Tian frowned, this kind of case description was discussed in the conference room of the police promotion brigade before.

Forewarning criminal cases, such criminal cases, as well as various criminal natures of criminal suspects, have caused huge heated discussions in today's society

"There is a connection between the perpetrator of the notice and the perpetrator of the Peking Opera murder case, there is no connection," Professor Chen frowned.

Professor Chen has just investigated the Peking Opera murder case from Saierweiva Zai New York, investigated the scene of the case as an Interpol, and photographed the scene, in order to obtain the criminal suspect's information proof, as well as (bfdc) the criminal suspect's motive for committing the crime

The suspect's motive for committing the crime is something that everyone has been speculating and cannot find

Professor Chen went to investigate before, investigated a lot, and learned some things.

In sareya, among the data investigations, various means investigations, and capital video investigations, all kinds of video investigations are extremely difficult video investigations, and various case investigations also have case records. In the current case investigation, this It is the source of the crime, which is to go to Europe for forensic investigation.

Among them is to investigate various theft records, as well as the development of subsequent cases

The development of the case, to this point, the development of events has a great influence.

The crime scene was protected. You Gan knew the criminal nature of the case, so the police officer who executed the case only confirmed the case, but did not go to check the data records, and the process of the crime.

The scene of the case, temporarily protected, let's go and see now. "Interrupting everyone's conversation, Lin Chen frowned and said.

The investigation of the evidence collection of the case is the most critical point in solving the case.

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