The Network Supervision Bureau is already checking the source of the id, which is to find the source of the signal of the suspect, and to find the area where the suspect is located and the destination of the area.

This is the investigation method of criminal suspects, even in criminal investigations, all kinds of investigations.

Even if the id account is a stolen account, the suspect's means cannot confuse the source of the signal. Among them, our investigation is the source of the "five or six" signal, and we investigate the development according to the source of the signal. "Zhang Tiannuan said

Wancheng is a second-tier town. During the previous investigation, various data showed that there were still various cases to collect evidence.

Forensic investigations, as well as sources of criminal suspects, developments in various investigations now

However, in Modu, various technologies, as well as the top hacking experts specially invited this time, deliberately investigated the source of the signal through their networksource, and then carried out arrests.

According to the nature of the crime, the nature of the crime is not so serious, but in the current data investigation, this is the case investigation, and there are various data recording processes, criminal suspects, causing huge social problems. Controversy, this kind of controversy is also a headache for everyone

According to the ranking of the top publishing cases in Modu, the most important thing is the criminal nature of the first-level serious Peking Opera homicide case, as well as the means of criminal suspects, who are wanted in the world

But what surprised everyone was the nature of the case. Among them was the announcement of the murder incident, which actually caused a huge heated discussion. The live broadcast is still talking, and the three suspects were in the live broadcast, and they were wearing black masks. , with a cold look in his eyes

Lin Chenxi rolled his eyes, the criminal suspect had a very thoughtful behavior, that is, he was always beating on the table subconsciously.

When interrogating prisoners, Lin Chendi likes this kind of action at a certain moment, because the criminal suspects are being interrogated, and their psychological endurance will be in despair with the layers of questions, and then with the sound of beating, in this At this moment, the suspect's heartbeat even makes him pay attention to a voice, or even a kind of thinking

When the beating is accelerated, the suspect under interrogation will even collapse directly

At this time, everyone is frowning and the case has developed to this point, and it has begun to be a little out of control.

This is our third live broadcast. The first live broadcast was a despicable guy who beat his parents, and he was killed by us. This is the retribution from the teaser pox fanatic. The second live broadcast was a middle-aged man who opened a factory. Fat man, this guy is rich, but his personality is extremely perverted

He is also dead

Do you know this fat man, this fat man is really disgusting. After he violated the girl, he spent money to cancel the appeal. In the end, the girl jumped off the building, and her family canceled the appeal.

In fact, in the second live broadcast, the girl's family should also die, but she only has an elderly mother, and she is seriously ill and needs money urgently, so please tell me, what is the sin!

Before the live broadcast, a black cartoon wolf mask man waved his arms. His voice was processed by a special sound card, but it was just like the tyrannical roar of foreigners speaking Chinese, and it was impossible for people to investigate the source of the sound.

This is the investigation of the case. In the combined killing of the suspects of the nature of the case, I don't know how many people died. Is this guy crazy thinking or deliberately used by others!Fresh official! "Liu team frowned, he was clear from the beginning to the star of the premonition of the criminal case.

What if it is aphasia, who grew up in the mud and then struggled to survive and survive, and was completely desperate in the face of the situation

"The existence of the foreshadowers is tragic. They have completely lost hope and self-confidence. Only the poor justice is left trying to get himself noticed, and then trying to become a lone hero.

A lone hero, after a stranger, at the beginning of despair

"You can only arrest, otherwise it will really be merged into a serious case." Lin Chen smiled wryly

These guys are very pitiful and sad, but they are also very familiar, because these guys show all kinds of thoughts and abilities, and the familiar eyes are sad.


The light in his pupils gave Lin Chen a very familiar feeling. This kind of light in his eyes was very familiar, like the last hope of a dying man, and then he dazzled in despair, and finally died completely.

This is that kind of light. Death is in full display. Any light display after death is extremely terrifying, even called terrible.

There is no new look in the eyes anymore, this is really experiencing some kind of blow, and then facing this kind of situation, and then completely despairing after the blow, this is because of the blow of the situation, the complete despair after the blow of the situation.

This is not to please anyone, but to please myself and the best

They are either criminally motivated or not criminally motivated

This is the dead, the dying

The third time, in Tianxingshan, in a homestay, two young 2.2 people crushed a little girl to death. During the crushing, the girl was accidentally crushed, but she did not die, just crushed, but they The girl put it in the car and then pulled it to a remote area and threw it directly into the river.

"But do they really think that no one sees it, no one is paying attention to all this, the police don't worry about it, the couple is gone, see the black sack on the ground, the huge sack contains two people." The previewer was in front of the live broadcast screen, his eyes were crazy, with a proud look in his eyes, and he pointed to the two sacks on the ground.

The sack was struggling, and it was obvious that someone was fiddling with it.

A black van started slowly on the ground.

As the prophet said, the same way of death, the same death, but different people die.


089 Darkness is coming

The couple was released, their hands and feet were tied together, and then they lay on the ground struggling to watch the van go backwards [-] meters and then suddenly accelerated

"No! Help!

what! ”

There was a clicking sound, it was the sound of broken bones, and then there was the second sound, which was the sound of the rear wheel being crushed, and the bones cracked instantly.

"Didn't you die? Do it again." The trailer saw that the victim man was still struggling and frowned.

The van started, and then rolled away again, with the sound of broken bones and blood splashing in the high-definition picture

The victim man looked desperate and lay on the ground with blood blisters

It's pitiful, but it deserves it. A few days ago, a little girl even had this kind of experience. After being crushed again and again, she died in a pool of blood, and even her body was thrown into the river.

River water always buries sins, burying the endless sins. 15

The screen reproduces blood dripping

This is the live broadcast screen. In the screen at this time, everyone's faces are ashen. Looking at the live broadcast screen, their eyes are full of shock.At least at this time, that is, at the same time, the methods of the criminal suspect, and even the mentally changing thinking, are all terrible to the limit.

At least it made everyone pale, even shocked.

This is the third time to announce the killing of the live broadcast, and it is also the first time to announce the beheading of the opponent, that is, the enemy.

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