At this time, everyone's face was ashen, and their eyes were full of slaughter at this change.

All material broken and displayed, at least it is a terrifying picture

How many people died, how could they be so perverted, or the motive of killing this group of criminals is to attract attention, then what happened to them before. "Li Tian's face was ashen, watching the end of the screen, watching the black screen in silence.

What is Di Guang? At this time, the picture is like this. This kind of face is Di Guang. At least at this time, everyone was shocked and his face was blue, even shocked to the limit.

The picture of death, or the moment of rebirth for the deceased

"Location, what are the regional police officers doing now, look for it." Wen team Wu Nu, put down the phone and his face was ashen, and even the current screen display has reached an existence that makes everyone's face extremely ashen.

The situation is out of control, you galloping!

Everyone's faces were ashen as they watched Team Liu hurriedly walk towards Tianxing Mountain.

Now it is an investigation, and it is also to investigate the various methods and motives of the criminal suspect.

We don't have to go, that's where President Zhang killed the taxi driver before Tianxingshan. "Chu Yuan still wanted to go, but was stopped by Lin Chen with a wry smile.

Forewarning prisoners, every plan, even every action, has their own unique thinking, this is the foreshadowing of prisoners, their various thoughts and action plans are extremely terrifying characters, which is why everyone is so afraid exist

Because of the development of the case, to this point, it is already uncontrollable

Predicting criminals, criminal methods, various behaviors, and even criminals' elaboration and abnormal behavior are all extremely terrifying existences. what do you want to do next

This is terrifying, and it is now that Chu Yuan never cared to become vigilant.

What do you think. "Looking at Chu Yuan, Li Tian frowned.

Li Tian admitted that he had underestimated the scientific and technological means of predicting criminals before. After the top hackers came to Kyoto to find the id location, everyone knew that this guy was the criminal. He was a straight and terrible person.

At least in the face of the nature of the crime, the top hacker crime segments are all leading in the world. According to the live broadcast id and satellite network positioning, it is very easy to find a criminal suspect's hiding place.

But with the failure of the top hackers who came from the imperial capital, the situation has reached the extreme.

Because of the criminal nature now, there are still perpetrators

In this gang, the suspects are extremely terrifying. Among the gang, there is a suspect who is good at technological means. By modifying d to cause confusion, and then changing his id position, it is now his record.

After changing the id method, and then investigating the direction of the id's direction, the criminal suspect can be located in any area of ​​​​Modu, and has actually been in this area a few days ago, and has operated this kind of machine, so even if the top hacker finds the area, There is a positioning, but it is only a fake positioning. When the suspect is found again, the id has been discarded, that is, the live broadcast is over.

Standing in the conference room of the serious crime team, Lin Chen pointed to the drawing board in the conference room, his face was ashen and told about the suspect's methods. Before, everyone felt a sense of substitution because of the preview of the TV series. After the sense of substitution, everyone thought that this was the case. People, just poor people and go through something that explodes, but it looks totally different now

"These people are not ordinary people, they should be the elites of the society, and even proficient in various means, they are obsessed with things like Ping, but these people cannot be found in ordinary society.

Before, I thought that the deceased had something to do with the criminal suspect Keheng, but after careful investigation of the various deceased people, I found that there was no implication. That is to say, a group of social elites were imitating the plot of the forewarning criminal, or else we are now investigating why the king is so thorny. . "Chu Yuan smiled bitterly and said that this is a positioning investigation. After the investigation, everyone's face is ashen. The case has reached such a point that it is out of control and cannot be investigated.

Everyone's faces are even more ugly, because now the case investigation, if Chu Yuan is right, a group of social elites, or even leaders in major industries, and then imitate the preview of the crime plot, then both the case investigation and the inference are all timely. its difficult.

The criminal who first manipulated the id should be a senior network engineer, and he is one of the top talents in the whole country, and he has already conceived various manipulation methods before, so it is completely impossible to locate in the live broadcast.

Migrant population surveys, and now foreign populations are surveyed, including data investigations and various case investigation records. In this situation, it is now very difficult to collect evidence from cases. "Lin Chen frowned.


090 Elite Team

What is terrible, in the face of this group of really vicious criminal suspects, they are no longer people at the bottom without any technological means, but social elites

This kind of transformation has changed everyone's thinking about the criminal offender, and even now it has changed to an extremely pale face.

This is the forewarning of the crime, and it is also the most vicious investigation method. Now, after the development of the investigation, there is no way for any investigation.

Forewarning criminals, elite criminals are good at various criminal methods

In the third live broadcast, two victims were directly crushed to death. Under the van, they were brutally crushed to death. Now, the investigation of various theft materials shows that there is still the nature of the criminal case and its abnormal existence.

This is the live broadcast screen, in the screen is the means of the criminal suspect

The third death, the death has been made before

The power of the Internet is terrible. Even under the title of the Internet Supervision Bureau, the number of people watching the live broadcast cannot be avoided.

A total of [-] people watch it online, and you can see the comments everywhere. "Chu Yuan's face was ashen, and he read the comments to Li Tiandao with a wry smile.

Looking at the comments now, everyone can't help but frown.

Because netizens think that the previewer did the right thing, and the previewer Wang Duan is very experienced. Before the video of the little girl's murder was broadcast, it was a surveillance shot, which was aroused by the anger of many netizens.

There is no doubt that the forewarned criminals are business criminals. Now we will investigate their identities and locations. As for the motives, there is no need to investigate.Lin Chen frowned

The case has developed to such a point that even in the three live broadcasts, the suspect's methods are extremely cruel.

The first time the victim beat his biological parents, the second time the victim forced a pregnant young girl, the third time the victim ran over the girl, the third time the victim died In the eyes of netizens and even ordinary people, these deaths are natural but positive It is someone who knows that although crime stands at the height of morality, it is ultimately regarded as the law.

Above the law, Lin Chen is guessing, this is the pursuit of the criminal suspect or the destination he wants to get, above the law, sitting on his self-righteous justice

Justice will never be absent!" Li Tiannian said, but his voice was a little quieter

You can't expect a seriously ill mother to go to the police with a pale face and let the police punish the beast

But her daughter committed suicide by jumping off the building, and there is no evidence of prosecution or even criminal evidence.

The night is coming, and every night is the same, and you are in the abyss to foretell a crime. "Lin Chen whispered, his eyes shining strangely.

No one knows better than him what these guys want, they never get what they want, so they won't stop if they don't have a criminal motive.

Social elites, good at all kinds of criminal methods, the shape of criminals is extremely tragic, and the criminal methods are extremely cruel

But they are in disguise, that is, they have become a group of ordinary people, even ordinary people with underground social status, which is unbelievable for everyone

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