In the initial investigation, people were extremely disdainful for the suspect to hide the source of the ID, because this was a previous record investigation, and this was also the way the suspect was used by the police in order to thin the police.

Later, in the investigation of the criminal suspect, after all the information was sorted out and investigated, the investigation of the situation entered a deadlock, which was also the sleepy means of the subsequent investigation, and it was also an investigation that made everyone unable to stop and have a headache.

At present, the motive of the crime is also curious, because once the identity of the criminal suspect is changed, the motive of the crime of the criminal suspect is also a headache. This is the subsequent investigation and the identity of the motive of the criminal suspect.

For a long time, the identity of the criminal suspect has been investigated by the police. In all the investigations now, all kinds of information show that the suspect's method of coagulating people and his tyrannical thinking are all shrewd plans.

This is the means of planning, this is the investigation of criminal means, and in all kinds of criminal investigations, it is the existence in the records

This is a terrifying existence. Even before, everyone was confused by it, and now all kinds of thinking are showing

Here is the criminal suspect. From the first live broadcast in all the live broadcasts, the whole process has been shown to be extremely terrifying.

This is the live broadcast method, and in the display of the method... it is the method of the criminal suspect

The means are displayed, the criminal suspect's thinking, in which the criminal suspect is displayed by various means, in the first live broadcast, the criminal suspect's process is changed everyone's thinking "From the first time, that is, the dead man in the leather boots store Later, during the live broadcast, the victim and the criminal suspect continued to use the foreshadowing as the prototype after the death, and even they wanted to silence the traces of several cases, and then disappear completely." Lin Chen frowned.

The thinking and thinking of these criminal suspects are exposed by various means. This is the hands of the criminal suspects, and it is also the means of controlling various cases now.

The second live broadcast was that of the factory fat man. Among all the live broadcasts, the factory fat man saw this criminal method. The factory fat man knew about this method and told the truth in the drone shooting. "

We can't pursue the crime, but at least in the execution of the criminal suspect, all these king segments exist, and it has been confirmed that they are recorded in various (good Zhao) processes now, including the search for the crime, the suspect and the notice Like prisoners, standing at the pinnacle of morality, and then watching the development of events, the development of various events unfolded, and the number of deaths increased. "Li Tian frowned.

In the world of detective science, there is a very famous book, then it is criminal recordology, that is, Wang Duan, who is suspected of condensing people.

Some people come from sin, but they do not belong to this era, and some people come from Wang Xinsheng, but they do not belong to this era.

This is the world detective science, the last paragraph on the last page is a record of the whole process in detective science

At least at this time, everyone feels their sins, as well as the crime process, and the criminal suspects have various means.

Grasp the crime, grasp the means of crime, all kinds of means show the phenomenon, all are extremely terrifying


091 Elite Criminals

Elite criminals, also known as criminal elites, are also what everyone is curious about. Various criminal methods are displayed, and criminal suspects are skilled in various criminal methods.

Lin Chen is frowning. He is proficient in this method, and even understands the police's search method. This kind of logical thinking is like graduating from the police academy or even studying this major.

"If it is a criminal, then its purpose is an elite person, there is no shortage of money, and there is no pressure." Zhang Tiannuan couldn't help frowning.

This is also the point that everyone is curious about. Now the elites are called the top of the society, but all kinds of criminal motives cannot be arrested at all, and this is the team of the elites, which is even more incredible.

The criminal method of the case was confusing to everyone at first because of the combination of such methods, it is extremely difficult to show in the criminal record.What is the motive? If it is a person, then the motive can still be guessed. Just like Zhang Tian, ​​a perverted murder suspect, it is also difficult to show in a criminal situation. "Li Tian frowned.

In the past, everyone checked 280 to find this kind of thinking, and then looked up its definition of thinking. Various methods showed that there were also criminal suspects’ motives. Because there were at least five people in the live broadcast in front of the live broadcast screen, it was the third time on the screen before. On the live broadcast, the four masked men in black did not make any sound when they crushed the couple's table, and then did that kind of behavior

Directly dragged the two victims under the van, and then rolled them back and forth twice. After two times of rolling, the victim was still alive, and then his body was broken in two on the live broadcast screen, and then he died completely on the live broadcast screen.

This is the third time that the suspects are carrying out their crimes and actions, and all the signs show that all kinds of criminal methods are extremely cruel.

However, the motive of the crime, the motive of the crime, is also a method that is difficult for everyone to guess, because the motive of the criminal suspect is searched and the location is clearly identified, and all kinds of thinking show the suspect's methods are so that everyone can't start.

This is completely different from the nature and methods of the movie preview meal, because the suspects have chosen positive high-tech methods, and each of the preview crimes (bfeh) is a suspect who has been killed in advance. When the police arrive at the location, Just a corpse in the live screen

The police department of the Magic City magazine, the formal case investigation and presentation, and now that the case has reached this point, the confusion and display of various means have already caused everyone to have a headache.

The top criminal case, the first-level serious case, the homicide is imminent. Although the criminal methods of the Peking Opera murder case were investigated, no other evidence was found at all.

In the small town of Salena Guti in Europe, this is the town of Shifang. If the police station murder case broke out for the first time, it would be in Europe, and a group of foreigners did not know about Peking Opera. thick

There were homicide cases in Europe at that time. In small towns in European countries, some revenge homicide cases were normal. This was the process of recording the case. The crime process did not attract the attention of the local police.

The process of the criminal case in the European town case did not attract the attention of the police at that time in the current evidence collection. This is also the investigation of the data, and it is also the final data investigation record of the criminal case.

This is the record of the data. At the end of the case, the criminal process, that is, the nature of the crime of the case, is investigated in various investigations in the case.

Inside, the nature of the crime is extremely tragic

This is the previous data investigation and various data records.

Before that, Professor Chen went to Europe, and even used Interpol joint personnel, that is, criminal psychologists, to investigate the case records at the European Police Agency.

However, in the handling of European criminal cases, in remote countries and small towns, the handling of cases is actually difficult to control, and the same is true of case records now.

This is a European criminal case investigation. Among the case investigation and various evidence collection records, the criminal case itself is a big problem. The European police investigation began after the situation became serious and even caused panic among the people. A thorough investigation was carried out, but it was found that the evidence that was sought before, and even the targeted suspects were all locals.

In Europe, saierweiva was originally in some old European countries, there will be a kind of regional discrimination, this is a very normal discrimination, but it is unbelievable in the later investigation.

However, after the criminal suspects collected evidence, they found that in all their investigations, any record was extremely terrifying. This is a case record. Based on the case ranking records, all the case records are extremely terrifying.

This is the record of the king's case, all the records of the case

When the European police investigated, there was no evidence to prove their guilt to offset or even found that all the suspected locals were locals, because it involved discrimination in some old-fashioned countries.

Therefore, there were local residents united, among which was the protest against the Asian issue. However, various documents and even other sources showed that there was no time for his crime. At that time, the social alliance organization also caused Asian protests, and local residents were beaten.

Therefore, when Professor Chen went to investigate, he did not find any records, and even in the process of recording all cases, all the case record forms did not exist.

In Europe, all in all, criminal suspects have created a contradiction of reverse thinking, which is to lead the problem to the local people, and the same is true for all kinds of problems. This is their crime section, and various methods also show their criminal means. "

"The suspect made his local people suspicious and even a few suspects. The time difference and the witnesses could not be found. That is to say, the criminal suspect had investigated the local people before and deliberately changed his definition of thinking." Lin Chen frowned.

Criminal suspects, this is the only time I found when I went to Europe, because the major countries cooperated with Wang's case, and once this kind of serial killings broke out around the world, it would be a loss to their tourists and even money. Its big loss is various investigations and even data forensics in the current investigation.

It is difficult to find information in Europe, so Professor Chen went to Southeast Asia, and then he investigated the information in Southeast Asia, and then where to find the source of the information. This source of information and records are recorded in Southeast Asia. civilian


092 These people

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