One after another, this kind of actually exists in reality

"He is dead and buried in the Beijiao Di cemetery. The police will go early, or the wild dog will eat it."

The black screen of the live broadcast, the completely black screen makes people unable to help but frown wryly, makes people smile wryly, even frown

Black screen, the fourth live broadcast was interrupted

Going to the crime site, the suspect was found in the Dishi cemetery group in the northern suburbs. Now in the process of recording the case, Zhang Tiannuan's video before he returned is the scene of the suspect shooting

Among them, the scene was excavated and the corpse was dug up. The corpse was in a terrible state, so everyone couldn't help but look ashen. Seeing this live broadcast in the picture, and now seeing this scene again, everyone couldn't help but look on their faces. extremely blue

The case has developed to such a point that in the process of recording the case now, there are huge traces of criminal suspicion.

police room

Sitting in front of the police office smoking a girl ran away in horror

I report to the police, dead!The dead person is on," the girl said in a trembling voice, her voice was twitching, and people couldn't help frowning tightly.

Please describe the case. "Lin Chen got up, uploaded the police uniform, picked up the case record book and frowned.

Case (bfef case location: Modu Nanshan Community, 502, Unit [-], Building [-]

Case record process: Su Ya and her boyfriend drove to the suburbs, where the tire was punctured, and then Su Ya's boyfriend went alone to ask for rescue. During the rescue project, Su Ya's boyfriend asked Su Ya not to go out

Su Ya stayed in the car alone at night, and then three hours later, she felt the car rubbing against the top of the car, and there was a rubbing sound. After this sound appeared, it was very scary, with a creaking and frosted sound.

As a result, in the morning, relying on her courage, Su Ya opened the car door, and found that her boyfriend was hanging in the air, the rope was holding the vertical fork, and her feet were weakly touching the roof of the car, and the roof had been rubbed with countless marks.

Su Ya screamed in horror, because her boyfriend was rubbing against the car last night. Thinking of this, Su Ya was terrified, and then she made an emergency report.

In the middle of the night, Su Ya was desperate and wanted to choose to report, but her phone was taken away by her boyfriend, and her boyfriend's phone was still off. Then Su Ya didn't dare to move or open the car door, so she stayed up all night.

Su Ya was extremely terrified, because the process of encountering such a case was extremely terrifying, and then she chose to stay still.

Case record description, after the description this is the full record

Su Ya sat in the police office with a pale face and filled out the case registration certificate, her face was pale

Lin Chen narrowed his eyes, and the top forensic team came. Once the corpse was covered in white cloth, once the corpse was bloody, and Su Ya's red and swollen eyes looked at the corpse, her eyes were already red from crying.

The current case records, and even the process of committing crimes, are extremely difficult in the current development of the case

Death is only new life, it belongs to the new life of the dead

Please describe the criminal case in detail. "Lin Chen frowned and narrowed his eyes.

In this kind of criminal case, if the relatives are excluded from committing the crime, the nature and possibility of the case are much smaller, but once the relatives commit the crime

Then the nature of the case is appalling

"At that time, in the middle of the night, the car was punctured, and then my boyfriend looked and found that the tools he brought could not be repaired. The car was severely punctured, and both tires were punctured. We don't know what caused the punctured tire, and then he mobile phone I ran out of electricity, and then I went out with my cell phone. When I went out, he told me that this place is in the suburbs. No matter what happens, don’t let me go out until the rescuers come to Suya Road.

Why don't you call the police in the car? "Lin Chen squinted his eyes and frowned.

The deceased died in Tianxing Mountain, and the death process was encountered in Tianxing Mountain, but Tianxing Mountain is not the northern border, so the signal is very good. In this case, a rescue call can be made.

One of the doubts about the case, Lin Chen looked at Su Ya and wanted an answer that was in line with the operation of the case.


099 Don't open the door

Su Ya calmed down, her eyes were red and swollen from crying too much, this was excessive sadness

Excessive sadness, this look can be seen through various expressions on the outside, this is the color of excessive sadness

At this time, Su Ya's eyes still have various kinds of eyes~ This is the state

Lin Chen looked at it clearly, naturally he knew this case record-description

If it is a criminal who goes to various criminal methods, then his eyes, pupils, behavior, and language can be investigated. Lin Chen is very good at this method, but Su Ya is upright and has no shortcomings.

It's weird and even changes the modus operandi

This kind of crime king section, the description of the suspect's methods, and even the display of his behavior, all make people unable to bear the headache.

Due to the strangeness of the case, Li Tian also participated in it. Among them, he participated in the description and record of this case. This is the criminal process of the case.

"According to the criminal process, there are three major doubts." Li Tian frowned.

Li Tian is very interested in doing this kind of suspicious case, so he is very curious about the record of Wang's case, so he is promoting the case and describing the case.

This is the record of the case, even the record and elaboration of the previous case.

"The suspect's method, in which the deceased went to look for rescue at night, instead of sitting in the car and waiting for rescue." Li Tian frowned.

Li Tian squinted his eyes, looking at this kind of case record, as well as the criminal process of the major cases, all of which have big problems of criminal nature.

At that time, there was a rescue station less than ten kilometers away from us. He went to the rescue station because he was afraid of wasting time. "Su Ya said with swollen eyes wiping tears.

"Then the deceased is killed, read the autopsy data." Lin Chen frowned, looking at this record.

Zhang Tiannuan picked up the previous case record form, and couldn't help frowning and smiling bitterly during the process of viewing this record.

This is and is the most detailed case process documented now

"The autopsy situation is as follows. In the corpse detection, the body has been dead for 3-5 hours during the test. This is also the previous death process. In the process of describing the death process, the means of crime are revealed.

This is the autopsy situation, and it is also the previous corpse examination. Now it is within 24 hours of the death of his corpse. "The captain of the forensic team said that this was the previous corpse examination. During the corpse examination, everyone found a big problem. Now that these problems have been investigated, everyone has found a lot of wrong methods.

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