The first is the deceased, the deceased Ma An, who is two years old, and Su Ya are in a relationship. When they went to Tianxingshan, Ma'an's grandmother lived here. Ma'an's grandmother was not in good health. to investigate various data

This is the case of the deceased, and in all investigations it is a question of a very criminal nature

At this time, in the explanation of the means, the nature of the crime of the case is a big problem

"That is to say, the deceased Ma An died in the middle of the night from one to three in the morning, and this is the time of his criminal death.

"But during this time period, that is, after the early hours of the morning, Ma An's body was tied to a tree by the criminal suspect and then shook on the tree, and even died gradually. This is the death process of the criminal suspect. All kinds of death documents prove it.”

"But before this time period, Su Ya, did you hear other sounds, such as dragging the corpse, or the desolate cry of the corpse choking." Lin Chen frowned, looking at Su Ya and asked

According to the normal logic analysis, first of all, Su Ya is in a tense environment. In this environment, the spirit is highly stressed, not a sober state.

Because during the early hours of the morning, the suspect's Su Ya maintained a high level of mental tension during various criminal methods and even the process of committing a crime, so Lin Chen suspected that Su Ya was likely to be drowsy at that time.

Then it was her boyfriend's last rubbing of the car roof, but Su Yayouqian knew that the environment was outdoors, so she didn't drive it.

Is this state possible! "Zhang Tiannuan frowned curiously.

When people are highly stressed, their brains will go blank, but after the blank period, they will be mentally exhausted, so Lin Chen guessed like this.

…for flowers

Having said this, Su Ya couldn't help frowning, trying to think back.

In less than twenty-four hours, thinking back and forth about the death process all night, this requires a strong psychology, and then defines its criminal record

If there is no strong psychological condition, then there will be some kind of collapse, which is when people are in high tension, they will forget everything

The Japanese body was in the autopsy hall. Lin Chen and Li Tian walked over. The body died from two stabs in the throat and heart. All of them died from bleeding. The white cloth was opened. It was the dead man with a pale face and wide eyes.

This is the death of being hanged by the neck, so after the death, the eyes are popped out, which makes people shudder.

Standing beside the corpse, Lin Chen's eyes turned black and strange, and then said coldly: "Tell me the process of death, how did you die, and what is the whole process now?

Lin Chen is in the process of low prosecution and death, which is the means of the criminal suspect. This is the criminal suspect. In the display of the means, among the extensive records of his death, the means of crime are particularly terrifying.

It was pitch black. At this time, in front of Lin Chen's eyes, that is, in the wide line of sight of the deceased's last death, it was extremely dark.

This kid will kill him if he doesn't give him money. Brother Zhao, that woman is not easy to deal with. The door is locked tightly, and it is very difficult to smash this kind of glass.

Don't talk about me, kill this kid first, fuck one of my brothers, hang him from a tree, the woman is already asleep, they drank a lot of water before, it has a quick hypnotic effect. "

What if the police come, or find a place to bury it.

The male voice couldn't help but the sinister voice with the ultimate killing intent

"Do you know what it means to be dark under a light? Just put it on it, and count this man's desperate bloody death. This woman regrets her whole life. The police will create some fake evidence for her, and then the woman will be arrested.

The voice came to an abrupt end, and there were still a few traces of sinister color along with the voice.

Lin Chen felt a sting, it was a stab in the throat, it was a stab in the heart, and Lin Chen felt blurred in an instant, widened his eyes and returned his eyes, and performed an autopsy again in the criminal police brigade of the capital city.


100 final screen

The picture disappeared, covering his head, it was the ultimate dizziness.

Lin Chen couldn't help but smile bitterly, this torture reached the extreme

The last sight of the deceased, the picture has been seen halfway

However, the victim was blindfolded, so the line of sight before the death, that is, the body shape and clothing of the criminal suspect, was not seen, but through the surrounding dialogue, Lin Chen still knew some criminal records.

Dialogue to search for clues, this is the criminal process of each police officer's case against Wang

The Japanese body suffered two heavy blows, in which the heart and neck aorta were split, and the wound was split and died.The aorta was torn, blood spurted out, and the victim was not tortured for [-] years." After the autopsy, they returned to the conference room, and everyone looked at the video of the scene to watch the record of the case.

At present, it is the process of recording the case of the criminal suspect. This is the criminal person. In the display of the criminal means, there is the terrifying corpse aorta and various tests of the autopsy. Now it is a means of great criminal nature.

Magic City Police Brigade, Major Crime Unit Conference Room

This time, all the members of the serious crime team are there. After the victim's girlfriend Su Ya came to the police this morning, her boyfriend was brutally murdered. At first, everyone thought it was an ordinary homicide, but after the detailed investigation, the nature of the case was and cruel

This is a serious crime. In the process of describing and recording the case, the suspect's various methods and criminal thinking are all extremely terrifying in the display.

In the autopsy hall, that is, the last resort of the corpse, Lin Chen couldn't help but bulge his eyes. This criminal case is far less important than the previous criminal case, but after the autopsy of Zi New, it was discovered that this criminal form the criminal process

Because in the previous conversation, Lin Chen felt that there was something wrong with the work. This was the problem in the process of committing the crime. In the process of committing such a major crime, Lin Chen felt something was wrong during the conversation.

Li Tian squinted his eyes. Before, he was investigating the Peking Opera murder case, but since the Peking Opera murderer in the northern suburbs became king again, there has been no sound during this period of time.

That is to say, the criminal suspect chose to accept the king, and the criminal suspect chose to close the case according to the nature of the case, because according to this crime method, and the description of the criminal suspect

This is the Suozong record. In the case record form, the current situation has reached an uncontrollable behavior.

The Peking Opera murder case is also a tragic serial murder case. Now that the murderer has been investigated in Europe before, we have entered a deadlock. "And live-streamed murders.It has now been broadcast live for the fourth time with five people dead, and now it ranks among the top serious cases. The predicted murder case is hotly debated by the society

"There is also today's latest case of being hanged. The forensic test on the spot only found signs of slight friction on the bark, which is a sign of being strangled by a rope.

This kind of sign can now be simply called hanging from a tree after the death of the deceased. First of all, the crime process is as follows.

Going to find a vehicle for rescue and encountering a criminal suspect, and then the criminal suspect will take him to the place where he committed the crime and kill him. First of all, there are signs of violent beating on the body of the deceased, but the process of death of the deceased is bleeding to death.

"Then the suspect came to the vehicle, took out the rope and threw it over the tree branch, then tied it to the tree and then they controlled the height, that is, the victim's feet could just touch the roof of the car, but only with the toes.

One thing you need to pay attention to is that the suspect died of blood and blood. He started to kick the roof of the car with his toes in the early hours of the night, his mouth and hands were all tied with cold, and his neck was strangled. Live, only two clothes are unable to pedal the roof. "Lin Chen squinted his eyes, and began to tell everyone about the entire criminal process recorded in the current case.

This is also the record of the current case, in which the criminal suspect records the entire process of the crime.

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