Wholesale of this drug, the wholesaler will make money or lose money! "Squinting his eyes, Lin Chen looked at Team Liu and asked

In the conference room, Team Liu looked at the previous case and couldn't help but smile bitterly.

This drug, the most expensive imported drug in the latest version, is priced enough that the average person can go bankrupt and in debt in a year.

Therefore, many patients committed suicide, which was recorded five years ago, but now they have been covered by the national social security, so it is not so expensive.

However, at that time, the forerunner was a drug smuggler and the savior of chronic leukemia patients in the country. At that time, due to various criminal problems, the forerunner disappeared mysteriously, and the drugs were cut off.

"Five years ago, during the arrest, a large number of patients tried to confuse them, and then I learned the details during the war, that is, the criminal suspect has been using his own money to subsidize his income." "Liu team frowned.

Squinting, Lin Chen remembered the previous live broadcast

This kind of plot made Lin Chen couldn't help but think of the world investigation, a famous case plot

Next, I'm going to enter a story. This is a famous plot that the world's detectives learn, and countless detectives reason and wonder about it.

's case. "Looking at everyone, Lin Chen said

Now because of the limitations of the case, everyone is at a deadlock, so Lin Chen hopes that this otherworldly story will be felt strange by everyone and open up some unimaginable brain circuit

"The world's first criminal case of detective science, a small black country in southern Europe, the country's grain, oil and food are controlled by a big family, which is called the black Bachman family in Europe.

The son of the Patriarch Black Bachman is ten years old this year. He disappeared unexpectedly when he was ten years old. The disappearance was in the suburbs. Of course, he was the favorite son of the Patriarch Black Bachman, so he paid a lot of money to invite countless detectives from all over the world, and even directly Promised to find his youngest son, will forever gain the friendship of the European Shida family

Because detectives need to run all over the world, in comparison, the friendship of the Black Bachman family is very precious, and there is still a lot of detective fees, so the global detectives gather in Hei Ba countries

The son of the black Bachman patriarch disappeared in the suburban ranch. During the investigation, it was found that the ranch workers had hollowed out the land in advance, that is, a tunnel was dug, and then there was a receiver at a distance of [-] meters, and then the patriarch’s son was put into the forage. , and then shipped out

Having said this, Lin Chen looked at the crowd with his eyes bulging and said, "The detectives all over the world are looking for it, so you said what happened in the end. Li Tian is also thinking that this is a famous criminal case in Europe, and it has always been in the hearts of detectives. unsolved puzzle

"Could it be that the child is dead!" Zhang Tiannuan boldly speculated

No, I think the child should be found, it just involves a family struggle for financial power. "Professor Chen frowned and said that this is not because I have watched too many TV series, but this kind of struggle really exists.

In top-level families, there is a conflict of interests involved. In this case, the police are not involved at all, because the nature of the case is mostly intervention. "The child was found, but what happened?" Chu Yuanmei.

Although I haven't read this book, Chu Yuan has the final analysis of the extraordinary case. He can analyze the final case and even the record of the entire outline through a little qualitative investigation.

This is Chu Yuan, and it is also the existence that makes Lin Chen unable to help but nod with a smile.

Looking at Li Tian, ​​Lin Chen nodded and motioned for Li Tianlai to continue.

Eight years later, when Ertu, the son of the Black Bachman Patriarch, appeared again at the age of five, he searched for it from 1980 to 2000, and it took a whole epoch to find it. It should even be the Hei Bachman Patriarch's son who took the initiative to appear.

After his appearance, his thinking remained before the age of ten, and any thinking remained the same. Among the world's top investigations (Zhao Wanghao), his thinking and hypnosis methods were all found in the memory of the black Bachman patriarch's son and even The brain is blank in these two scholar years.This is not the most terrifying and the most terrifying thing is that his appearance has remained at the age of [-] years, that is to say, in [-] years, when he was found, it was the same as the birthday before Shi-sui. "Li Tian said Zong couldn't help but smile bitterly.

Because of the unbelievable nature of this detective case, it caused a huge miracle in the global detective field and the medical field at that time. If it weren't for the power of the Black Bachman family, I'm afraid its son would be studied.

Because in [-] years, his son's appearance has not changed a single point, which is unbelievable in the scientific division

This is the famous event of the Black Bachman patriarch family and the only unsolved mystery in the history of detectives, and it is even extremely difficult.


103 Live Streaming Tips

The serious crime team, in the conference room lobby, everyone is frowning, wondering if there is any relationship between the development of the case and the current investigation

Twenty years later, nothing has changed for the missing

"Blood, bones, skin, and even the circulation in the body due to age changes, there is a big problem, or it is the newly cultivated child of this family." Professor Chen frowned.

Everyone present believes in science. No one will believe that there will be people in the so-called passage of time. This is an unbelievable, or even completely impossible means.

In this world, all the supernatural beings are under reasoning, which is also what the detective is curious about.

Looking at everyone's curious eyes, Lin Chen couldn't help but smile bitterly, he naturally knew what everyone was thinking

First of all, some people suspected that this was the Black Bachman family. A branch family found a child of the blood of the family, and then took care of the body and clothing behavior, and cultivated connotation in other places, just to inherit the family industry, but the doubt is that the child Tu Sui, the bloodline is indeed the missing child of Hei Bachman, and the DNA test is also himself. It is possible to say that someone in the same family has cultivated outside, but the blood type test is also 820.

"But the doubtful point is that the child knows all the big and small things before the age of ten. This is something that the wife of the Patriarch Black Bachman did not publicize. Some detectives speculate that someone in the family has secretly recorded it, but the patriarch and his wife have gone through various comparisons. , all found that this child is exactly the same as twenty years." Lin Chen said with a smile

This is the biggest point of doubt and the point that makes this case boil to the extreme.

Even everyone, the description of the case and the record of the criminal suspect, have achieved the maximum privacy.

Twenty years ago and twenty years later, everything is the same

No one dies, no one is born, only the return of a native child

Li Tian laughs and laughs, this is the deepest case in the detective world, and it has not been solved until now

Then what about this kid? "Zhang Tiannuan frowned.

His parents went to Africa to examine the killing of the child by the armed forces. Because of his parental inheritance rights, he became the top ten family patriarchs in the first year, and he inherited the wealth of [-] million yuan. "Lin Chen said.

This is also the suspicious point of the case, and even (bfeq) makes many detectives want to use this as a purpose

Also, this child is now a young adult, and now he is the youngest young man in Europe to inherit the whole family. At that time, the patriarch and his wife died widely. It was because of armed riots in Africa, so some people suspected that it was a crisis of wealth.

However, in the riot investigation, there were no deliberate steps, but it was a matter of course, so this was the biggest doubt in the case. "Lin Chen smiled.

This book is the most legendary man in Europe because no one knew what he experienced in his Ershi year. It can even be said that Lin Chen guessed that the child before Ershi died long ago. Now the child is not the same person as before.

But this kind of speculation is groundless, and there is no evidence to prove that the medical tests are all successful one-to-one comparisons

"Finally." Zhang Tiannuan frowned and asked curiously.

The development of the case to this point is already very curious, and even the development of this case is extremely bizarre.

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