Even with an anti-scientific meaning, people couldn't help frowning and thinking

After talking about the case, everyone thought deeply, and by the way looked at the previous case records, and now the three major cases surround everyone

The first is the case of hanging the deceased. In the last sight of the deceased, Lin Chen discovered through dialogue that the situation was not so simple. Even retrospectively, the case was already difficult to control.

If I were to analyze the Peking Opera murder case, I had a hunch that we would investigate the case of immortality in the second year of the earth. "Li Tian frowned, looked at Lin Chen and said solemnly.

Chu Yuan smiled wryly, this involved the big European Tu clan, and even the struggle of the chaebols. Unless it was a representative of positive forces, this kind of adjustment would be completely unacceptable.

Now in front of everyone, those are the three major cases. The development of the three major cases has reached a level that is difficult to control under the current situation and control.

This is the development of the situation, because according to the development of this situation, there will be a big problem of a criminal nature in the future. The case of hanging the deceased person, how is the investigation of the criminal suspect, and the interrogation and investigation of Su Nan. "Looking at Zhang Tiannuan, Lin Chen frowned and asked.

Thinking of the sight picture before the investigation of the deceased, Lin Chen has a feeling that this is a habitual offender, and the suspects are around three people.

"Investigated Su Ya's personal feelings and the emotional questions of the deceased. A year ago, Su Ya was indeed chased by a boy named Zhang Qiang. For this reason, Su Ya's boyfriend also had a conflict with Zhang Qiang. However, according to the investigation of the crime time, Zhang Qiang was in Wan The distance between the city and the magic capital does not match the time and physical evidence."

During the physical evidence investigation in Wancheng, several of Zhang Qiang's roommates confirmed the proof of Zhang Qiang's existence. A picture of slowly falling asleep during hypnosis by a drug.

"It was noon when I went there, but all eight people in a dormitory were asleep. After waking up, they looked sluggish. This state is very problematic." Zhang Tiannuan frowned and didn't say more.

Lin Chen nodded with a smile, the current Zhang Tiannuan's way of thinking and handling of cases has been completely changed or even completely different from before. According to this development of investigation, then Zhang Tiannuan's ability to handle cases and logical analysis The doubt that he will become stronger and stronger is enough, so Zhang Qiang is temporarily detained for questioning. "Li Tian nodded.

"Already in the interrogation room." Zhang Tiannuan said

trial room

The black iron chair was a fat young man who was looking at everyone nervously.

Name, age, self-report. "Lin Chen looked at Zhang Qiang expressionlessly and said.


Lin Chen was identifying the voice. In the last line of sight of the deceased, Guan Gan's voice was very familiar to Lin Chen, that is, the suspect's voice and name Zhang Qiang, 22 years old and now a junior, police uncle, I did not commit any crime.Zhang Qiang looked frightened, and his accent was a Beijing accent.

Lin Chen frowned. The last sight of the deceased was two local accents, and the accent was very skilled. Obviously, it was spoken from childhood to adulthood. Now Zhang Qiang's accent is completely different from last night.

But the suspects were three people. Although the deceased was blindfolded, the footsteps were three people.


104 The third person

Lin Chen squinted his eyes, his accent didn't mean anything. He was an anchor major in Media University, and he could speak a few accents at will. Only the Beijing film dialect was easier to learn.

Late that night, during the murder of the deceased, Lin Chen guessed that some people chose to take action, and two of the three people closed their eyes.

It's been said that this guy can't be killed so easily. If he kills it, it will be boring.

This woman is sleeping. The medicines were not as good as before. What kind of thing caused the mind to fall asleep easily and hang on the tree branch for a while. I have scratched the heart and neck, and this guy died completely overnight.

What if that woman finds out?

Found out, hahahaha, in the middle of the night, this is Tianxingshan in the wilderness. There have been several murders before. We have planned for a long time. Since this woman wants to die, she will be left in despair and regret for the rest of her life.

Suddenly opening his eyes, Lin Chen's thoughts were instantly clear, all the conversations and case reasoning were inferred and displayed in his mind, and he looked at the woman with a strange color.

There's no such thing as a criminal suspect, there's no such thing as a pervert murderer

There is only revenge in a criminal case against a woman. This is the entire recorded criminal process of the entire case. At least at this time, everyone treats the criminal process of the case with a strange light.

The criminal nature of the case is now, as well as the evidence of the criminal suspect's description

This is a limitation of the case, and it is already a great difficulty in the current case investigation.

Zhang Qiang was frightened by Lin Chen's eyes and sat there afraid to speak

"When did you plan?" Lin Chen looked at Zhang Qiang with no expression on his face.

This man, you can even call it this interesting criminal suspect has a story, and even all the case descriptions are interesting even in all the current conditions of the case record.

At least at this time, Lin Chen's eyes were bulging, watching the criminal record process, no one is a so-called fool who is clear about this kind of criminal case.

But Chen Qiang is an exception. He was arrested from Wancheng to show various states, all of which are innocent performances. This is a repeat offender who is good at certain behaviors, and he is good at criminal methods in all cases.

Killing requires skill, even one knife at a time

But if you open the case records, you don't need any record proofs. At least at this time, everyone's face is blue and you can know the criminal suspect's methods.

"What police officer are you talking about, I don't know anything, you can find my roommate to prove that I played games with them until midnight." Chen Qiang cried and laughed and looked at Lin Chen with sincere eyes

Chen Qiang lives in a company dormitory in Wancheng, which is also the dormitory that Zhang Tiannuan personally went to investigate. The problem is that the eight people in the dormitory did not wake up at twelve o'clock.

In the boys' dormitory, it is normal to sleep late, but the state is drowsy, and for people who have caught too many druadealers and addicts, Zhang Tiannuan is familiar with this state of expression.

Roughly divided into three types, the first type of expression is sleepy, and walking lazily, most likely because of previous behavior, that is, not getting a good rest in the middle of the night but not in a haggard state of mind.

The second type is druadealer, which is called druadealer in foreign countries. After a lot of damage to body functions, it will disturb the body's immunity, which is manifested as dizziness, lost eyes, and the state is completely different from the past. are two comparisons

The third type is drug hypnosis. In modern society, work anxiety caused by Wang Gong or emotions can cause confusion in people's thinking in many cases, and the state of doing their work is to achieve a state of sleepiness.

Because this is drug hypnosis, drug hypnosis is harmful to human body functions, and even after waking up the next day, the spirit is still muddled, so after the investigation, Zhang Tiannuan decisively found out that the problem of a criminal nature is that the people in this dormitory have been drugged. traces of hypnosis

Your roommate's body test shows that there is an ingredient hypnotized by sleeping pills. According to the roommate, you invited guests to dinner on the night of the room, and what did you do in it? "Lin Chen was expressionless, banging on the table, Lin Chen looked at Chen Qiang and said.

ask for flowers

"And that's three people, what about the two of them?" Lin Chen asked suddenly, Chen Qiang's eyes were filled with confusion in an instant, but at first he was shocked, this is something that has been hidden for too long and was suddenly state of discovery.

Unless it is a top detective who deliberately cultivates Baiji's expression, the rest of the people are completely unable to deal with this kind of thinking change.Why kill. "The black pupils haven't completely turned black yet, Lin Chen looked at Chen Qiang and asked in a cold voice.

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