frighten someone to death

frighten an adult

To frighten a person who has watched ghost movies and social practice to death is completely unbelievable to everyone who has been handling the case for a long time, because it is too difficult to frighten a person to death.

But when Lin Chen played the black and white camera footage, everyone was terrified to the limit.

dead, the dead are completely dead

Seeing the criminal suspect's face of despair, he roared and lay motionless on the ground, not even the simplest tremor of the corpse appeared.

At first, Lin Chen thought it was the worm who fainted in the forensic examination, and then he knew why Zhu Zhang was scared to death.

First of all, the victim saw the picture of the criminal suspect condensing and killing people, and the spirit was in a mental state of high tension or even despair. Then the crime was arrested and the toilet door was kicked open one by one, and the woman became more and more terrifying.

In the torment of a sleepless night, the woman gritted her teeth to hold back her psychological collapse, and suddenly saw such a desperate picture, and then collapsed to the limit in an instant.

This is the record, even in desperation, I suddenly encountered such a blow, and then my despair reached the limit in an instant.

This is the record of the family case, and it is also the process of all the criminal suspects committing the crime. At least at this time, when everyone feels the process of recording this case, their eyes are full of chills.

This is the most bizarre suspect and the most perverted motive." Lin Chen frowned and smiled wryly.

And finally, what about the suspects? "Zhang Tiannuan asked curiously.

Died, the way of death is unbelievable" said here, Lin Chen couldn't help but smile bitterly

Dead, do you know how to die Guang, he ate his own arm and bleed to death. "Speaking of this, Lin Chen couldn't help his face ashen.

This kind of perverted criminal suspect is indeed challenging the psychology of the investigators.

Everyone looked at the case record, and during the filming of the deceased's scene, everyone's face was ashen.

The deceased's face was extremely blue, his mouth was cold with his arm, even the arm that was extremely frightening, and there was a tyrannical look in his eyes, and even this kind of light showed horror to the limit.

The picture is terrible to see the death of the deceased criminal suspect

Speaking of this, everyone remembers the Hamburg human flesh incident. If you think about it now, or even compare the cases, then it is not so terrible.

Hamburger human flesh, it was already indicated in the video that the previewer sent out just now, this is the meat that the previewer specially gave to the police.

and also

Di was the victim of the fifth suspect's live broadcast, watching the baked burger hides countless sins

late at night.

The bell rang at one o'clock in the earth, and a certain level of the anchor account of the Tianyu Live app was hacked. Three masked people looked at the live broadcast and nodded their heads for the fifth time. The police must be crazy. "The masked man watched the live broadcast with no color in his eyes.

Do you know what perversion is?

Do you know how the victim was punished this time? "

Faceless mask, strangely pale, the masked man played the previous picture on the live broadcast screen, and the picture was the terrifying police station playing the video. At this moment, the faces of the police station were blue.

The suspect is already naked provocation

, n these bastards. "Looking ashen, Team Liu watched the live broadcast.

This is an upright provocation of the victim's meat to make a hamburger and then make a video and send it to everyone. In an instant, everyone's faces are ashen, and they look at the meat with murderous intent.

This is the victim's meat, he was made into jerky, the previous victim was alive, but it was too easy and we disdain it

Such means, in the dark, we have to torture them alive, this is sin.

Hahahahahaha briefly introduce the two punished, they are human traffickers, do you know how bad the crime is , ridiculous lunatic hahahahahaha.

(Are you Zhao) "But they were caught, and then sentenced to fifteen years, because the performance improved and turned into a year of soil, and now they come out and continue to be human traffickers, the world is very interesting, so ours represent the justice of sin

The Ying-faced man waved his arms, and the screen switched to two halves. Generally, the traffickers were torturing the girls, and they were in the mountain village.

Lin Chen was expressionless, didn't know what to say, angry, at least angry at those traffickers, you are not angry at those masked people, they are foreshadowing, but at least they are doing outrageous justice

This kind of justice is in despair, and the predictor is even clear, knowing the whole process of the endless death in it

They insist on justice, justice without any hope

Li Tian frowned. For the first time, he felt that this case should not be involved, at least the Magic City Police Brigade should not be involved.


108 Foreshadowing

Forewarning of the prisoner, the means of killing, the criminal nature of the suspect

This is the foreshadowing of the prisoner, so even if he knows the perversion of the suspect in the human flesh in the hamburger, Lin Chen still did not jump to conclusions, because the final situation of the development cannot be judged arbitrarily.

The forewarning of the crime, that is, the means of the criminal suspect, among which the means of killing and wearing, and the skills, and even the actions of the king's execution are here.

This is the case record, so Lin Chen just guessed the situation of the criminal suspect

With the development of the situation, Lin Chen never jumped to conclusions.

Because of the terrifyingness of the suspect this time, even his sexuality is completely impossible to find

Find out any records about it, this is the method of crime, because the crime makes all kinds of methods for suspects, and there is an explanation of the crime of stealing materials, this is the terrible record of doing it

In the final analysis, the situation is the motive of the criminal suspect. Liu Team is now conducting a second city-wide search. Although this method is the most unattainable method, the nature of the criminal case can be manipulated.

The Modu State Police Brigade is now within the 153th team of the Criminal Police University, in the conference room of the serious crime group.

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