"Forewarning of a murder case, now the nature of the crime has reached such a point." Squinting, Lin Chen couldn't help frowning.

This is the fifth live broadcast to announce the killing

As the clock keeps ticking, at eleven o'clock, the suspect is telling the story of the suspect Wang Duan

"After the executioner was released, he was later released, and then he sold young girls again. Among them, all kinds of crimes were committed. My sister died here, in this king of human traffickers. She was only ten years old. Years old, he died in the curled lips of Dashan. At this time, he was on the live broadcast screen. He spoke on the screen. It was not the criminal suspect before, or the drug dealer that Team Liu went to investigate and arrested. It was the other three people before the live broadcast.

So at this time, everyone's face was extremely blue.

Because the suspects told by the live broadcast are more like talking about the reasons for their crimes

This is the crime described by the suspect, at least at this time Lin Chen is a little angry

What qualifications do you have to arrest a group of people who are not wrong!

"What qualifications do you have to stand on the moral high ground and roar and roar!"

"Tell me, what qualifications do you have!"

Live barrage was swiped three times by a netizen

Everyone's face is ashen, this guy, whether the suspect is talking straight to Ye Lu, or telling the truth, at least this time the suspect's case

The case has been completely settled, and the victim is also completely crucified in the abyss of sin

The development and investigation of the case, at such a time, it is very difficult to deal with

"Let him continue, there is no need to cut off the live broadcast." Lin Chen said with a blank face

At this time, in Lin Chen's heart, he already had a hunch that the criminal suspect's methods were extremely cruel, and his criminal behavior was not the executioner king.

Ying-faced man is not tall, he is shorter than the two black-faced masked men around him, but the madness in his eyes makes people unable to help but terrify.

This guy is already crazy, he even said that his life is a kind of purpose, it can even be said that this guy is alive for psychological obsession, that is revenge

So at this time, Lin Chen couldn't help but look bluish, even this may be the last time to announce the live broadcast plan, all their thinking is to come up with a huge social shock means and plan

"My sister was caught and never seen again." The masked man said in a low tone

Do the police know of a little girl named Sun Yuxiu, a criminal case that caused a sensation in the society at that time.

that.Do you still know that I'm not questioning the police's ability, but why the trafficker can't do it?" The masked man's eyes are crazy, looking at everyone with murderous intent

This is a complete despair caused by some kind of collapse, and even this despair is extremely terrifying. This is a state of mind that has been transformed into a complete collapse. At least at this time, everyone feels this kind of eye pupil.

The look in the pupils is extremely crazy, or even some kind of complete collapse.

Sun Yuxiu, what's the situation? "Lin Chen frowned.

But it seems that this case caused huge controversy, so at this time Lin Chen and Li Tian were extremely curious about how far the case had developed, and everyone was curious about the motive for the crime, because this was the motive for the crime, Criminal investigation is what makes people curious

Team Liu frowned, walked out of the major crime team conference room, and walked in with a thick case file in less than a minute.

This is the development of the case, and it already has a great disguise.

This is about the case of Sun Yuxiu. In fact, it is indirectly a major criminal case of the entire human trafficking village. I now know who the suspect is. This is his brother Sun Yuhao, hey.

Team Liu sighed, and everyone couldn't help but be surprised, because everyone was too familiar with Team Wang and Team Liu. Team Liu's character was determined, and he was strong and tough. He was never accustomed to anything, and the idea in his heart was the law. big deal

You can't say that he used to be unfriendly and old-fashioned, but Liu team has never received a bribe for many years in Qian Ertu. To be able to stand in this position for so long, it is entirely by his own ability.

But at this time, Team Liu's performance was on par with everyone's expectations.

He actually became interested in a case that happened five years ago, and then began to investigate

"Don't ask too much, just look at the case records." The team waved their hands to stop everyone from asking


109 Mystery

Team Liu is reluctant to say more, because the investigation of the case is not clear.

Five years ago, this serious case also changed the thinking of Liu team, which is the idea that the law is greater than the love in any criminal case.

Location of the case: Magic City West Fortress, North ~ Hanamura

Case description: On the afternoon of July 2005, 7, someone police said that they were traveling by car to Beihua Village, and accidentally discovered that there were women who had been abducted and trafficked. At that time, the police secretly filmed a video, and in the video one of them was wearing a dress. The woman is being beaten. In the video, there is an old lady and a strong young man, all dressed in the villagers' linen-clothes

Investigation of the case: After calling the police, the nearest police station began to investigate, and then the police went to investigate. During the investigation, a terrible change was discovered, that is, this village was not just a woman who was abducted and trafficked, but a whole lot of people. A Tuishi woman and seven abducted children

Then the police began to investigate and found that it was related to a previously released human trafficker with a criminal record. Bail and good performance are released early

Then Lao Jia had a lot of traces of crime, because according to the description of the villagers, the person who came to be responsible for human trafficking was very similar to Lao Jia's various materials

After checking, the police found that this person was indeed Lao Jia, and then issued a wanted order across the country. However, the police have been looking for them all these years, but because Lao Jia is hidden, they have not found any whereabouts.

Then it entered the category of suspicious cases. Because this case was in charge of Team Liu, Team Liu went to Beihua Village to investigate in person. Naturally, the situation was very familiar.

So at this time, everyone's face is ashen

That is to say, after Lao Jia was released, he was arrested again for his previous activities, and continued to do such activities as human traffickers, right, and then during the national arrest process, no criminal suspects were found, right? "Lin Chen frowned, with a tyrannical look in his eyes.

This guy, who should have been shot, was released from prison

Looking at Team Liu's livid face and the violent look in his eyes, Lin Chen knew why Team Liu would do such a thing. Everything has a cause and effect.

Inside the burger, the marinated meat king, is that the criminal suspect Lao Jia? With wide eyes, Team Liu couldn't help but say in disbelief.

The situation has developed to the present, because of the fusion of various elements, it is incredible.

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