There is a big problem of criminal nature in the extreme investigation

The marinated meat king, wrapped in a hamburger and full of serum, now remembers and thinks about it, and everyone's faces are extremely blue.

"Forewarning, how do these suspects know his identity, and where is the suspect, Lao Jia, hiding? Liu team frowned deeply at this time, the case stabbed him five years ago. , so now I also care about doing data investigation.

Lao Jia, the criminal suspect was accused of abducting and abducting women and children a few years ago, but six years later, the prosecutor sued and demanded that he do everything possible to protect the criminal suspect. Then he was given a four-year probation due to the outstanding performance of the criminal suspect. release

But after that, Lao Jia abducted and trafficked women and children again. He was only one of his destinations in Changle Village, the capital city.

Therefore, at this time, facing his case record and criminal process is difficult to control.

"The offender passed some kind of Wang Duan, maybe even contacted an intermediary, and then went to find Lao Jia, and then killed him." Li Tian frowned, this is the most basic logical guess because in the live broadcast, the stature is not tall, The middle-aged man with the accent of the northwest dialect hangs that the man is wearing sunglasses, but the thick wrinkles around the corners of his eyes betray him, so at this time everyone can't help but look ashen. frown

ask for flowers

The case has reached this point, it is no longer a simple data investigation, but involves black people eating black, and even the case records the criminal process and its frowns.

At this time, everyone is feeling the investigation of the case, and even the development of the situation is an existence that can no longer be traced.

At [-]:[-], the black masked man with a northwestern accent was a little tired, so he picked up the water glass and took a sip of water.

This guy has gone mad, not tired, not tired, but completely mad, how could it be so scary. "The people who stared wide-eyed at this time couldn't help but said with fear.


I have lost my sister, gone missing, hehe died in a place with no one, I don't know why I am so angry, I only know that you all are going to die, you must die completely.

"And that bastard who calls himself Lao Jia, this guy is going to die, he has kidnapped and sold countless people, that village, that village that he thought it should be done, is completely destroyed, and you all will die." The masked man was completely mad, waving his arms, It’s like a challenge, more like a silent burst of live broadcast. The screen goes black for a second, and then a link that can be viewed within two or four hours appears. This is a video. , a scene of being abused in desperation

Even at this time, everyone's face was ashen, and it was completely unexpected.

The live broadcast is finally interrupted, only the code link

This is the crime fact of the case, which is already uncontrollable during the data investigation and the compilation of the criminal data

The location has been found. The location is accurate. The location is confirmed. The location is accurate. The location is confirmed at Tianshan [-]nd Road in the western suburbs of the capital. The location is accurate.


110 Documentation

The id location of the criminal suspect has been successfully found, and now it is time to investigate the id location, that is, the arrest of the criminal suspect. This time, Team Liu chose to participate in person because the same was true in criminal cases a few years ago. During the investigation and development, Team Liu's methods and case records are exactly the same as at this time.

The investigation five years ago has always been the biggest suspicious case in my mind. This time, I am going to do a good investigation. I want to know what happened in the process of recording the crime in the previous case. "Liu team looked at everyone and said with a wry smile in the conference room.

Because the masked man with a northwestern accent is the brother of the missing Sun Yuxiu.

The live broadcast came to an abrupt end. In order to ease the atmosphere, Chu Yuan deliberately mentioned the previous case records and the process of recording the "nine five zero" situation of the criminal suspect.

This case is the murder case of hanging a person before, and it is also a classic case in which Chen Qiang was interrogated before.

In the previous interrogation process, the entire process of the criminal suspect's information was a huge criminal problem.

The hanging man a murder case, the interrogation process of criminal suspects, in the current police world, Lin Chen's unique interrogation method has become the best interrogation style so far, and it is also the best interrogation process so far.

Mr. Lin, your eyes are very strange, where did you find that Chen Qiang was wrong?" Chu Yuan couldn't help but wonder, he originally came to investigate the Peking Opera murder case, but the Peking Opera case has not progressed, so he had to deal with this case first

"Three factors." Watching everyone, Lin Chen tapped the table with his hands and smiled.

Chen Qiang pretended to be a supernatural event, although the case was too involved for too long?Love comes, but the criminal nature of the case itself is unavoidable. This is the temperament and involvement of the case itself.

At least at this time, the description of the criminal case and the nature of the crime are as follows:

At least at this time, everyone couldn't help but look ashen

The first victim's death process was torture. At the time of the traces at the scene, we inferred that the suspect died by hanging, but there are many ways to die, but it is impossible to hang himself after saying to find a vehicle for rescue.

The method of suicide requires a lot of steps, but it is impossible to make oneself despair. You can imagine the picture, that is, the victim is sealed, unable to speak, his neck is hanged, the king is in a dying state, and it is dry. His feet were weakly rubbing against the roof of the car, and he gradually lost his life during the night, from three to five in the morning. "

Mild signs of corpse spots, acupressure begins to fade, and corpses are confined to the jaw and neck. This is the most common cause of death in 2 to 3 hours. "Lin Chen said lightly.

The first suspicious point can be judged as homicide, that is, the killing method of the criminal suspect. This is the first suspected criminal point. At this time, for everyone, the case should be handled in the form of a case.

Second, although Chen Qiang went to investigate, this kind of sleep state was very common in society and even among young people at that time. If we ignore it, how will we judge?” Zhang Tiannuan couldn’t help but wonder.

Under the setting sun, Zhang Tiannuan's side face was extremely delicate under the sunlight, and the tip of his nose formed a perfect arc, which made people feel extremely infatuated.

This is Zhang Tiannuan. She likes to listen to Lin Chen in a quiet conference room, dissecting the entire criminal case little by little. The entire criminal record process is extremely bizarre.

The second suspicious point is not the strange sleep that Zhang Tiannuan Criminal Police Brigade [-] found out, but Su Nan, the victim's girlfriend. Su Ya should know Chen Qiang's character, and she must be suspicious after the case.

You should still remember what Chen Qiang said before. What Chen Qiang said was in the process of recording the case. Chen Qiang's state and performance in the criminal case was complete despair. We investigated the account transactions between Chen Qiang and Su Ya. In March last year, three earth and ten thousand flavors entered Su Ya's account one after another.

"After the incident, I was afraid that Su Ya suspected Chen Qiang, but she still called the police directly and didn't say who she was pregnant with. Among them, she wanted the police to find her, and she was even afraid that her account would be frozen because of this. Now Su Ya's account is in seven days. previously requested a large amount of money transfer, but apparently failed

We froze a large amount of transfers, which means that there is something wrong with this woman, and the indirect suspect has already notified the police to arrest him," Lin Chen said with a smile.

The night before yesterday, Su Ya came to call the police. She showed her expression at the time, and her criminal status record was problematic. In the current data description, there is a big problem of the nature of the crime.

Therefore, at this time, Su Ya is describing the situation of the case, and Lin Chencai will be puzzled

After hearing that the victim was tortured to death, Lin Chen knew that this was a case of revenge. Su Yajuan ran away from Chen Qiang's money, and then followed Chen Qiang's words to take care of her little white-faced boyfriend. Then Chen Qiang was desperate, and then he made a plan. a series of crimes

Think about the third doubt, it is during the trial of the case. "Lin Chendao, in the description of the criminal case

The interrogation of Chen Qiang is also of a very criminal nature. At least at this time, Lin Chen narrowed his eyes and looked at the crowd.

In the interrogation case, what happened at that time was completely unknown to everyone, but the criminal nature of the case and Chen Qiang's violent attitude can be shown.

During Chen Qiang's interrogation, when he was told about the designated case, his shoulders shrank a little. This is a natural reaction of the muscles due to the tension of the brain.

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