"What is the smartest part of the human body is the brain but who tells you what the brain tells you

Is it very Newsy, 5.7 Unless you have some kind of special training, or your brain will sell everything, this is the crime of the case

It can be seen that this "Chu Yuan can't help but widen his eyes"

The case is now pondering, and the criminal process in it is indeed unbelievable

At least in the assassination, everyone's eyes widened.

"It's not the shaking of the shoulders, but in the special process, the criminal suspect has a special means of crime, and then the criminal suspect becomes nervous because of a certain sentence at a specific trial moment. This is the thinking judgment" Lin Chen road.

This is the detailed section of the detective's interrogation. It seems simple, but I want to go to the interrogation and investigation. The data records and the description of the crime process show that they are all with details and super-ping Xuntang's observation.


111 Subtle

The human body trembles, and it is displayed in a defined state. Once there is a manifestation, the body has a violent reaction, which is the body's own functional response.

"Chen Qiang's shoulders trembling is only one of them. For example, after pretending to be expressionless, wiping cold sweat on his face indifferently is also a manifestation. There are too many manifestations. His fingers tremble and his fists suddenly clench at a certain moment.

Lin Chen said with an expressionless face, the human body will show various manifestations after lying, this is the case record form.

The last doubt you should know, you should be familiar with the case records, that is the most interesting part, which is why Chen Qiang strangled the deceased on the roof of the car, not letting him die completely, but leaving him in despair infinitely What about remorse, that's the only puzzle, and that's something we can always understand

The suspect's motive is revenge, revenge on the deceased, revenge on the deceased, because the suspect hates the deceased, so in Chen Qiang's eyes, this is a very perverted existence, because in his impression that man is a little white face, and also makes the criminal suspect. Lin Chen, the existence that people want to torture to death, said coldly. 15

In this kind of case, you can't say who is at fault, and you can't even trace who is at fault, because the fault itself is a huge problem. At least at this time, everyone's face is blue, and watching the development is frowning and headache.

The deceased's motive was revenge, but he still had feelings for Gan Suya. "Zhang Tiannuan couldn't help but investigate, this is the previous case record and the investigation in the course of his crime.

What Zhang Tiannuan is curious about is why the deceased did this, the criminal means of returning to the ancestors is completely unpredictable, and even the deceased has no motive to describe

From love to hate, there are too many such cases, just get used to it. "Lin Chen was expressionless, looked at Zhang Tiannuan and said.

Pick up the case file on the table, with bright red characters indicating the crime nature of the case

First-degree serious crime live broadcast homicide.

Location of the case: South Suburbs of Magic City

Deceased: Male middle school student, male hotel owner, female jewelry store owner

Case history: On the evening of 4.10, the class teacher of the third and second class of Modu No. [-] Middle School called the police and found a hanged body in the men's toilet.

Later, in the live video of a certain anchor at 4.9 o'clock on the evening of April 10, the anchor wore black faceless and preached on the live screen that a 17-year-old middle school student would be punished on the evening of the [-]th.

Lin Chen opened the video recorded by the police. It was a small dark room. In front of the computer, only the face of the anchor of the red candle booth was wearing a black faceless mask.

This is a mask style used in ancient India to worship God.

The child beat his mother, and her grandmother was pushed down from the eighth floor of Tutu. She still thinks she committed suicide. The child of God saw it, so let's punish Tuhao. In the evening, that child will return to Sa Ri's arms. "The masked man's voice is cold and there is no emotion in his pupils.

Captain Lin, we checked the suspect's d and network source code, but all were in the wrong place. The suspect was a gang organized by a gang that was proficient in hacking. "Zhang Tiannuan paused the study of the surveillance video and preached to Lin Chen.

This is the previous speculation, and it is also the latest live broadcast murder case. The sudden derivation of the case made everyone terrified and terrified in the conference room of the serious crime group. Everyone's eyes focused on Lin Chen, waiting for an explanation.

I think this is a crime committed by people at the bottom. First of all, they hate society and think they commit crimes from a moral height. Like ancient rangers, criminal gangs are good at hacking technology, so I think we just need to overcome d. "Li Tian replied first, he is good at reasoning, and everyone did not refute what he said.

I don't think so

Lin Chen opened his mouth and sat on the chair and tapped on the table.

It's still the same old scene

These are social elites, and the team is good at all kinds of high-tech methods. They are indeed standing on a moral level. They do not need to conquer the crime in place of the law. They need a discussion, and the police are the fermentation point. "Lin Chen frowned, habitually tapping on the table.

Criminal Police Brigade, Autopsy

On the white examination table, lay a young man. The time of death was within [-] hours and the time of death was within [-] hours. The body was pale, the neck was swollen, the pupils were white, and the lower corners of the eyes were bloodshot.

There is no doubt that the emperor was strangled to death, and there was no sign of beating on the corpse, which means that the corpse was hanged to death.

After the autopsy, everyone frowned. Chu Yuan habitually pushed his glasses. The motive for the suspect's death is not yet known, but the way the victim died is too suspicious.

The victim went into the toilet, then hung up the rope and strangled himself, how is this possible! "The forensic doctor was at the side, frowning deeply and asked, "Can't you? After a person's psychological breakdown, after being guided by the suspect, nothing is impossible. This is psychological death. If the predictor is true, then there is no Doubtful! "Lin Chen looked at the deceased, the opened pupils slowly closed, and black blood flowed out.

The case of Chen Qiang has been solved, and now it is the three major criminal cases before everyone. It is also a description of the case that makes everyone feel extremely headache.

Because of the records of criminal cases, there are also 353 deaths and descriptions of various behaviors, all of which have great criminal nature.

Now in front of everyone, it is a live broadcast of the murder case

Now live streaming of murder cases has reached an uncontrollable level. This is the description and manipulation of the case. The nature of the criminal suspect is

Live Killing

The sixth case was caused by a person's board, and now the process of killing and committing crimes

Team Lin, the suspect just logged into the Tianhuo live broadcast app again, and then described the process of committing the crime. In the current report, it is detailed that eleven o'clock tonight will be the last live broadcast. "Zhang Tiannuan took out the live broadcast and put the suspect in the live broadcast at nine o'clock in the morning.

Just ten minutes of video

We are previewers, we grew up amid infamy and praise, but here we are, this is our last live broadcast, this is our sixth live broadcast, and during this live broadcast, we will be our last live broadcast , is also the sixth live broadcast

The fifth live broadcast All sins will be repaid Please wait for one o'clock tonight, when the bells cause the killing to come. "The noticeer with the northwest accent calmed down a lot at this time, and didn't say much from the beginning to the end, with a look of contempt in his eyes.


112 Last Live

Lin Chen smiled wryly, he didn't know who this guess was for, the suspect was still facing the whole pressure of society

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