look at us. "After she finished speaking, the girl nodded with a smile, and then pointed to the red wall, the window on the second floor.

After that, the girl was very mysterious. Every time we looked up after school, we could see the same expression in the same position. "I watched it for about three months, and I always felt a little hairy, so I contacted the owner of the hotel who knows that The boss is now in Hong Kong and Macau. When he called him, he actually said that there could be no one. He said that we were wrong, because this guest house has been abolished, and it is completely impossible to live in. He also said that the room has been completely locked.

Although we explained it again and again, they still said that there was no one. We were disappointed and we conducted our own investigation. Our investigation method was very simple, that is, we took the school's high-dimensional telescope to watch it. "The pink-haired girl said here, she couldn't help but look horrified, as if she had seen something that was indescribably terrifying.

What did you see! "Lin Chen frowned, these girls, these students, must have found something after using the binoculars to watch. A bead popped out, hanging in the eye, only a blood-red flesh line, the whole face is full of corpse spots, we Take turns watching the horror and contact the teacher to call the police directly, under the observation of the biology teacher's professional knowledge, it is a female body that has been dead for more than three months." Speaking of this, the pink-haired girl couldn't help but tremble a little, hugging Lin Chen shivering , and rubbing against Lin's chest from time to time, the people who were still a little terrified, instantly became angry

"Can you solve the case? You have been dead for several months." In the crowd, a male high school student wearing Adidas asked coldly when he looked at Ye Chen, and his eyes were even more undisguised and undisguised.

Pink-haired girl, this is the object he has been pursuing, but now she has run into another man's arms, making him look angry

The three suspicious points of the case are already there, why can't the case be solved! "Lin Chen's face is expressionless, and he is looking at this male student with interest. Is Detective Lin so scary? From a few words, he analyzed that something is wrong."

"My God, the investigation of the case, and how it has reached this level, is unbelievable.

Cut, blow raw who can't jelly. "The male student sneered. Of course, he also participated in the viewing. Naturally, he knew that Lin Chen came to the scene for the first time, and he didn't even see the corpse, so it must be nonsense.

The first doubt is that the landlord l "Lin Chen looked at the people who were talking about it, and smiled.

Detective Lin "Professor Chen signaled Lin Chen not to say more, and urged in a low voice.

The murderer is in the crowd and will surround the scene for a while. "Lin Chen chuckled lightly, and a word flashed in Professor Chen's ear.

Professor Chen tapped his finger calmly, and then the finger file of the record case quietly opened the miniature new information transmission.

Why is the landlord, to know that he is far away in Hong Kong and Macau! "The male student couldn't help sneering, and everyone became more puzzled in an instant, frowning and thinking deeply.

The male student looked at Lin Chen with pride when he saw that he was causing a lot of public discussion, and looked at Lin Chen proudly.


117 Let me tell you what sin is

What is a sin? On the second floor of the hotel, a woman's body hangs for three months until her body rots. If it is not for some students who are curious to watch it with binoculars, then her death is far away.

So why do you say that the first suspect is the hotel owner! "The male student couldn't help taunting

What kind of detective, the top detective who has been blown by major TV stations in the capital seems ridiculous now. Is this the strength of a top detective? "The male student dyed red hair, looked at Lin Chen and mocked.

Professor Chen couldn't help but be speechless. With her common sense of thinking, these are naturally obvious, nothing more than reality, these children are extremely proud, and then watch their goddess worship Lin Chen, and Lin Chen looks extremely beautiful, they naturally jealous frenzy

He looks handsome, Mr. Lin Chen looks good. "A female nympho, shaking the fat on her body, couldn't help but get excited.

This is an extremely strong female nympho, looking at Lin Chen, she can't wait to pounce on it

Okay, please tell this girl in detail, that is what the hotel owner said in detail on the phone. "Lin Chen smiled, patted the pink-haired girl on the shoulder, and smiled.

Hongmao went mad, looking at Lin Chen with a face of jealousy, when his own woman actually touched thousands of times, Hongmao couldn't help vomiting blood, watching Lin Chen want to strangle this bastard

"Okay." The pink-haired girl smiled sweetly, looked at Lin Chen and nodded.

When we called at that time, I just asked directly, that is, boss, is there a woman living on the second floor of your hotel? Why did we see this woman in the window?

The owner of the hotel said at the time: "We don't have women here, and the hotel has been abandoned. Now I'm waiting to demolish the current business. It's not easy to do. By the way, I've fixed all the locks in that room. Don't look at it. Maybe It was the doll of the previous tenant. Who is the pink-haired girl? At that time, in the process of recording the crime in the case, it was like this

Detective Lin, yo yo you are Detective Lin, then please explain n "Hong Mao looked at Lin Chen with contempt, and explained with a sneer, what did you explain?

"Are you mentally disabled, can't your brain understand?"

The hotel owner has already said something is wrong, what else do you doubt! "

What kind of investigation do you want, and what information do you have to investigate!

Lin Chen's tone instantly forced people to look at Hong Maofu and asked


High school students have grown up, why do they have hand disease without any education?

The red hand was said to be furious, and punched Lin Chen's bar with a punch

ridiculous. "Lin Chen sneered, and kicked the red hair ten meters away with one foot, with a look of contempt in his eyes.

"Let me explain

The case is divided into three major points of suspicion. The first point is why the hotel owner repeatedly explained that the room is firm and that the room lock has been completely sealed. "

The owner of the hotel can say this at the above level. It is very simple that he wants to clear up what he wants. A hotel owner picks up a strange call, why does he gently explain to you.

"His explanations are all written, and even he himself has Lingyin. He is not a criminal suspect, but he knows what happened to him and he doesn't want to participate, so he is clear.

Red-haired monster, can you hear it now! "Lin Chen has a look of contempt in his eyes, and the so-called thinking is displayed vividly at this time.

Hehe, then who is the suspect?" Hong Mao sneered.

This is the first suspicious point of the case, then the next one is the suspicious point of the case. First, let me tell you about the discovery of this female corpse. "After school, you walked into the school gate, and then looked up habitually, and then found a woman on the second floor of the hotel opposite the school gate looking at you. This is the development of the situation, and it is revealed in the entire crime process. .

"Later some people noticed it curiously. First of all, this show is very common, but that woman keeps watching you from the window, and it is very scary at a certain moment, and even keeps it that way when walking in a certain style. This also makes you Remember this development."

"So that woman was hanged and killed for nothing! I didn't see the traces at the scene. I'm afraid she was hanged to death. Whether or not she was killed in vain depends on the hotel owner!" Lin Chen sneered, and the crowd instantly became a sensation.

"That's right, in the telescope at that time, the various manifestations at that time were indeed that the female corpse was strangled with a rope on the neck. It was a black rope. Unless you watched it by yourself, you would not have found it!" The pink-haired girl hugged Lin Chen's arm and endured it. Can't stop excited

"Hey, it's not like a forensic doctor called the police before, so you know the picture. It's ridiculous." Red Hand couldn't help but sarcastically, with a look of contempt in his eyes.

Shit, I just came here, and I don't even know the judgment. " Lin Chen mocked

Go crazy, you bastard!

"That's right, this red hair has been targeting Mr. Lin. From Detective Lin's inference just now, it is obvious that this kind of development is easy to see and everyone can't help but despise it to the extreme, looking at the red hands and mocking them.

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