"Surround the scene!"

"Group A surrounds the left!"

Use the right side of the b group package!

After bribing Ye Chen's walkie-talkie, he roared a few times. At this moment, the three local special police surrounded the scene with police steel forks and shields.

The second doubt is why the suspect is here!

The third doubt is that you can guess if I can find you! "

Lin Chen looked at everyone, then smiled softly and softly.

The crowd surrounded at this time, a full twenty people were shocked, looking at Lin Chen

what!The suspect is actually inside!

In an instant, everyone was shocked and looked at each other with disbelief in their eyes (Manuo's), which was unbelievable for everyone at this time.

Because according to all the records this is unbelievable.

crime suspect

Originally, Lin Chen was speculating, and everyone's thinking was to suspect that it was the hotel owner, but at this time, the hotel owner was in Hong Kong and Macau, and everyone was extremely suspicious!

It's unbelievable where people go!

Mr. Lin Chen, what do you mean, how could it have anything to do with you if we are watching the fun?

At this moment, everyone stared wide-eyed at this terrifying change, which was extremely chilling.

In the crowd, everyone was in an uproar, and they couldn't help being terrified. The suspect was actually inside, which made everyone's eyes widen in disbelief.

At least at this time, everyone was shocked, watching Lin Chen want to expect a perfect and reasonable solution


118 Uncover

"Lin Chen, don't make false accusations, you have no ability to blame us" Red Hand shouted angrily

Li Tian walked in with the case and looked at Lin Chen and nodded.

Lin Chen didn't know all the cases, but he guessed all the cases from the description with little fanfare

This is the description of the criminal behavior. As long as you pay attention to the details of the criminals and so on, you can find great problems. At least at this time, Lin Chen couldn't help sneering.

Everyone knows the investigation records of the case, but everyone ignores the criminal situation of the case. There is no rationale for the case. That is to say, reasonable is unreasonable. If there is a problem in the case, there is really a huge criminal problem.

"The deceased's name is Zhang Fang, ten years old, a second-year student of Modu No. [-] Middle School. He mysteriously disappeared three months ago. The on-site investigation showed signs of fighting, but Zhang Fang committed suicide by hanging, and there are signs of violation of his lower body. Temporary information No indication, yes, the door of the hotel was opened, which means that Feifei Sun didn't enter," Li Tian said with a frown.

"How can you explain the official position!" Hong Mao asked rhetorically

Liu Tian, ​​the school security guard, is four years old. You have the key to the hotel. Lin Chen was expressionless. Among the crowd of 733, there was a middle-aged man with a thin body and a thin face.

Liu Tian's face turned ashen, and he waved his hand in a hurry: "I have the key, but it's not me, it was the hotel owner who asked me to watch the door, but the molybdenum key was gone two months ago.

I said you have that key! "Lin Chen didn't say much, and continued to ask Liu Tian as he watched Yang Tian.

That key was stolen in two months, police officer, I don't know. "Liu Tian's face was pale, and he looked at Lin Chen and cried out that Liu Tian was thin, and squatted on the ground with a pitiful expression, looking extremely pitiful.

Liu is always the gatekeeper of our school, how could it be him?

Yes, and Mr. Liu has always been very good, how could he do such a thing?

Lin Chen shouldn't guess wrong, after all, as a top detective, there are times when mistakes are made

Yes, Liu Lao can't do it!

In the crowd, everyone was talking about this, all with expressions of disbelief. This kind of case itself is unbelievable and extremely good. Three questions, Liu Tian will answer. "Lin Chen was expressionless, looking at everyone and sneering.

A group of children who think they are innocent and cute, how could they know that tigers will pretend to be white rabbits, but even so, tigers like to eat meat, any thinking shows them are completely wrong, and it is also true in the records at this time

The first, Sun Fang was beaten by the criminal suspect and then assaulted, but Sun Ruo committed suicide and hanged himself.

"Then let's make up a picture, a dark middle-aged man saw Sun Fang sitting alone under the hotel late at night waiting for someone in three months, and then the middle-aged man happened to know Sun Fang, so he cheated into the hotel. second floor

"Because the suspect had the key, he opened the door directly and carried out a beating and assault. Then the suspect was afraid that Sun Fang would call the police, so he took a nude photo of him and threatened Sun Fang not to say anything, and then he beat him. The phone is always on call.

After the threat, the criminal suspect swaggered away. In despair and resentment, Sun Fang looked at the white rope in the house and chose to hang himself in the direction of the window.

"The suspect suddenly found out at night, and he was horrified. He hurriedly closed the door and chose to completely block it, but Yugan had no experience in dealing with Japanese bodies, so he had to let her hang in it. take it easy

Who knows, the French Open is sparse and not missed, right Liu. "Lin Chen sneered, when Li Tian found the trace of the door being opened by the key, and the picture of Bo Dou (bfbg), he knew everything.

That's how the case developed, and another point is that the murderous king fought with Sun Fangbo because of the

There are traces of fighting on the ground, which proves that the murderer is of average physique, not tall and burly. "

Who knows, in three months you went out once in the middle of the night at twelve, and then went in and out again in half an hour. You are trying to find a way to completely seal the door. This is the surveillance video of your campus, so you go out in the middle of the night to do it. what. "Lin Chen was expressionless, looked at Liu Tian and asked

When Lin Chen finished speaking, everyone was shocked and stared at Liu Tian with wide eyes in disbelief.

This middle-aged man, some of whom are old guys calling grandpa, would actually do such a beastly thing

"Bastard is not as good as a beast!" Someone yelled angrily

As for the hotel owner, why would he answer that? "The pink-haired girl couldn't help frowning.

Of course, there are reasons for the answer, and the main reason is that he made a cryptic guess and knew that something was wrong, so he directly said that it had nothing to do with him.

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