This kind of thinking is normal. Someone calls you and says what would you say if a dead person was found in the house you rented before. You must say that you have left, and the house has been cleaned and disposed of before you leave. Whether there is a dead person or not has nothing to do with you. "Lin Chen said lightly.

The speculation of the hotel owner before Zhiwang was that Lin Chen wanted to make the suspects thin. In all the descriptions of the data, all the records of the cases required all the records of the case.

Ma thinned the atavistic suspect and then gave him a heavy blow. In an instant, everyone's face was extremely blue.

I do not know

Liu Tian was still resisting, even struggling silently, but after being pushed into the car by the SWAT police, he never said a word.

There is nothing unknown, your sins are over, but the vengeance of the dead has just begun. "There is no joy in watching Liu Tian being escorted into the car and Lin Chen, watching a beast destroy a girl's life with his own eyes.

This guy is straight and perverted, this girl was tortured badly, there are many scratches on the walls, this beast. "Li Tian's face was ashen and his voice was lowered and he said to Lin Chen.

"I can't catch the wrong person." Hong Mao couldn't help but mutter this.


Lin Chen was completely furious. This young adult child repeatedly challenged his dignity, so that Lin Chen could no longer bear the electric baton to be fully charged. Lin Chen went directly with the electric baton. Influence, doing things is simply decisive. More than a dozen countries around the world have invited Lin Chen hundreds of times, but Lin Chen doesn't care about anything at all.


119 Interrogation

The trial begins!

At this moment, Lin Chen's face was ashen as he looked at Liu Tian, ​​who was wearing handcuffs and sitting in a cage.

what to call it

A beast, or someone who shouldn't be doing this living bastard

"If you don't admit it, what else!" Lin-chen looked at Liu Tian and frowned.

he doesn't have much patience

Everyone is too, everyone has no patience to talk to a beast, at least everyone's face is extremely blue when Karma

I don't know, police officers, you can't blame us. "At this time, Liu Tian was crying, looking at the crowd.

Everyone believed in Qian Linchen's ability very much, so they were even more disgusted at this time.


Lin Chen was expressionless as he looked at Liu Tian and said slowly

Officer I don't know! "Liu Tian said with grief and indignation.

Opening the iron door of the interrogation, Lin Chen walked in slowly, with killing intent in his eyes, watching Liu Tian clench his fists

A good show is coming, a beast will tell Ye Lu the truth. "Li has already seen Lin Chen's methods, but he couldn't help but be shocked at this time.

For Wang Linchen, that is the only existence that Li Tian admires in reality. Those in the world detective record form will not be mentioned for the time being, but Lin Chen's strength really shows Li Tian's admiration.

Standing opposite Liu Tian, ​​Lin Chen's eyes turned black in an instant, they were two completely dark pupils with a terrifying color on them.

In an instant, Liu Tian looked terrified, and then he looked sluggish, frowning instantly when he watched everyone.

"Why did you want to kill Sun Fang!" Lin Chen said lightly, while the video of the confession was being filmed and the confession was being recorded

"Because this woman has been crying and begging for mercy, I'm like playing with this stinky bitch." At this time, Liu Tian was no longer the same as the pitiful look before, but there was Wu abuse in his eyes.

This beast! "Li Tian was extremely angry, and the team frowned tightly beside him, watching Liu Tian clenching his fists.

Do you know that Sun Fang has only one mother, her parents divorced since childhood, and now she has nothing, do you know!what!do you know! "

"Tell me! Tell me

Lin Chen's voice became excited, but Liu Tian's expression was still dull, his eyes were wicked.

"Why does this woman hang herself? Isn't she just playing with Lao Tzu?" Liu Tian muttered to himself, as if he was saying what he was saying in his heart. Some life is very tiring in the world, but he still has to encounter you box beasts.

"Do you know why I'm a detective, because I'm going to lead the detective to kill you all

Lin Chen was expressionless and left slowly

The black pupils disappeared, Liu Tian reacted, his face was ashen, and he looked like a madman, watching everyone roaring and roaring.

"How to deal with it!" Li Tian said with a wry smile, the girl's mother, until now, doesn't know what happened

"Leave it to Team Liu, at least this bastard will know what is scarier than death." Lin Chen said blankly

是 的

What is more terrifying than death!

On Liu Tian's back, a rotten woman held her intestines and strangled Liu Tian's neck.

At this time, Liu Tian's face was pale and red on the neck.

Some people will not die, because death is so light

Serious crime team meeting room 1

The notice of the criminal case has ended. The police found the village where the trafficker Lao Jia used to be. Before it was a shock to everyone, the accused caught the trafficker Lao Jia, then locked him in a small dark room, killed his son and made a hamburger. , Lao Piao went crazy after eating it, and then Lao Jia's meat was cut into a piece a day, and then he ate it by himself after roasting it.

"This is the record written by the criminal suspect who was discovered. The village was submerged by a mudslide. The explosion point of the mudslide was when someone blew a rock, and then the mudslide broke out and the whole existence was over. Zhang Tiannuan took the previous case record.

The culprit was predicted to be five people before, but it is indeed five people in the current case investigation. According to the current case records, the state of affairs

The development is indeed like this, at least at this time everyone's face is ashen

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