The offender, who chose to be buried in the mudslide after the tenth live broadcast

"Why did they die in the mudslide!" Zhang Tiannuan couldn't help frowning

Some people are not scary, but what they themselves are unwilling to do in their entire life, they think that being buried in ten places is a kind of new life. "Lin Chen said expressionlessly, looking at the excavated corpse, the black mask was not evil on it, it actually shone with golden light.

...for flowers q


Lin Chen whispered in his heart, now there is only one case left to deal with, then it is the Peking Opera murder case. The suspect has been found in the world before hanging, but in the current case records, it has reached an unmanageable level. to the point

It was announced that the perpetrator was dead, and the above was not paying attention but asking for the Peking Opera homicide case, and now the outside reason for the case is the Peking Opera homicide case Li Tiandao

Top Serious Cases: First Class Cases

In the current criminal nature of the case, the Peking Opera homicide case is breaking out all over the world, it broke out completely from Europe, and then shattered in an instant.

In the Peking Opera murder case, how about the evidence from Europe! "Lin Chen couldn't help frowning.

The investigation of the case, now the development of the situation has entered a certain deadlock, at least at this time everyone's face is ashen, it is extremely good to do this kind of situation change

The latest news came from Europe, and it was found in a blurred photo that this is a subhuman" Zhang Tiannuan said

A blurry picture appeared on the computer, which was a very sticky picture, but the suspect's basic facial features were still located between [-] to [-] meters tall, tall and straight, with a hooked nose and a certain star from Hong Kong and Macau. It's very similar, and it's the reason why people can't help but be curious now.

"Go to the archives class and ask them to analyze the appearance of the pictures, analyze all the appearances that can be formed, and then investigate the appearance, starting with all of them." Lin Chen frowned.

In the current case records, it can only be done in this way of searching the whole city. Otherwise, it would be extremely difficult to investigate according to the data. This is the previous data record form.

"After adjusting the appearance and characteristics of the criminal suspect, perform a portrait scan in the magic capital, and then go to find a similar criminal suspect, among which is to carry out data detection and identification.

Lin Chen frowned, looked at the archives and then investigated and said, in the current city-wide search, if the case wants to progress, then it can only be investigated during the city-wide search. "


120 Bizarre Cases

Case Code: Peking Opera Murder Case

Location of the case: Europe, Southeast Asia

Time of the case: The first criminal case of Peking Opera homicide occurred in Europe in January 2008.1, and the development of the case reached its limit in the following ten years.

Case history: When the ancient Chinese Peking Opera tune rang out, the criminal suspect waved his head in the dark, looking for the meaning of existence in the blood. This is the darkness, representing countless gray luster.

When the slaughter is about to fall, the suspect roars in grief, feeling the constant display of its power

one hundred zero

Every time a Beijing Opera suspect commits a crime, he will open the victim's mobile phone, play the Beijing Opera on Twitter or Facebook, and even on major music platforms, and finally start his crime scene. The number of criminal deaths is countless.

Number of dead: 167

The death toll in the top global cases has reached 67, including those in Europe and Southeast Asia

There are more than [-] people, this perverted murderer is definitely a person, how about the king of the body! "Open your eyes, of course Li Tian couldn't help but said in disbelief.

Lin Chen couldn't help frowning when he saw his case

According to all our current data investigation, this guy should be a person, but in the current data investigation, he is acting alone. "Zhang Tiannuan said

Acting alone, walking in the dark, everyone couldn't help but look shocked, and they were extremely shocked by the various thoughts of the criminal suspects.

case investigation

Peking Opera Murder Case

kill to death

Evidence investigation

The rest of the suspect's evidence is in the northern part of Saieeweova North City, where there are too many cases to investigate, and the situation is uncontrollable for the investigation.

Now let me talk about all our investigations of criminal suspect information so far. "Zhang Tiannuan said

Wait a minute, Team Liu has a letter. "At this time, Zhang Tiannuan couldn't help frowning and smiling bitterly, looking at the crowd.

Team member, has there been another suspicious case in the magic capital? "Lin Chen frowned and asked curiously.

"This is a suspicious case. The death has already reached the ground. From 2012 to this year, there has been a case every year, and the investigation of the case is very problematic." Zhang Tiannuan frowned.

Lin Chen took the case handed over by Zhang Tiannuan. At this time, he couldn't help but look ashen when he looked at the case and recorded the crime.

Case code: Abnormal head cutting case

Location of the case: Now the location of the case is in the southern suburb of Modu, the northern part of the southern suburb

This is a suspicious case from ten years ago, and at that time, it had a very large criminal nature during the investigation of the case.

Tell me in detail. "Lin Chen frowned and gestured to Zhang Tiannuan to move away from the projection screen and then describe the image in the screen.

A brief introduction, the whole process of the case is now introduced ten years ago, the investigation of a suspected case, all the criminal process, it is terrifying to turn out now, that is, there are ten ordinary people who automatically called the police to say that they were criminal suspects

Later, in the investigation of the case, the situation has reached a point where it is difficult to control. This is the investigation of the previous case, which means that someone called the police to replace the straight criminal suspect. "Zhang Tiannuan said

Open the case table, in the current case records, the case of perverted head cutting, since the ten years of case records, the cases in the current criminal record table have been happening one after another.

This is the biggest mystery behind the case. Someone took the initiative to call the police, saying that he was a criminal suspect, which became the biggest mystery of the case for a while.

The suspected case ten years ago has completely broken out now. Every year in the land, there will be an active police report. In the current case, the criminal certificate is recorded, and there is no criminal motive.

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