"What about the interrogation of criminal suspects!" Li Tian frowned. Now the mystery of the case is stuck in this area. In the current investigation of the case, it is extremely difficult to re-file the case.

Case Code Metamorphosis Cut 03 Case

Case history: On the afternoon of December 2019, 12.20, at the address of Unit 17, Building [-], Garden, Fushun Community, the northern suburb of Modu City, a [-]-year-old girl was found dead by Bei Cutou. Among the main cases, the crime process and the girl's diary and friends chat is implicated

At 20:[-] p.m. on the [-]th, the deceased's mobile phone found some strange criminal records in the chat records with his friends. I will briefly describe it below. According to this crime description, the suspect's situation is difficult to investigate and control. ...


121 Don't make a sound late at night

Open the case, open the chat records of the deceased and former friends

The deceased's online name was called Night Cat and his friend was called Mr. Fengmen

Nocturnal Cat: My parents have something to do in the past two days, so I'm scared to be alone at home

Mr. Fengmen: It's alright, just close the doors and windows alone late at night

Nocturnal Cat: My family lives in the suburbs of Modu City. I have closed all the doors and windows, but I fell asleep just now but was woken up by the sound of water drops. Mr. Fengmen: Water drops?Maybe there is a leak somewhere, don't worry about taking a rest early

Nocturnal Cat: Mmmmmmmm

Nocturnal cat: I put my hand under the bed and let the dog lick my fingers, it's so much more reassuring

The chat history ended here, leaving a group of people with ashen faces.

Now the following case is a crime scene investigation

"Tell me about the crime scene!" Lin Chen looked blankly at the victim's last words

In the middle of the night, the sound of water dripping, a 15-year-old girl let the dog lick her fingers in order to sleep at ease

The deceased was on the bed of the deceased's bedroom. At that time, the deceased's pet dog was hung from the ceiling wire, the blood was ticking from the inside of the neck, and then dripping from the ceiling to the ground and the sound of water dripping was exactly the same.

The deceased's entire head was cut open, and then he lay on the bed with a sticky note in his hand that said "Not only dogs can lick their fingers, but humans can too."

The faces of everyone in the conference room were ashen, a perverted murderer, and their eyes were still extremely crazy.

Has the girl been assaulted? "Li Tian frowned, wanting to know the suspect's motive.

"No, the motive of the criminal suspect is not clear now. According to the information recorded, the motive of the criminal suspect has not been disclosed for the time being. We can only look for his information and investigate the situation." Zhang Tiannuan said with a wry smile.

Extremely perverted, criminal suspects condense their methods and their terrifying

In the past ten years, the investigators who came to investigate the situation and how could it be so terrible. "At this time, everyone's eyes widened, and they felt that the change was unbelievable. This is the development of the situation, and now people can't help but smile bitterly.

The investigators investigate their case records. In the current criminal process, they can be divided into three major doubts.

The three major doubts, how are they divided?" At this time, everyone couldn't help frowning, and it was very easy to investigate the three major doubts about Lin Chen.

Lin Chen looked at Zhang Tiannuan's hopeful eyes, and said slowly, "The first one is the criminal suspect who came to surrender voluntarily in the Tu Nian. They all say that they are a vicious criminal suspect, then you What information is there to show their identities!"

It is necessary to know that to prove the suspects, it requires a lot of information to show that their family background and personal situation are in a state of officialdom! "Lin Chen frowned, looked at Zhang Tiannuan and said.

This is also what everyone is curious about. Now because of the recurrence of the abnormal head cutting case, everyone can only temporarily put aside the current case and then come to face the current case investigation and handling.

Within seven years, ten murderers who claimed to be perverted head-cutting cases surrendered to the crime. As far as we know at the time, none of their family backgrounds were extremely poor, even seriously ill, or needed a lot of money. , it is extremely difficult to record in the current case. "Zhang Tiannuan said

Case investigation, the murderer and the suspect in the perverted head cutting case are extremely difficult in the current case, so it is very likely that the suspect gave these people a sum of money and asked them to go to the police, among which the police called the police. The main point of the month is involved in the case, that is to say, it has nothing to do with the case. "Lin Chen couldn't help frowning.

The motive of the criminal suspect, for everyone at present, making everyone smile wryly and frown is the motive of the suspect's thinking, and now the motive is controlled.

"Is the suspect's motive? There must be a description of the information." Lin Chen frowned

Within ten years, one victim will die a year, and the death process is all about being cut open. , this is the record of the previous death process, in the current crime situation is the investigation situation

This is the record of the previous case. Zong recorded every case in the Chevalier Year. Di Guang was a young girl.

During the previous police investigation, there were traces of the suspect at the scene of the death! "Lin Chen frowned, the criminal suspect's perverted existence kills young women every year, so what is the motive of the crime?

"Now the victim is temporarily under control at the scene, let's go and have a look." Li Tiandao

Lin Chen nodded, he needed to see the real scene, not the footage captured by the camera and the case record form. For Lin Chen, he wanted to find the real case record 523 among the suspects. Various means of killing describe the scene in the northern suburbs of the magic capital. When they came to the residential building, the scene was blocked by a black cordon. The parents of the deceased were crying in the hall with heart-shaped lungs, trembling in pain while holding the photo of their daughter.

Sitting opposite the parents of the deceased, Lin Chen looked at them with a sad and throbbing expression, the corners of his eyes were swollen from crying, with red bloodshots

Excuse me, we are investigating the murderer now, please clear your mind, finding the suspect is the key now. "Lin Chen said the father of the deceased, wearing black clothes, watching Lin Chen wipe his tears and nodded

At that time, we were out of town and the child didn’t want to go to her grandma’s house, so we went first and came back after about two, but there was food left in the house, and then the child called her mother in the middle of the night, saying that the house was leaking all the time, but We had already checked it before we left, and any electricity leakage and water leakage have been solved, but I don't know why the water leaked.

Then we persuaded her to go to bed earlier, and there were strangers who called the police directly. Of course, we didn't care. Who knew that we received a call from the police the next morning and saw such a tragedy!


122 Dark Boiling

The victim's bedroom had a pink girlish vibe, pink curtains, a four-piece set with cherry blossoms on the bed, a large bloodstain on the ground above the ceiling fan, and tied a teddy dog ​​with a separated throat, which died from the ceiling. Drops of blood dripped down the teddy's throat

There was a lot of blood on the bed, and the corpse had not yet been taken away. The forensic autopsy team was conducting an investigation of the deceased's death and his body. This was the criminal investigation of the corpse at that time.

It's dead wide, the blood on it is ticking, the girl was in the chat record before, how perverted this criminal suspect is, and it's so terrifying. "At this time, people couldn't help frowning.

The head of the corpse was cut open, and now it seems that it is extremely terrifying

The forensic doctor is testing, watching Yang Lin Chen tell about the time and process of death, there is no messy scene at the scene, which is why everyone is suspicious

The time of death was tested. In 6-7 hours, the main death was that the throat and trunk were cut and torn. When the deceased had an undigested abdomen, no signs of abuse were found, and there was no sign of being burned by cigarette butts on the upper body and abdomen. Under investigation now.

"The deceased was naked and no traces of fighting were found. No information on the murderer was found on the upper body of the deceased at the scene of the death. The data is being examined, and the body is being examined, and the final investigation is already underway.

The top forensic team, its forensic captain looked at everyone and frowned.

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