With eyes wide open, Lin Chen looked at the crime scene, the deceased's face was horrified, and the pupils were pale and unable to open, this was because the head was horrified after being cut open.

Looking at the suspect's eyes, Lin Chen squinted at the victim's pupils

Tell me, what happened to the last criminal suspect, the last picture

Lin Chen, looking at the eyes of the deceased, is tracing back the last scene

The pupil of the deceased, looking at the last image of his eye's existence

Mr. Lin in?The forensic doctor couldn't help frowning, looking at this picture and its easy investigation

In the current display of various pictures, everyone is extremely curious

do not disturb. "Li Tian frowned.

In the world detective circle, there are many detectives' methods against Wang Linchen, that is, the inspection of the deceased is easy to investigate. This is the previous detective inspection. In the current inspection of various data, it is also an existence that makes everyone extremely curious.

Now everyone can't help but frown

Looking at the picture of the dead, everything changes in an instant

Black picture, no record

The lights were turned on, the room was quiet, and the air conditioner was blowing warm air, which made people feel comfortable. Feeling this warm air at this time, I couldn't help squinting my eyes and it was very comfortable.

The sound of water began to tick tick, and the sight changed again

Suddenly there was a sound, and then it stopped

Why turn off the lights, now it's all about to start!

"The night is coming, what kind of warmth are you feeling? Now the warmth of the cut reappears again, feel this warmth and its soothing words. The display of the night, have you seen it, death has reappeared again?

The body of a young girl, um, this is a fragrant smell, this is a very attractive smell, then sleep.

Lin Chen was extremely frightened, the suspect was whispering, although the voice was not loud, but in the small room of this kind of case, this was a very comfortable existence

At least at this time, after I was feeling this kind of environment, all the pictures reappeared again.

It is gradually broken, the air conditioner is blowing, this is the warm spring breeze, people can't help but feel extremely warm

The sound stopped, and at the end it was a kind of best lotion. This was a kind of baptismal change, and at the end it was the bloody picture.

At least at this time, everyone couldn't help frowning because Lin Chen's eyelids were blue and pale, which was a state of physical exhaustion. At this time, everyone couldn't help frowning.

This is a manifestation of physical exhaustion, how could it be in this state? "At this time, everyone couldn't help frowning, looking at this scene and its horror and opened their eyes again, Zhang Tiannuan supported Lin Chen

Lin Chen rubbed his eyes, looked at the female corpse and said, "Investigate the victim, before this victim was swallowed some kind of drug, this drug has a great effect, the effect is dizziness, but the criminal suspect what is man's intention

Lin Chen couldn't help frowning, the intention of the criminal suspect is now extremely curious to Qian Linchen

Swallowing a certain drug, but the forensic doctor did not detect it before. Obviously, the suspect is proficient in a certain drug and can automatically decompose in the human body

Everyone returned to the Criminal Police Brigade, and the forensic team conducted another autopsy in the examination hall of the Criminal Police Brigade in Modu City. Now the body test is the most effective way to test the body. At this time, everyone is investigating and testing various problems of the body.

At least at this time, everyone couldn't help frowning. According to the case, the criminal situation was carried out.

There are a bunch of case files on the table, Lin Chen and Li Tian were looking at the previous case records, and the various crimes of the suspects were all very horrifying. At least at this time, everyone couldn't help but look ashen.

In ten years, the characteristics of the dead body and the crime situation are almost the same.” Li Tian frowned.

Lin Chen is looking at an ordinary white sticky note, which says that one person can also lick things.

The faint note, written very poorly but very upright, made everyone frown and even have a headache at this time

This is a note left by the criminal suspect. Is this a challenge to the police, or the criminal suspect's abnormal psychology? "

"What is the motive for the crime, and what kind of pleasure does the criminal suspect want to achieve!" Li Tian said with bulging eyes, looking at the white note


123 white note

White strips of paper, spread out neatly on top, clean and free of creases

It is conceivable that by the electric light, the criminal suspect picked up the pen with a calm face, and then the pen was soft and gentle and one person would lick things.

Although the bald font looks crooked, the stroke of the font is correct, and the structural painting is very good.

The note is clean, so the picture is conceivable.

The suspect killed the girl, washed his fingers, wiped the king, took out the note and put it in the girl's hand

The meeting room of the Major Crime Team of the Magic City Police Squad

After killing the girl, what was the suspect thinking, and what was his motive? In ten years, the suspect wanted to serve as an official to kill a person, and a year to let an innocent person call the police. "Li Tian couldn't help frowning, according to the current crime situation described in the current crime situation record, then this kind of situation is difficult to control

What is the situation of the criminal suspect, 860 or how the criminal suspect wants to handle this case

The murder of the criminal suspects, every death is broken, at least at this time everyone is squinting

The motive of the criminal suspect, the persistence of the criminal suspect for seven years

In the middle of the night, there is no hatred between the young girl and the criminal suspect, but why are they frequently killed by beheading?

The perverted torture, the madness of the criminal suspect, at least at this time, everyone frowned, and the case investigation has entered a deadlock.

The crime is deadlocked, and there are big problems in case control and investigation. At least in the industry, everyone squinted and felt the countless doubts in the case. Lin Chen frowned and felt that there was a big net that captured everyone's thinking.

Banging on the table, watching the crowd, Lin Chen sneered: "Who said the case (bfbh) is not right, I think there is a big problem! We don't think about crimes according to common sense, first of all, all the dead in the seven years, including There is evidence mainly left by the suspect at the scene of the death." Lin Chen said with a chuckle

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