Ten criminal suspects died in ten years

Data records, criminal suspect data investigation

On the afternoon of 2012.123rd, 103, the deceased was found in Unit 18, Unit [-], Tianhe Park, Duxishan District. The deceased was [-] years old and had his head cut off in his bedroom. There was a note on the scene of the death hall. Woolen cloth?

Eight characters, plus a question mark

It looks like a simple greeting, but when they saw the crime scene, everyone couldn't help but turn blue, and they felt extremely perverted for this kind of case. The motive for the crime, the methods of the criminal suspect, are recorded in the current case.

The deceased, among the ten years, the dead natives, is also the most striking crime evidence now

The second corpse was on the afternoon of May 2013.5.8, [-]. It was in the villa of the third building, Nanshan Second Garden, in Modu. middle

"It was the rooftop at that time, and her daughter, Di Guang, was lying on the rooftop and her head was cut open with blood, holding a note in the deceased's hand. The note said "Who made you disobedient!

Soil corpse, Zhang Tiannuan didn't want to talk about it anymore

"Is the suspect's psychology a pervert, the kind that has become a complete perversion, but this kind of horror psychological display is unbelievable, how can it be so scary." At this time in the conference room, everyone couldn't help but look ashen

The suspect's motive? "Li Tian frowned. According to this kind of crime scene investigation, the motive of the criminal suspect is that there is a big problem of the nature of the crime. At least at this time, everyone couldn't help but look ashen, and it is difficult to investigate this kind of case.

Perverted thinking, it seems that the criminal who killed the criminal as a father can see the investigation from the corpses of ten victims. Among them, various data record forms and the nature of the criminal suspect are here. "Squinting his eyes, Lin Chen couldn't help but coldly said that this is a real criminal suspect, and the criminal suspect's thinking is extremely terrifying. At least at this time, everyone couldn't help but look ashen because if according to Lin Chen's inference, Then infer once it is valid.

In this kind of case investigation, the criminal suspect's information is recorded, and the case has been stuck in one position

"The suspect's motive can be two points!" Lin Chen's eyes bulged, Wang Zhi tapped the table, and then frowned.

At this time, everyone squinted to find their case investigation

The first is that the suspect has experienced this kind of case investigation when he was a child.

The second is certain situations. When a certain thing strikes, the suspect has a completely abnormal thinking, and even if his thinking is completely displayed, it is very scary. This is the thinking of the criminal suspect.


124 Sneaky

In ten years, the case is like a day

Lin Chen didn't look at the case records at this time. In the current criminal process, in the description and records of the criminal suspect's information, all kinds of criminal cases have reached the conclusion of the crime.

Case records, and descriptions of their criminal suspects

At least at this time, everyone couldn't help but look ashen, because in the current case description, the criminal suspect's crime process and his data description are also included.

Open the case, this is the case three years ago

At least at this time, Lin Chen couldn't help frowning and thinking deeply

Now the case records, there is a suspicious case that is very interesting

Case description: Road number direct crime case

Location of the case: Guangdu Tenth Railway Bridge

Case history: The pattern of the road dedicated to pedestrians, the pattern of the special road in Modu was issued by the Traffic Bureau, and the search for the traffic pattern was done by photographers across the country

Brief description of the case

Videographer Su Fei is a professional videographer. He saw the traffic bureau is requisitioning the road number sign pattern on the camera website, and then he chose to find the road number in the magic capital to shoot the picture.

Su Fei took a photo at the [-]th Railway Bridge of the Magic Capital, and then submitted the photo to the Transportation Bureau. Then, because of the originality and uniqueness of the photo, it was requisitioned by the Transportation Bureau and gave five yuan as labor remuneration.

After being smashed, Su Fei suddenly called the police, saying that he had filmed the news of the tracking of the criminal suspect released on TV. Then Su Fei went to the police station to investigate. In the sign pattern of the pedestrian-only road number, a man was leading the jumping and jumping. little girl pictures

However, in Su Fei's opinion, the original picture is very similar to the suspect in the TV series. The similarity between his eyebrows and eyes is [-]%. Later, the police investigated and found that he was a criminal suspect, but he couldn't find the trace of the suspect. Look for

Because the Tenth Railway Bridge was a deserted bridge in 1998, and there were no cameras around, but Mu Sufei called the police a month later, and suddenly saw an advertisement for arresting criminal suspects while watching a TV series. So I couldn't help but look pale.

Looking at this case, Lin Chen couldn't help squinting his eyes. He had a notice that according to the implication of this case, the suspect must have a strong criminal relationship with him. This is the description of the difficult crime.

Li Tian swept the case and looked at Lin Chen and couldn't help but said: "There is something wrong with this suspicious case, and the suspect has not been arrested yet. For Qian Lin Chen, Li Tian naturally admires Li Tian extremely, because Li Tian's The thinking shows, it is a real and impressive existence, this is Lin Chen, in all the thinking, it involves various crime control

Not to mention, there are some problems. "Lin Chen looked at the case with his eyes wide open. What Lin Chen said was that the person who called the police had a problem, a big problem, Captain Zhang Tiannuan. In this case, the person who called the police before was Su Tian!" Lin Chen couldn't help squinting his eyes, this Guy, that is, this criminal suspect, these problems combined are the existence that makes Lin Chen unable to help frown

Su Tian

In Lin Chen's glance, he found more than a dozen problems, and these problems were based on his thinking and old worries, among which the nature of the crime was extremely tragic, so at this time everyone couldn't help frowning, that is now The nature of the crime

Is there anything wrong with Su Tian? "Chu Yuan couldn't help frowning and said curiously.

...for flowers

Chu Yuan also read the case file, but in the criminal case to find the process of committing the crime, the degree of difficulty, investigation and case control have reached the limit.

Three questions! "Lin Chen said with an expressionless face.

Lin Chen's investigative style likes to find out all the crime points directly and break them all directly. These are the three major doubts in Lin Chen's style. This is what Lin Chen likes to say, and it is also the case that he likes to investigate the most. The three major doubts can be traced back slowly. Among the major doubts, the major processes of crime

At this time, everyone couldn't help their eyes, and now it is the investigation of Wang's previous case and the detection of suspicious points in the criminal suspect's personnel case. "

Doubt [-] is why the suspect went to the train bridge after escaping, I know what you want to say, run away and take the child, but the suspect is taking the child, in the eyes of the suspect, this seems to have no essence problem, but not how, it is precisely because the investigation of the case has a huge problem

The second suspicious point is the people who call the police, among them the people who call the police, and the people who call the police have a very criminal nature. "

If the police call the police, I know your doubts, and the question is why they choose to call the police after one month, or the police are all wrong, and the mistake is that the suspect is still in the city, then what will this look like! "Lin Chen squinted his eyes and looked at the crowd.


125 Three Questions

The second question, it seems that there are no features of the case, but looking straight at it, there is a lot of criminal proof and records. This is the previous criminal record. In the face of everyone at this time, the situation is difficult to achieve. the existence of manipulation

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