The second question is that Su Tian called the police. After calling the police, all of Su Tian’s actions seemed to be coincidences, but that was right, but it was the wrong time.

I read the investigation form issued by the police to search for criminal suspects before, in which such a big problem was broadcast every week, how could nothing happen! "At this time, Lin Chen couldn't help but sneer.

"May [-]" Su Tian is very smart. It seems that the whole process of reporting the slaughter is true, but he has forgotten that this is the first time he has reported the crime. This is the biggest problem of a huge crime.

At [-] o'clock in the afternoon, the special police who went to arrest Su Tian returned because this was the arrest order issued by Lin Chen, so he arrested him directly and sent him to the interrogation room.

Everyone in the conference room couldn't help but feel curious when they heard the news

You must know that this was a suspicious case three years ago, and the case was not solved at that time, but Lin Chen's knowledge briefly read the case and the description of the criminal suspect.

trial room

Inside the black railing, sitting on the iron chair, Lin Chen saw the policeman three years ago. He was tall and thin, he wore gold-framed glasses and had a pair of triangular eyes.

This is Su Tian, ​​there is something wrong with his appearance and his behavior

Ugly appearance, changes in behavior, development of pupils, more likely to detect criminal problems than handsome people

Su Tian, ​​right, let me briefly introduce myself, what is your situation? "Lin Chen narrowed his eyes and looked at Su Tiandao.

Triangular eyes are rolling!

This should not be called eccentric, but people can't help but feel disgusted, even contemptuous

My name is Su Tian, ​​I am [-] years old this year, I work in a photography club, Mr. Police, what's the matter! "Su Tian looked pale, looked at Lin Chen and said

Although the policeman in front of him was extremely handsome, he gave Su Tian a feeling of extreme depression, which made Su Tian couldn't help being terrified because this person in front of him made Su Tian feel very dangerous, this guy is very dangerous, this is something Su Tian has never had before. Feeling, at least at this time, I can't help but feel ashen

"How old are you!" Lin Chen asked again, Xi Ping was in doubt, but his eyes were extremely cold, and Xi Ping was extremely shocked. My Ertu Shi Sutian's voice was a little trembling when I looked at Lin Chen, I couldn't help but let out some hands. thriller

"How old are you!!" Lin Chen roared suddenly and slammed the table

Tus! "Su Tian trembled all over, looking at Yang Lin Chen in horror, his face instantly paled.

"Speak, speak!" Lin Chen suddenly roared, looking at Su Tiandao

I really don't know, the police, I just went to the Dihuo Bridge to shoot, I didn't know the suspects would be photographed. "Su Tian's face was pale, and there was no blood at all.

I didn't ask you about the criminal case.

Lin Chen's voice gradually lowered, with mockery in his eyes.

Many of the so-called criminal suspects have their own interests.

At least at this time, everyone couldn't help squinting their eyes, right?

I didn't ask you, why do you say so much!

why! "

Lin Chen suddenly roared and looked at Su Tiandao

A criminal suspect, if Su Tian is a criminal suspect, of course he can shake his head or even reject it as a matter of course, but in Lin Chen's wise eyes, this is not a criminal suspect, but a bastard who is tempted by money interests.

I don't know, I don't know any record of the situation, I really don't know anything, what exactly are you guys trying to do, I don't know anything.

Su Tian's face was pale, looking at the crowd with a wry smile.

"But I didn't ask anything, why did you say that, how old are you?" Lin Chen looked at Su Tian blankly and continued to ask. color

Ordinary suspects can't be investigated unless they're top-level suspects

This is because ordinary criminals can't help being terrified when confronted with such abrupt interrogation.

Su Tian's face was no longer pale, looked at Lin Chen and nodded, and then slowly said, "I'm Su Tian, ​​I'm twenty years old." Why did he kill. "Lin Chen said with no expression on his face, his voice didn't break out, and he didn't have the slightest emotion.

There was no emotional outburst, and there was a chilling look in his eyes

I don't know, I didn't kill anyone, I honestly don't know anything, I don't know. "

I don't know anything, I just don't know anything. At this time, Su Tian was extremely terrified, staring at everyone with wide eyes, unable to bear the hair all over his body.

Don't know anything, of course there is no problem, why kill! "Lin Chen was expressionless and asked again.


126 I didn't kill

Mine didn't kill, police officer, I don't know anything, I didn't kill anyone, I didn't know anything! "At this time, Su Tian was already terrified, sweating profusely on his forehead, and he couldn't help but watch the crowd.

"You don't know!" Lin Chen suddenly bulged his eyes and said with a killing voice

I don't know, I don't know straight, you don't have proof, you can't casually accuse me of what you want. "Su Tian trembled all over and looked at everyone with a wry smile and said with a wry smile.

Is there no evidence, three questions, you will be safe if you answer them, if you can't answer them, hehe.Lin Chenya, looking at Su Tiandao

Three answers, Su Tian's face was ashen at this time, but he nodded after seeing everyone's cold eyes.

Why kill? "Lin Chen said lightly, it seems that Ping is a question, and seems to be waiting for an answer.

At least at this time, Su Tian's face was ashen.

The crime of covering up the murderer is not terrible, but the crime of being upright is terrible murder.

I don't know anything, you at least say the evidence.Su Tian couldn't help but smile bitterly, looking at the crowd with no expression on his face.

"Straight doesn't know anything, what exactly do you want to ask!" Su Tian's face was ashen as he looked at everyone and said

"The Dudiz Railway Bridge, why is it so coincidental, it's not a coincidence, according to the angle of your photo, it seems that the copyright of the peaceful shooting belongs to you, but you forgot

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