That is a criminal suspect, that is a criminal suspect who is on the run, do you know what a criminal suspect is? Tell me how a criminal suspect takes pictures and how to take pictures!

At the end of the speech, Lin Chen shouted angrily, looking at Su Tian and roaring.

This is also the biggest mystery of this case.


At the bridge, it was Su Tian who got the photographer's consent before shooting.


That's a criminal suspect!

That's a fugitive suspect

Why would a fugitive suspect agree to take a photo?

How could you possibly agree!

any reason, any reason

it's unbelievable

This is the biggest loophole, but in Lin Chen's eyes, this is just the most inconspicuous button

Three answers, the suspect frowned tightly at this time

Yeah, why take a picture

Why did the criminal suspect take pictures? If according to Su Tian's words, the criminal suspect is extremely reckless, then it is also an explanation, but what is the explanation?

I was looking for a place to take pictures, and I found out, then the situation was like this, and I had no choice. At that time, I just happened to see a middle-aged man with his little girl. I thought it was the father and daughter, and then I I asked if I could take pictures, they agreed and I did. "

I really don't know anything. I don't even know if the person being filmed is a criminal suspect. I really don't know anything. I don't know what the situation is and the development of various events. "Su Tian smiled bitterly, looking at everyone in the interrogation room with a straight face.

Lin Chen looked blankly, Su Tian was of course not a criminal suspect, it was just because he was involved in a certain case, this was Su Tian, ​​because of some things, he was involved in some loving records

This is Su Tian. It sounds ridiculous, but it does exist. This is the criminal suspect. There are major criminal problems in the process of case recording, and the investigation of criminal problems is extremely difficult.

"Three suspicious points, the first is why the suspect cooperated with you to take pictures, and the second why you called the police a month later!

"Do you know why it's confusing? In the traffic bureau, someone found that the object of requisition was wrong, and then during the investigation, it was found that the suspect had a big crime problem.

"Because they knew that there was something wrong with the suspect, that is, the picture found the suspect, but they did not choose to call the police, because the picture has been released, but the police station has a record, but few people are qualified to watch."

If you think that you call the police in a month, then it doesn’t matter. In that month, the TV broadcast order appeared in the time period you watched. According to the description of the time period you like to watch TV, you all It was confirmed that you all have a big problem. Lin Chen frowned and looked at Su Tiandao.

The case is now under investigation, not a so-called sentence, I don't know if it can be offset by 087

In the past, the criminal suspect Su Tian described the case according to the ear, and also recorded the information of the criminal suspects. Among them, the criminal suspects all had serious criminal problems.

Su Tian could never have imagined that the answer to the case that he worked hard to think about three years ago, escaped after three years, but now he is hit again, and he is even angry to the extreme.

This is Su Tian, ​​among all the consummation lies, all of them are finally exposed

Let's investigate well, this guy has too many tricks, he should have received bribes from the criminal suspect or even that one, and the suspect is probably in his home, or even hidden, the only weird and interesting thing is this Guy thinks very interesting.

Is there any record of the suspects who escaped before? "Lin Chen couldn't help but wonder, among them is the investigation of such cases and the development of crimes.

Among them, all the criminal suspects recorded the situation. In the investigation of the case, there are huge problems. At least at this time, everyone couldn't help frowning.

The description of the escaped suspect's stolen materials, as well as his criminal record


127 Want to know the answer

Su Tian smiled, suddenly looked at Yang Lin Chen, and said slowly

You like to stare at the abyss, then you must know that the abyss can also stare at you, I tell you that you can see the abyss, but remember not to look for a long time!Even a perfect case-solving expert will encounter extremely vicious existences. It’s ridiculous. Don’t think that you have a high ability to solve cases, so you want to fight the existence of the abyss, because you will be swallowed by the abyss.

Li Tian, ​​Lin Chen, top detectives, in this small place like Magic Capital, you are wrong after all, there is no way for you to deal with it, my lord. "Su Tian smiled, and he looked like a shrewd newcomer in the workplace before.

At this time, Su Tian's eyes were extremely cold, and there was no expression in his pupils. He leaned on the chair lazily, and looked at the crowd with indifference in his eyes.

This guy really has a problem! "Li Tian looked at Su Tiandao with a stern expression on his face.

Lin Chen squinted his eyes and speculated in his mind that he couldn't help but feel a little horrified. According to Su Tian, ​​then this kind of situation is extremely scary. Three years ago, you were straight and filmed by accident, but the suspect did not run away after that. , but live in a certain area where you rented, the suspect has brainwashed you, you are crazy, you are very excited now, what are you excited about, let me guess, is it the adult behind you? , Peking Opera has started!

Oh, this is such a wonderful voice, it makes people fall in love with it, it's a kind of feeling." Lin Chen's eyes went crazy, looking at Su Tian smiling at the police brigade, everyone couldn't help but stare at Lin Chen in shock. You must know that Lin Chen's personality has always been extremely cold.

Enjoying the process, or death ups and downs or flying, in a certain angle, the momentary ups and downs show

A beautiful death, a superposition of means and then a sudden explosion

and its wonderful sound, in this era

Lin Chen squinted at Su Tian

This is the record, the record of the previous state of affairs

Su Tian is completely crazy, but he is not crazy now, with a solemn look in his eyes

Su Tian looked at Lin Chen, his eyes were terrified, he couldn't help but want to smile bitterly, but he couldn't help feeling terrified

Lin Chenran was silent, looking at Su Tian

Su Tian did encounter the previous criminal suspect three years ago, but he didn't encounter it, but his mind was bewitched.

Zhang Tiannuan brought all the stolen materials from the previous case, Lin Chen couldn't help looking at it, his face was extremely blue

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