This is the description of the case at that time, and the situation has already been controlled.

Zong code: mysterious x pattern

Case Location: Nationwide, Nanshan, Northern Xinjiang

The crime level of the case: the top-level serious case, the first-level serious case

Case history: The case is now under investigation, and then we will check its records and suspects, and now conduct information investigation.The whole country takes the magic capital as a flashpoint. It is found that there is a crazy murder case. The criminal suspect and his perverts hang their heads in black, help the criminal suspect, and depict an x ​​pattern on the back of the criminal suspect. If the criminal suspect can survive, then It is to live, if the blood dies, the suspect will die

Every time the suspect commits a crime, he is like a perverted murderer in the United States, because according to the mentality of perverted murder, he will put an x ​​on the back of the victim, and then paint an x ​​pattern on it. This is the first painting in black.

The suspicious point of the case is that the victim saw the face of the criminal suspect, but its appearance and criminal investigation, the face of the criminal suspect, the appearance of the criminal suspect, we thought before that this was a big crime problem

This was the criminal investigation of the case at that time. During the investigation of the case, there were serious criminal and criminal problems in the situation. "Zhang Tiannuan frowned and said that this was a very strange crime. At that time, the investigation of the case involved a huge criminal case.

In the investigation of criminal cases, Su Tian is self-righteous and crazy. Lin Chen has seen too many such so-called madness and paranoia.

Su Tian's so-called madness, even seemingly madness and paranoia, are all the catharsis and tyranny of the white self.

Looking at Lin Chen, Su Tian squinted his eyes and seemed to think that he was wrong. This detective is really not ordinary. At least compared to his golden detective, Su Tian is upright and excellent, and all kinds of thinking changes are like this.

Trial first. "

Lin Chen glanced at Su Tian, ​​and he didn't bother to look anymore.

This is a poor bastard, the pawn of the escaped criminal suspect, and now he just wants to explode, trying to confront the detective, but in the wrong place, he chose the most wrong way

Metropolis Criminal Police Brigade, in the conference room of the serious crime group

Everyone is publishing the case with the controversial x pattern, and there is a suspect who escaped three years ago. Now everyone is thinking. Among them is the suspect who escaped. Who is he?

In the current huge controversy, this has become the biggest topic of discussion

Let me simply tell you about the brief information on the escaped criminal suspect. "Zhang Tiannuan smiled wryly.

The criminal suspect three years ago was in prison, pretending to have a relapse of a disease, and on the way to the hospital (De Li Zhao), killed a policeman and then went to jail, and disappeared mysteriously after escaping

The police have been searching for two years, investigating in various areas, and guessing the source of the ID card. They have not found the escaped criminal suspect, and it was merged into the suspected case in the previous year.

Among the suspected cases, the main reason for the crime was because the suspect was suspected by the police at that time.

At this time, everyone narrowed their eyes and watched the investigation of the case.

"Su Tian, ​​he was bombed by Lin Chen just now. In the three years, even three years ago, the suspect and Su Tian didn't have much time to meet. It was Captain Zhang Tiannuan who talked about the suspect who escaped before. , I would love to know, what a terrible suspect this is

He was found to have died unexpectedly after escaping, and one of the cases was incorporated into the investigation of the suspected case. "Li Tian narrowed his eyes


128 The Wandering Darkness

Case code: Mrs.

Location of the case: Nanshan, Magic City

Case history: The Nanshan Community of the Magic City is a housing price official, so some outsiders want to stay here, so many of them work hard in the Nanshan community, including social surveys.

It is close to the Johor Bahru community, so most of the people living here are foreigners who bought houses in the Nanshan community.

But five years ago, two families in the Shan community, a total of individual scholars, were killed.

Two families of scholars, all died

This is a massacre of a family, and the death of Guang is two families, so the case investigation of the abnormal situation of the corpse is terrifying

First of all, the description of this case is very similar to the previous ordinary case.

So everyone is frowning

Because of the criminal suspect, this is looking at ordinary people because of a quarrel or a fight for their own interests, but the criminal suspect is confused by 707 Su Tian, ​​this is why Lin Chen couldn't help frowning

We really found something wrong in the investigation of the suspect's relatives and friends. The main problem of the data investigation is that the suspect's name is Ye Qingshan, who is [-] years old this year. Those two families died alive, those were two families, and they were cousins. They cooperated with the factory and finally divided the shares, and then had a dispute with the suspect's parents, and the suspect's parents died in twenty years. "Zhang Tiannuan said

because Su Tian

After the suspect escaped, how did he confuse Su Tian and even make him his crazy subordinate, talking about the abyss in the police station

"The criminal suspect knows our existence and has always been very aware of it, but what is their main purpose?" Li Tian couldn't help frowning. According to the criminal suspect's case records, five years ago, the criminal suspect held a grudge, twenty years ago. What happened a few years ago has been brooding, because his parents were beaten to death

"What about the person who killed the suspect's parents at that time?" Lin Chen frowned.

"They fled, and the law and order was chaotic at that time." Zhang Tiannuan said with a wry smile


All crimes are motivated, even the perverted murderer, the chainsaw murderer, and even Frank, the American juvenile criminal genius, all have sufficient motives for the crime. various. "

"Bullying, insults, divorced parents, beatings from friends and relatives, desolation, isolation, all kinds of grief.

Lin Chen couldn't help but smile

Lin Chen didn't want to explain anything on behalf of the criminal suspect, but explained the fact that behind all the crimes, there are many criminals who suffered during their youth.

Of course, those vicious criminals are also countless, and even the number has reached the extreme.

How to investigate now, Su Tian did not speak for the time being. "Li Tian couldn't help frowning.

He is also suspecting that according to the previous case, the suspect is in the criminal record, then only (bfdi) is an ordinary criminal, but in the current criminal record, the suspect is not just that simple

Even this kind of criminal behavior is comparable to the top of the criminal suspect, which is recorded in the criminal suspect's record.

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