At least at this time, everyone's face was ashen. Now it's a case investigation, in which the criminal suspect's information is compared, the criminal information is organized and gathered to adjust all the information of Su Tian, ​​the special police visits and investigates, and in front of an inconspicuous person, how can you know who Zhang is? what exists. " Lin Chen puffed his eyes and arranged it.

Under the exposure of the media, then the investigation of the situation

Peking Opera homicide, we must find a breakthrough.Lin Chen squinted his eyes, there seem to be many breakthroughs in the case now

The stadium found a murder case, and now Team Liu let us go. "Zhang Tiannuan hung up the phone, couldn't help but look strange, saying about the stadium murder case.

At this time, everyone got into the police car and went to the police station, and then went to investigate the case.

Driving to the Metropolitan Stadium, the stadium is located at the north end of the pedestrian street in Wangmo City. It is the most prosperous place here near Roya Street.

The stadium has been guarded by hundreds of special police, and a black cordon is drawn up here

It's already crowded around the stadium, and everyone around is whispering

You know, a great person died here. I heard that he was the richest man in Wancheng.

"Yeah, this person is simply amazing, his methods are very good, and he is worth tens of billions

Yes, I don't know who the rich offended, but the scene was horrible. The deceased's stomach was cut open, and they were chased in half the stadium. At that time, blood was dripping. I don't know how much blood was shed. .

"It's terrifying. With this change of situation, has it provoked anyone? You must know that there are countless black-hearted entrepreneurs now." Who cares, the criminal suspects are so crazy, it is definitely impossible to kill people for no reason.

The surrounding people who eat melons are whispering about each other, one by one, they point to the stadium, and they don’t know what they are whispering about, at least they don’t know at this time.


129 Stadium Killings

Arriving in the stadium, on the huge white ground, red blood stained the ground almost flat.

There are also some broken intestines, which are constantly bleeding from being trampled on the ground. On the ground lies a middle-aged man with blood all over his body. His whole body was chopped to pieces.

Team Liu is beside the criminal suspect and is watching the case here. This is the case of the previous crime. Team Liu is watching the case and then come to see the suspect~ Suspect's situation record

Seeing Lin Chen coming, Team Liu nodded towards Lin Chen, curious about Lin Chen's thinking

This is the case investigation at the time, but a character like this is not bad, but it is a very criminal existence

This is the current case record of the person investigated in the previous case, as well as the description of the criminal suspect, and even this case has entered the top-level serious case and the second-level serious case.

This is the second-level Peking Opera homicide case. Because of this type of crime, I will briefly introduce it in the process of recording the crime in the case. "Looking at everyone coming, the top forensic team is conducting an autopsy, and Professor Chen is collecting the records of the criminal suspects at the scene, as well as the criminal evidence.

This is the case record before Shigan, in which the criminal suspect's data recording process has a lot of criminal traces.Professor Chen is watching the material record

Case autopsy

Case Code: Stadium Murder Case

Address of the case: Stadium in Modu City

Case history: On the morning of 12.8, Li Qingshan, a biological company, came to the stadium to offer condolences. At that time, there were more than [-] people in the crowd holding the king at the time. Suddenly, a man in the crowd rushed out and stabbed Li Qingshan three times in the thigh.

Then Li Qingshan fled in panic, the suspect was playing like a cat and mouse, and then saw the suspect take out the head directly, but avoided the key point of Li Qingshan, and most of the places where the barrel was barreled were not causing death. Li Qingshan was screaming in despair on the ground

At the scene at the time, someone heard the suspect and Li Qingshan talking as follows

Suspect: Ten years later, you are still so arrogant and rotten, but we are all dead, all fucking dead, you bastard

Suspect: Why do I want to kill you? I want to torture you to death. Aren't you rich? Don't you often report to fiber? Why don't you talk about your dirty deeds?

Suspect: I will cut a blood hole in your body with one knife at a time, and then smell the scent of your blood a little bit, hey hey hey, that smell is so good, it will make you die in despair, in the collapse. in despair

Li Jishan woo woo, bypass me and beg you, I will give you a lot of money, I will give you all my money, don't kill me

Suspect: Take the trial from the dead man who died for the rest of his life

This is the case record. The conversation between the criminal suspect and Li Qingshan was recorded by the crowd at the time, and now the police have extracted the information

"Isn't Li Qingshan with a bodyguard? As a rich man." Lin Chen narrowed his eyes and couldn't help but wonder.

This is also what Lin Chen is most curious about, that is what state Li Qingshan is in to face this development

Li Qingshan brought three bodyguards, but all of them were brought down by the criminal suspect, but they did not kill them. The only thing was that Li Qingshan was chased and hacked to death. The scene was appalling. "Wen team frowned.

It's a revenge case

At least at this time, the investigation of the case, the criminal suspects have all recorded the stolen materials

ask for flowers

As for the camera, did you have a recording at that time? "Li Tian couldn't help frowning and asked curiously.

"No, the suspect destroyed the camera ahead of time, but there are witnesses. After the suspect killed and tortured Li Qingshan, he dropped it and saw that he rode away on a bicycle. The investigation is now underway, but it has not been found yet. , we suspect that the suspect has been shielded." Wen team couldn't help frowning.

The area of ​​​​the magic capital is very large, but no matter how big events develop, it is impossible to reach this point

Because the urban area is very big, but it takes ten minutes from the time when the people call the police to when the police arrive.

This is a case investigation. It seems to be the investigation of various criminal cases. In the various criminal data and case development records, there are serious problems of criminal nature.

"Urban investigation, and portrait collection, I don't believe that criminal suspects can go to the sky, those who want to run will never be able to run." Li Tian couldn't help sneering.

Lin Chen narrowed his eyes and looked at the scene

Lin Chen has a hunch that the current cases are not as simple as they seem, generally like this level of formal cases, behind the seemingly simple, various complex cases are connected, and it is extremely difficult to investigate.

"Have you got the information about the suspect?" Li Tian asked

"Not yet. The criminal suspect Xiping prepared the scene with precision and there is no identifiable trace." Professor Chen frowned.

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