Lin Chen flipped through the case, and among them was the information dialogue between the criminal suspect and Li Qingshan. This was also the key question that Lin Chen couldn't help but wonder about. That is, what kind of attitude and judgment angle did the criminal suspect and Li Qingshan do? In the face of this kind of development case record now, there is a big problem with the suspect dialogue


130 Dialogue with suspects

Dialogue with criminal suspects, this kind of dialogue form records, it seems that there is a big problem in criminal cases now

This kind of dialogue, what kind of position is the criminal suspect doing? It is still to investigate all the information of Li Qingshan ten years before the revenge, and whether anyone has prosecuted him in the past ten years. "Lin Chen frowned and said to the record police.

Li Jishan.

The criminal suspects frantically smashed their corpse to death, and even in the process of killing, the method is extremely cruel, and now it has become the most controversial topic. One of the controversial topics is the case of the case

The description of the criminal suspect's profile and even the presentation of his criminal behavior. All kinds of criminal profile descriptions have the characteristics of a huge criminal suspect, so everyone, according to this kind of case record, Lin Chen "[-]" couldn't help frowning.

He wanted to know, in the past ten years of the victim Li Qingshan, whether there were any huge contradictions and disputes like the dialogue between the criminal suspect and the victim.

Because of the investigation of the situation, the case has been stuck in a limit of development. The manipulation of time and the criminal nature of the case have reached a terrifying level.

We have a chat record between the suspect and the victim, Li Qingshan. This is a chat record ten years ago. I don't know why Li Qingshan printed it out. It was found at the victim's home. "Zhang Tiannuan went to the police car and took out a case form.

This is the screenshot of the previous print, in which the screenshot qualification and all the form records, now the criminal has reached a pseudo-manipulation nature.This is the case problem at that time. In the data investigation, the criminal suspect's criminal problem has great disadvantages, so the current criminal investigation is also stuck in a certain range.

Print form WeChat chat history

Suspect: It's been three years, and my sister is also missing

Li Qingshan, is your sister blaming me? I already gave you hundreds of thousands

Suspect: You bastard that's a life but my sister is dead, you bastard

Li Qingshan: Get out now, take your funeral money and leave

Li Qingshan: Your sister's life is [-] yuan, right?

Suspect: You will get retribution for this!

Li Qingshan, don't you know? There is enough money, but there is no retribution

Here is a table with a screenshot of the conversation printed by Li Qingshan, and here is a screenshot of the chat on WeChat

Everyone frowned, and now they are thinking about why the criminal suspect Li Qingshan wanted to print out this form

In the current criminal investigation, this is what everyone is curious about

According to normal thinking logic, there is absolutely no need for criminal suspects to find

Lin Chen frowned and looked at the chatting words in Zai Niu, and then scrutinized the countless story fragments in his mind one by one, and then reappeared here.

This is a storyline fragment and also a fragment record situation

According to this kind of reasoning, then the suspect and the victim are very conflicted, and investigate all the records around Li Qingshan." Lin Chen frowned.

According to this reasoning, the general plot is already in Lin Chen's mind. With this kind of plot and picture, then the victim's sister has encountered some kind of tiger treatment, and her death is extremely tragic

In the current case records and the criminal process, there are huge criminal problems. At least at this time, Lin Chen couldn't help frowning, because he was very curious about this situation.

This is the case record, on the criminal record form.

This is the investigation of the case at that time, and the nature of the crime is very problematic.

This is the case published at that time, and the degree of criminal suspects is of the nature of a great change in crime. At least at this time, everyone's face is ashen, and they can't help frowning at this kind of case change.

Criminal investigation, criminal suspect information, we have found some. "Professor Chen is investigating the previous case, which is of a very criminal nature.

This is the case description, and even according to this kind of criminal investigation, the criminal suspect’s data description and data records are cases of a very large nature.

This is all the stolen information obtained, and it is also the main reason why the victim Li Qingshan was killed. Professor Chen frowned.

Professor Chen is good at on-site investigations, but as long as the data records and even the evidence of the presence of the criminal suspect are obtained at the scene, the case will be investigated in detail.

This is Professor Chen's ability. In the descriptions and records of major cases, there are huge criminal problems, because the grasp and control of the investigation of the case are all stuck on one idea.

Professor Chen, his ability is outstanding, in the description of the current case

Therefore, during the on-site investigation, the data records

This is the case investigation, the current criminal information, the description of the criminal case, and even the presentation and recording of various investigation methods, among which the criminal situation is difficult to control.

Professor Chen, turned over the reversal case, looked at everyone and said

"The suspect's real name is Liu Baichuan, and Liu Baichuan is the suspect. He is 19 years old this year, and his sister died when he was [-] years old. The cause of death was suicide by jumping off a building.

At that time, his sister was on the rooftop of Tianshan Community, the capital of the city. She was pregnant at the time, and then jumped off the building to commit suicide. After the suicide, there was a serious criminal case.

"After committing suicide, Liu Baichuan hurriedly came from his hometown, and then the police asked for an investigation, but Liu Baichuan said that his sister was depressed and jumped off the building." Professor Chen frowned, even if the case has developed to this point, even a fool knows that there is a big problem

Lin Chen frowned and looked at the scene

What kind of mood was Liu Baichuan in, watching his pregnant sister jump off the building to commit suicide, and then chose to swallow her breath.Is that child Li Qingshan's? "

Lin Chen's question is very strange, but his eyes are cold

If the state of affairs, if this is the case, then there is no murder

just a brother

It's just a brother's revenge, even Lin Chen will drum up the hall

Detectives solve crimes, not assist evil! .


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