No one will help others for no reason, so don't think about it. "Lin Chen has no expression on his face.

Li Tian smiled, tapped the table, and looked at Li Hou

Don't be nervous, Mr. Li Hou. Let me ask a very simple question. If your father dies, who will belong to your family property? "Li Tian said very easily, as if he was joking, but Li Tian felt that once a problem was wrong, he would die without a place to be buried.

What do you want from the king, are you framing people casually? It's ridiculous, is this the so-called police, is this your investigation! "Li Houqing got up in anger.

"Darkness is coming, but who knows, the seemingly flawless plan is actually full of loopholes. You are just a small pawn in your company. Now all the shares in your company have been bought off. Now outside, all major forums are framing you. Waiting, let him see what happened in these hours

"Now go and arrest the person who bought the equity, arrest me directly, no matter what his identity is, if he resists, shoot directly

Lin Chen looked expressionless as he looked at the police detective team and said

This is a case investigation, and Lin Chen is more curious about doing those who have identities

Because you can't imagine what those big men in high positions would do when faced with the confusion of power and money. Li Hou turned ashen and turned on his phone.

Magic Capital Home News, Title-The Mystery of Li Shan's Death




Li Hou's face was ashen, he knew all the records, the accompanying pictures and the photos of the police car waiting to be taken

The following are countless scolding comments to kill for money, shocking the society

Sin, how to see through it

In other words, it's all broken now, or broken with time


134 Aiko

Li Hou's face was expressionless, his face changed from savage to ashen, and now his face is even colder.

Liu Baichuan is frowning, he is not stupid, he is just blinded by hatred and bullying

This is why Liu Baichuan's eyes were extremely cold at this time.

At this time, Li Hou, his eyes were cold, and he looked at the ground with no expression on his face.

White tiles look very clean ~ clean

Isn't it very clean, like a person's heart, but it is contaminated with money, "Liu Baichuan was expressionless, looked at everyone and said coldly, you are still doubting me!

you still doubt me

You are still doubting me, what evidence do you have, why do you say it! "Li Hou was very angry, with a look of impatience in his eyes, he was stuck in the conversation, and now he is stuck in this conversation.

At least at this time, Li Hou couldn't help frowning as he looked at the crowd with no expression.

Li Hou frowned

Even with cruelty in his eyes

How is your relationship with your father?" Lin Chen was expressionless, never cared about a so-called rich second-generation violent tiger

The tyranny of the rich second generation has already been seen clearly

At least at this time, everyone squinted their eyes and their faces were blue.

The mystery of Li Qingshan's death in the stadium is now on the front page of major entertainment news in Magic Capital

This is the investigation of the previous case. Now Li Qingshan's Li Hou has been arrested and interrogated, and it has caused huge controversy among the public. Li Hou is screaming, he hates these problems, because now Lin Chen, that look makes Li Hou very disgusted, Even felt horrified.Now people are squinting

Three doubts, please also Mr. Lin Chen, Detective Lin Chen, please hurry up. "Li Hou was roaring, and looked at Lin Chen expressionlessly.

At least at this time, everyone squinting is now stuck at this point

Three doubts, and now the three people couldn't help squinting.

three doubts

Doubt investigation

The first one, if I guessed correctly, then it is one. Among them, Liu Baichuan and Liu Baichuan got the information about the stadium, so who gave the information? "

Among them, I guess, it is Liu Baichuan's whole plan, let's listen now, the case investigation is stuck at this point." One of them is that Liu Baichuan obtained the direct account of his sister's death through the envelope, but this direct account is true Are you thinking straight!" Lin Chen looked at Liu Baichuan with no expression on his face.

At least at this time, Liu Baichuan couldn't help but feel extremely angry

stuck in a straight

"The straight face is fake." Liu Baichuan couldn't help but look ashen. After the case was gradually uncovered, Liu Baichuan's face became more and more ashen.At least now, everyone is frowning

Now the development of the situation, has been stuck at this point

"Liu Baichuan, please tell me, ten years ago, your sister committed suicide by jumping off a building, and she was still pregnant, but why did you cancel the police after she died, and just said she died of depression?" Li Tian frowned, pointing at Liu Baichuan and asked road

Lin Chen vaguely guessed something, but now I can't confirm all the cases, but now his face is really blue, and he knows some records of the case

stuck at a point now

The developments have been extremely difficult

Ten years ago

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