Case code: Pregnant woman jumping off the building

The deceased Liu Moutu, on March 2012, 3, chose to jump off the building in Tiandu Building and died. The forensic examination later found that the deceased had a ten-month-pregnant baby girl in her stomach.

ask for flowers

That is to say, after ten months of pregnancy, the deceased stood in Tiandu Building and chose to jump off the building.

Now that the case is developing, it has been stuck in this investigation. At least now everyone is squinting and listening to Liu Baichuan's story about the case.Bang bang bang!

Before Liu Baichuan finished speaking, the interrogation room was suddenly knocked open. Team Liu was sweating profusely as he looked at the crowd and said, "The murder case of Peking Opera on horseback.

Reappear, now hurry to investigate

"Now in the world, Peking Opera homicides are the number one criminal executioner, and now in various investigations in Europe and Southeast Asia, the Peking Opera homicide murderer has appeared." Liu team's face was ashen.

Now, everyone's face is blue

Peking Opera Murder Case

Metropolitan Police Brigade, inside the conference room

Peking Opera homicide cases are now ranked first among major criminal investigations

At the scene of the death scene, the characteristics of a resident of the death house in Modu are exactly the same as before, and the dead man’s mobile phone is also playing Peking opera.

Zhang Tiannuan sat in the conference room and looked at Lin Chen several times. He wanted to say something, but he stopped talking.

Say whatever you want. "Lin Chen smiled and signaled Zhang Tiannuan not to be nervous.

Last night, at No. [-] Middle School, a third-year junior girl was raped by an elderly man by the guard, and then called the police. In the end, they settled it privately, that is, compensation. "At this time, Zhang Tiannuan didn't know what to say, his eyes were filled with anger, and he couldn't help but smile when he looked at everyone. At least now, everyone's faces were extremely blue, and they couldn't help but smile bitterly.

File a case for investigation, why should it be resolved in private, even if her mother is useless, Renqing will not be executed to talk about scum. "Lin Chen's eyelids were blue as he looked at the crowd and roared,


135 Outbreak

Minor or adult

There needs to be an investigation now, someone needs to stand up and tell those scumbags

In the No. [-] Middle School of Modu, Lin Chen saw the criminal suspect in the security room.

just now!

Because the victim's parents were ignorant and sold their daughter like rotten meat for [-] yuan, they chose to withdraw the lawsuit.

Security room, suspect Zhao Bao

Twenty-five years old, [-] meters tall, fat, with big yellow teeth. Seeing the policeman, she was not nervous at all. She smiled and told her colleagues about the girl's feelings.

I have [-] yuan to play, and I can play every day from now on. "

"Hahaha, what's the use of calling the police, I will lose money" Six

They are no longer at peace. "Zhao Bao laughed and nodded when he saw the police.

I'm going to fuck you. "Lin Chen was suddenly furious, took the white ashtray on the table, and smashed it hard at Zhao Baozi.

The bridge of the nose is broken, the bridge of the nose is broken in an instant

This is the sound of bones being smashed. Zhao Bao's face was instantly contorted, covering his body and shaking with pain.

"No one is allowed to go out, I'm that girl's brother." Lin Chen looked at Zhao Baodao expressionlessly

Lin Chen was not wearing a police uniform, a black detective uniform, which was similar to a tuxedo, and now his face was extremely blue.

No one is allowed to go out.The case is stuck here

Security room, three people including Zhao Bao

There were ten SWAT officers, Zhao Bao covered his nose and cried when he saw the SWAT officer: "Police, he beat people, why didn't you arrest him? Zhao Bao was crying, watching the SWAT officer and lamented.

"He's our captain!

Li Tiandiaoer Langdang looked at Lin Chen and teased.

Zhao Bao's face instantly turned ashen, looking at Lin Chen and begging for mercy.

"We have resolved it privately, and now this case has something to do with us." Zhao Bao smiled wryly, frowning at the crowd.

"take away."

Lin Chen said coldly, the so-called stupid Lin Chen felt disgusted

"Find a place to have a drink." Li Tian smiled wryly, he is a detective, and he is the person who knows Lin Chen's feelings best

Have a good drink. "

In the afternoon at the small sea bistro, the vodka shines golden on the table or the case

At least now everyone can't help but smile bitterly, the limitations of the case are stuck at a certain limit.

Vodka's aldehydic heart case is stuck on some sort of record sheet.

What do you think of the motive for the Peking Opera murder case? "Lin Chen's eyes bulged, looking at Li Tiandao

Right now in the Criminal Police Brigade, only Lin Chen, Li Tian, ​​and Chu Yuan can participate in the investigation.

This is not inferior to the world detective science now that the cases are terrible. "Chu Yuan tapped the table, and now Chu Yuan likes this kind of finger tapping as the case is gradually being investigated.

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